Медико-социальная и психологическая адаптация участников боевых действий и лиц, перенесших психотравмирующее воздействие факторов боевой обстановки

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статье представлены результаты многолетних исследований участников боевых действий и лиц, перенесших психотравмирующее воздействие факторов боевой обстановки, описаны особенности медико-социальной и психологической адаптации к условиям мирной жизни. А также указаны психологические диагностические показатели посттравматического стрессового расстройства, характерные для комбатантов Украины. Определены базовые принципы психотерапевтической коррекции.
У статті представлені результати багаторічних досліджень учасників бойових дій та осіб, які перенесли психотравмуючий вплив факторів бойової обстановки, описано особливості медико-соціальної та психологічної адаптації до умов мирного життя. А також зазначені психологічні діагностичні показники посттравматичного стресового розладу, характерні для комбатантів України. Визначено базові принципи психотерапевтичної корекції.
The article presents the results of years of research combatants and persons who have suffered traumatic impact factors of the combat situation, described the features of medical and social and psychological adaptation to civilian life. And as diagnostic indicators are psychological PTSD characteristic combatants Ukraine. Defines the basic principles of psychological adjustment. Medico-social and psychological adaptation of combatants and persons who have suffered traumatic impact factors of the combat situation is a highly topical issue. Political developments in Ukraine in 2014 identified the need for further study of population mental states associated with stress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) will inevitably result in developing participation in hostilities or after a stay in a war zone. Relevance of research in this area is defined by the fact that these states are one of the main internal barriers to adapting to civilian life, as well as suggest the possibility to move in deviant behaviors. At the same time in Ukraine such limited research has been conducted since the country more than 20 years there was no war and fundamental research are virtually absent. Description of the problem. After returning to civilian life to an already existing post-traumatic stress disorder associated with exposure to combat situations, new laminated stress disorder associated with social maladjustment combatants. Combatants are usually faced with incomprehension, condemnation, difficulties in communication and professional self determination, economic problems, education, creation or preservation of the family, etc. In such circumstances it is important to apply adequate methods psychocorrection and psychotherapy for PTSD. Contents: The study was conducted on the basis of combatants 411 Hospital of Southern Operational Command (now the Military Medical Clinical Centre of the Southern Region), for 14 years (2000–2014). The aim of the study was the selection of general psychological diagnostic indicators of PTSD characteristic combatants Ukraine. The study involved 562 combatant. Among them — the veterans of local wars, warriors peacekeepers who were investigated, regardless of the reasons for entry into hostilities (whether voluntarily or by order), as well as civilians who have experienced the impact factors of the combat situation. The sample consisted of officers and soldiers of Ukrainian army, military service contract, as well as civilian civilians, aged between 21 and 37 years old, from different regions of the country (including the Western and Eastern regions of Ukraine), which have different educational level, marital status and various social and financial status. As the main experimental tool was used battery of tests proposed Tarabrina NV As well as a questionnaire to identify E. Schneidman state heartache, supplemented by methods of observation, clinical interview, self-reports and projective techniques broad spectrum. In order to study the dynamics of states in the structure of PTSD retest conducted tests with a long period. Results of the study. Received during an extended research results suggests that not all of the diagnostic indicators of PTSD received and listed in ICD-10 and DSM-4 appear in equal measure. Moreover, not all psychological diagnostic indicators identified. Foreign classifiers (eg DSM-4) provide a set of indicators «to the full», but does not indicate some typical for combatants Ukraine. After years psychodiagnosis identified the psychological characteristics that are common to all investigated combatants Ukraine and found in most cases. Conclusions. 1. Not all PTSD diagnostic indicators adopted and listed in ICD-10 and DSM-4 appear equally and not all psychological diagnostic indicators identified. Foreign classifiers (eg DSM-4) provide a set of indicators «to the full», but does not indicate some typical for Ukraine. 2. Revealed the psychological characteristics of combatants that occurs in most cases in Ukraine. 3. All the examinees, regardless of age, military rank, marital status and other factors observed state expressed anguish. 4. Identified during psychodiagnosis psychological symptoms of PTSD can be corrected relatively quickly, in the event of timely detection. 5. Identify three basic principles of effective psychotherapy, which are the basis of the process of medical and social and psychological rehabilitation of persons who have suffered traumatic impact factors of the combat situation in the modern world. Dedicated principles may be expressed in various forms, as well as supplemented with various aspects that are important for the treatment of PTSD. 6. Rehabilitation of combatants and persons who have suffered the impact factors of the combat situation should be carried out by the state as designed and specially organized programs. In the development and implementation of the program should participate doctors avtoriitetnye state and public figures involved in the fighting, already passed rehabilitation, veterans of other wars, social workers, as well as cultural workers, and volunteers. 7. Features medico-social and psychological adaptation of persons who have suffered traumatic impact factors of the combat situation in Ukraine requires further investigation.
Ключові слова
комбатанты, исследования участников боевых действий, психотравмирующее воздействие факторов боевой обстановки, душевная боль, медико-социальная и психологическая адаптация, психологические диагностические показатели посттравматического стрессового расстройства, психотерапевтическая коррекция, комбатанти, дослідження учасників бойових дій, психотравмуючий вплив факторів бойової обстановки, душевний біль, медико-соціальна та психологічна адаптація, психологічні діагностичні показники посттравматичного стресового розладу, психотерапевтична корекція, combatants, research combatants traumatic, impact factors of the combat situation, heartache, medical social and psychological adaptation, psychological diagnostic indicators of PTSD, psychotherapeutic correction
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald