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Документ Academic English Course as the Means of Improving Academic Writing Skills(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Tkachenko, Hanna V.; Harcheva, Iryna; Dolbina, Karine D.; Ткаченко, Ганна Володимирівна; Долбіна, Каріне Давидівна; Ткаченко, Анна Владимировна; Долбина, Каринэ ДавидовнаAcademic writing in English (EAcWr) as a part of the English language of academic purposes today is one of the most important disciplines in the formation of a scientist and the ability to be self representative at a decent scientific level. Traditional English writing, aimed at isolating and correcting speech errors and creative styles, no longer plays its role in the academic perspective. This transformation from a scientific point of view is manifested in the syntactic complexity of the number of words, completeness of the sentence and the complexity of lexemesДокумент Andragogy: Searching for Ways to Improve the Educational Process in Educational Institutions for Adults(2022) Tymchuk, L.; Kovalenko, I.; Vieilandie, Liliia V.-V.; Prokofyeva, Lyubov B.; Rasskazova, O.; Topolnyk, Y.; Вєйландє, Лілія Вольдемар-Вікторівна; Прокоф'єва, Любов БорисівнаThe topic of the article is relevant because at the present time there is a renewal of the education system and the search for ways to improve the learning process in educational institutions for adults continues. In the studies of educators in the 1920s in the conditions of keen discussions a wide range of organizational forms and methods of adult education was highlighted and scientifically substantiated. Traditional in the teaching of adults, as well as in school practice, was the classroom teaching system. Its basis was the usual forms of classroom work - lecture, conversation, discussion, debate, storytelling, etc. The purpose of the article is the study of ways to improve the learning process in educational institutions for adults in the works of domestic and foreign scientists, the study and presentation of organizational forms and methods of adult education; the description of the organization of independent work of students by performing their research tasks. An important place in schools for adults was given to organization of independent work of students through implementation of their research tasks - term papers, essays. The use of the method of excursions was also widespread, the issue of application of the method of staging in the practice of teaching adults was substantiated. Group, individual and self-educational forms of organization of education have also become widespread in adult schools.Документ BEGRIFFSBESTIMMUNGEN VON "GENDER" UND "GENDER MAINSTREAMING"(Астропринт, 2009) Ягремцева, Анастасия ОлеговнаGender Studies wie selbständiges Gebiet der wissenschaftlichen und bildenden Interessen ist Sammelbegriff für moderne humanitäre Theorien — sozialen, politischen, pädagogischen, sprachwissenschaftlichen und sie interpretieren das Problem der Beziehungen zwischen Geschlechtern und benutzen ihre neueste Bezeichnung — "Gender".Документ CARACTERISTICAS LINGUISTICAS DE LAS GREGUERIAS(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2013) Nicevich, Alejandro A.El patrimonio literario del famoso escritor y publicista espanol Ramon Gomez de la Scraa ha sido estudiado por muchos lingiiistas espanoles, ingleses y norteamericanos, sobre todo por el profesor de la universidad de Manchester Alan Hoyle [4], el destacado filologo Antonio Saez Dclgado [7], el investigador vanguardista Rodolfo Cardona [1] y otros. Sin embargo, en la critica literaria y sobre todo lingih'stica de nuestro pais, la creacion de Ramon Gomez de la Sema sigue siendo de poco interes. A la vista de lo dicho consideramos actual nuestro analisis. La esfera de nuestro interes es la gregueria, un tipo de aforismo especial inventado y desarollado por Ramon Gomez de la Serna, aunque Jorge Luis Borges lo atribuye a Jules Renard y reserva a Gomez de la Serna la invencion de su nombre. Las greguerias son textos breves, generalmente de una sola frase, que expresan, de forma aguda y original, pensamientos filosoficos, humoristicos, pragmaticos, liricos, etc. Todos los intentos de definir este genero no ha dado resultados satisfactorios, «... a pesar de su aparente simplicidad, integra en su estructura rasgos muy diversos ...» [2:103]. En todas las definiciones de las greguerias, sea por los hallazgos metaforicos, sea por formula humorismo + metafora = gregueria(definicion matematica dada por el mismo R. Gomez de la Serna [4:285]) queda siempre «algun cabo suelto que escapa a estas definiciones; siempre pueden encontrarse greguerias que no responden a estas formulaciones»[1:31].Документ Category of sacredness in the discourse of the English sermon (Theolinguistic Approach)(Wisdom, 2021) Kravchenko, Nina O.; Karpenko, Olena Yu.; Matiienko-Silnytska, Anna; Vasylieva, O.; Карпенко, Олена Юріївна; Карпенко, Елена ЮрьевнаThe present paper deals with investigating the category of the sacredness of the English religious preaching discourse, considered from the standpoint of theolinguistics. It has been proved that being a secondary form of sacred texts, the text of the sermon demonstrates the frequent use of the sacral vocabulary of different groups: limited conceptual and terminological vocabulary, which has religious sense and meanings, borrowings from sacred texts (the so-called biblicisms), and vocabulary of everyday communication, which in the context of preaching becomes religious, and is included in the semantic field of religion on this basis. Different perception of nature and ways to realize the sermon in the Anglican and Neo- Protestant churches is manifested in the peculiarities of the attitude towards the sacrality of the Word. The process of desacralization of the sermon, recorded in the Neo-Protestant sermons, occurs due to the contrasting use of sacred vocabulary in a stylistically reduced context, on the one hand, and the use of profane vocabulary to nominate sacred phenomena, on the other.Документ Communication noise as a discourse component(2020) Bihunova, Natalia O.; Oliinyk, Ganna; Selivanova, Olena; Бігунова, Наталя Олександрівна; Бигунова, Наталья АлександровнаThe paper focuses on the investigation of communicative noise at various levels of monocultural and intercultural communication. Communication noise is seen as a component of a communicative event, functioning as obstacles of different nature that lower the effectiveness of communication, destabilize it and are able to cause communicative conflict or the breakdown of communication. In linguistic pragmatics, the main features of communication noise have been identified as vagueness and ambiguity of a message: vagueness is characterized by a more significant degree of noise than ambiguity. The authors of the article have tried to probe more deeply into the area of communication noise by singling out levels of the communicative situation. The article offers a differentiation of five discourse levels: verbal-semiotic, cognitive- interpretational, interactive, ontological and sociocultural levels. The central part of the paper analyzes the barriers that cause communication noise at each of the offered levels of the communicative situation. The raised issues offer prospects for further research, such as investigating of noise effects in real communication, identifying a set of causes leading to communication noise, as well as noise-resistant factors, preventing or removing it.Документ COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH TO READING(Астропринт, 2009) Yemelyanova, L. L.There are two approaches to the teaching of reading: one is what we might call pedagogical approach by which we mean the teaching of reading for its own sake with little or no attention being given to reading as part of a process of communication; the second approach which can be called communicative approach sets reading firmly in the context of the communicative use of language.Документ Diagnosis of the Formation of Grammatical Aspects of Speech in Preschool Age(2021) Kruty, Kateryna; Minenok, Antonina; Morozova, Iryna B.; Tsapenko, Tetiana-Yelyzaveta V.; Kozynets, Oleksandr; Korniev, Serhii; Морозова, Ірина Борисівна; Морозова, Ирина БорисовнаThe article theoretically substantiates and experimentally verifies the validity of the developed diagnostics by the method of contrast groups. The relevance of such a study is determined by the lack of development of the problem of diagnosing grammatical aspects of speech in preschool age for Slavic (inflected by nature) languages. It is proved that for a preschool child in the first stages there is no speech activity separately from the subject, so the object of its orientation is not speech activity, but a single semantic whole, an event that is presented in a sentence (sometimes a phrase, discourse). In the following stages, the child's attitude to speech reality changes. This reality is already special, different from the subject. For all stages of speech and speech development of the child is typical limited and unstable nature of orientation to certain aspects of linguistic reality, when the pre-schooler focuses on either the semantic or formal side of speech. At the end of the senior preschool age, gender differences in children's use of adjectives are the most significant. The reason for the active use in speech of adjectives by girls we see both in the psychological characteristics and gender guidelines of adults around them (active use of nouns and adjectives with hypocritical-diminutive suffixes).Документ Gender Sphere of Concepts in the Postmodern Periodicals for Women and Men in Ukraine(2021) Chornodon, Myroslava; Lesiuk, Olha; Bailema, Tetiana; Lanchukovska, Nadiia V.; Golubovska, Iryna; Khapina, Oksana V.; Ланчуковська, Надія Володимирівна; Ланчуковская, Надежда Владимировна; Хапіна, Оксана Володимирівна; Хапина, Оксана ВладимировнаThe use of gender in print media is poorly understood both at the level of the post-Soviet (postcolonial in nature) journalism studies and in the general context of social research. A similar situation is observed with regard to the study of the gender sphere of concepts, and at the postmodern stage of development of periodicals. Postmodern convergence of methodology and research objects of the humanities will make it necessary to study social and mass media phenomena from the point of view of linguistics, sociology and journalism. This makes it relevant to study media issues of gender through links with language (cognitive linguistics). The purpose of the work is to clarify the gender sphere of concepts in the study of Ukrainian periodicals for women and men. The article implements a combination of concrete-historical, structural-typological, system-functional methods. Descriptive and comparative methods, typology, modeling methods are used at different stages of work. The study used the method of content analysis to study the gender content of modern gender-labeled magazines. The article proves that the gender sphere of concepts is based on the basic gender macroconcepts “woman” and “man”. They are used in the periodicals under study in various proportions, depending on what roles are played by a woman or a man in society. It is from the balance, thoughtfulness, responsible selection of gender characteristics that are presented in gender-labeled periodicals that modern and future gender images are formed, the idea of ideal women and men, their needs, opportunities, responsibilities in the family, at work, and in general in all spheres of life.Документ Information technologies as an inalienable component of esp teaching(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2021) Dobrovolska, Diana M.; Добровольська, Діана Михайлівна; Добровольська, Людмила Володимирівна; Dobrovolska, L. V.Currently the Globalization has been penetrating all spheres of human life, the sphere of University education being not an exception. There are numerous manifestations of this process, the appearance of multicultured academic groups is among them. Multicultured academic groups, having definite characteristics from the methodological point of view, present certain peculiarities as to the groups’ organization, management and subjects teaching.The authors investigate the phenomenon “multicultured groups” and define their characteristics from the psycholinguistic point of view, present their recommendations as to ESP teaching.Документ INTERKULTURELL KOMPETENZORIENTIERTER FREMDSPRACHENUNTERRICHT(Астропринт, 2009) Boguslawskij, S. S.; Melnitschuk, O. L.Im gegenwärtigen Fremdsprachenunterricht übernimmt eine der führenden Rollen das Lehrbuch, also die geschriebene Sprache. Aber das neue Jahrhundert stellt an den Fremdsprachenunterricht, an den Lehrenden und die Lerner andere Forderungen und Einsatz neuer Methoden und Lernmittel, die dank dem technischen Fortschritt und der Entwicklung der neuesten Technologien zur Verfügung stehen und im Unterricht eingesetzt werden sollten.Документ LA METAFORA DE AMOR EN LA CANCIÖN TANGUERA(Астропринт, 2009) Nicevich, Alejandro A.No existe temâtica politica, econômica, social, filosôfica, sentimental, de ciencia, arte y/o cualquier otra actividad de la vida cotidiana que no haya sido interpretada por una u otra letra de tango.Документ " La Tresse " de L. Colombani et sa traduction en Ukrainien(2019) Kokkina, Lilita R.; Коккіна, Ліліта Рейнісівна; Коккина, Лилита РейнисовнаLe premier livre de la romancière française Laetitia Colombani est paru en 2017 à la suite de quoi, il a captivé les coeurs et les esprits du monde entier. Retraçant les vies de trois femmes inconnues et infiniment différentes, elle arrive à les réunir. Trois destins, trois tragédies, trois pays (l'Inde, l'Italie, le Canada) font allusion à trois mèches qu'on entrelace à plat afin d'assembler les cheveux qui prétendent être libres et désobéissants.Документ Le composant sémantique du champ lexico-sémantique "gesticulation’' en anglais(2019) Popik, Iryna P.; Попік, Ірина Петрівна; Попик, Ирина ПетровнаLa verbalisation du comportement cinétique implique le choix d’un moyen d'expression lexicale distinct pour un kinème particulier, c'est-à-dire l'apparition d'un kinème verbalisé. La fixation lexicographique de ce dernier, explicite dans sa définition les aspects formels et sémantiques du kinème. Les sens les plus stables, répétés et pertinents constituent le composant sémantique du champ lexico-sémantique "gesticulation" dans une langue déterminée.Документ Le français dans le multilinguisme : les nouvelles realités(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2013) Ivanova, N. G.Cet article présente brièvement les résultats d'une analyse des documents officiels de I Forum mondial de la langue française (FMLF) qui sont consacrés au multilinguisme. En outre, le but de l'article est de montrer les nouvelles corrélations directes de cette notion avec la promotion de la langue française. « Le multilinguisme est un phénomène complexe qui résulte de la cohabitation des langues. Il revêt plusieurs formes. I1 peut être individuel, social ou étatique. Dans sa forme la plus simple, le multilinguisme correspond au bilinguisme (ou au trilinguisme) de l'individu. Le multilinguisme social, quant à lui, est étendu à toute une communauté. Pour ce qui est du bilinguisme étatique ou bilinguisme institutionnel, il correspond au bilinguisme officiel assumé par l'État » [9]. On sait bien que « le multilinguisme estle reflet de la diversité culturelle et linguistique qui marque 1 ' Union européenne »[11]1.Документ Peculiarities of teaching new generations of digital natives in the English language classes(2023) Хромченко, Олена Василівна; Khromchenko, Olena V.The ultimate aim of the teachers is to enable students to become “proficient self-regulators”. The students should not be recipients of information, they are supposed to use academic resources to develop their high-level cognitive skills. According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages an ultimate educational objective is to promote approaches and methods of modern language teaching which will strengthen independence of thought, judgment and action, combined with social skills and responsibility. This paper explores teaching and learning technologies for new generations of digital natives that will promote their intrinsic motivation for learning the English language. Digital natives are technology-savvy and highly literate with ICT due to early exposure to digital culture and technology. Scientists underline the most relevant characteristics of digital natives: cannot relate to manuals, are engaged in rapid ’trial and error’ actions and prefer discovering via actions, experimentation and interaction rather than by reflection; are “intuitive learners”, they solve problems “intuitively”; prefer receiving information quickly and simultaneously from multiple multimedia and other sources at hand; prefer processing and interacting with pictures, graphics, sounds and video; knowledge is often acquired via fun activities, such as gaming, surfing the web or social networking. Taking into consideration the characteristics of digital natives, we as educational instructors must change our approaches to teaching, our methodology and content to appropriately cater for the needs of this new generation of technology-savvy young people. The analysis of the results of the conducted research has shown that the most relevant methods and ways of teaching and learning from the viewpoint of our students, the representatives of digital natives are the use of technology and project work. To foster the intrinsic motivation of the students to learn the English language we propose application of creative group projects in the language classes. The students are meant to solve real-life problems or carry out personally meaningful challenges. The project is followed by manageable step-by-step tasks to achieve real, practical outcomes. The project is aimed at creating and presenting a fairy tale. The research perspectives are seen by us in the further development of the system of creative language activities with the use of technology for a new generation of students.Документ Practical experience of information technologies-grounded teaching foreign languages(2022) Dobrovolska, L. V.; Dobrovolska, Diana M.; Добровольська, Людмила; Добровольська, Діана МихайлівнаContemporary educational environment mirrors the world and epoch peculiarities, the most vivid of which are the growth of English as the language of multicultured countries, organizations, establishments and institutions as well as the wide and constant usage of information technologies in the society’s social and political, economic and cultural spheres. The authors of the article dwell on several aspects of teaching English via the methodology that had been developed by them on the basis of Information Technologies and consequently was introduced into the Credit-Modular Teaching System at the lessons of English for the Specific Purposes. The object of the research was the phenomenon, known as the “multicultured university group”. The subject of the investigation was a set of the ESP lessons in which the learners collaborated for acquiring the new proficiencyoriented information, developing their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The authors analyzed the phenomenon “multicultured groups” from the psycholinguistic point of view; discussed the decade’s practical experience of English for the Specific Purpoces teaching at Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov Univerity; pointed out the merits of the IT-grounded ESP teaching; outlined the perspectives of the theoretical and practical research.Документ Preaching discourse in Anglican rhetorical practice(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Kravchenko, Nina O.; Shevchenko, Snezhana; Кравченко, Ніна Олександрівна; Кравченко, Нина АлександровнаReligious discourse is of considerable interest in the perspective of the study of the rhetorical features of its genres. In this regard, the study of religious preaching is very relevant.Документ Principes du multilinguisme et de la diversité culturelle: élaboration des programmes communs dans le domaine de l'enseignement des langues étrangères(2019) Vit, Nadiia P.; Ivanova, Nataliia G.; Rumiantseva, Olena A.; Румянцева, Олена Анатоліївна; Румянцева, Елена АнатольевнаLe 3e Colloque international francophone en Ukraine "Langues, Sciences et Pratiques" a lieu à un moment particulièrement fondamental en ce qui concerne l'avenir de la construction européenne. Le dialogue entre les peuples et les cultures est essentiel à l'aube de l'entrée de notre pays dans l'Union Européenne. Dans cette perspective, il faut préparer les jeunes Ukrainiens à jouer un rôle actif dans une Europe multiculturelle et multilingue.Документ SOME PECULIARITIES OF SOUTH-WESTERN REGIONAL PRONUNCIATION(Астропринт, 2013) Prysyazhnyuk, О. Ya.Целью статьи является исследование региональной вариативности на юго-западе Англии, а также характеристика языковой ситуации на Британских островах в целом. В ходе исследования автор выяснила правомерность целостного подхода к диалектам юго-западного ареала как к системе общерегионального единства, имеющего глубокие исторические корни. Важной тенденцией языкового развития на юго-западе Англии является сглаживание узколокальных и сохранение региональных черт.