Особливості прояву тривожності у студентів ВНЗ з ліво- та правопівкульною асиметрією та особливості їх адаптації у соціумі

Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статі розглядаються особливості прояву тривожності у студентів внз з ліво- та правопівкульною асиметрією. Було проведено дослідження, у якому взяли участь студенти вищих навчальних закладів. У дослідженні ми використали комплекс відповідних психодіагностичних методик.
The issue of asymmetry in the modern world is important for the adaptation of people with the right brain hemisphere predominance. In the system of modern scientific knowledge the phenomenon of asymmetry in a human body and its impact on a person’s development and adjustment to the environment is one of the fundamental issues in biology, medicine, pedagogy and psychology. For example, it was found that anxiety in people with left and right brain hemisphere predominance has certain specific features. The aim of my work was to study the features of anxiety in university students with left and right brain hemisphere prevalence. The following tasks were formulated to reach this aim: 1. To study the dynamics of functional brain asymmetry in 16 -17 year old students. 2. To identify the specific features of functional brain asymmetry in university students. 3. To identify the features of anxiety in students with left and right brain hemisphere prevalence. This theme is relevant because there are very few studies on the connection between the specific features of anxiety and brain hemisphere asymmetry. In addition, theoretical and practical results of the existing works in this field contain much ambiguity and contradictions. This study involved 56 first grade psychology students in the age of 16 to 17 years. The analysis of the obtained results showed that «entirely» right-handed, righthanded and ambidexter students differed in their individual neuropsychological characteristics.Students with certain types of functional brain asymmetry have different individual psychological characteristics (in terms of emotions display), and accordingly, the lateral profile of the brain in them is one of the parameters that determine individual styles of emotional response. In the course of our work we identified individual styles of emotional responses in boys and girls, mostly typical for «entirely» right-handed, right-handed and ambidexter people with different rates of functional dominance of the frontal lobes. The results of this study have practical significance for vocational counseling and professional selection, as well as successful organization of various activities and training. They are also important in clinical psychology, where they can help to analyze individual characteristics of the emotional component in the internal picture of a disease.
Ключові слова
дослідження, міжпівкульна асиметрія, півкулі, тривожність, студенти, юнацький вік, особистість студента, адаптація, study, interhemispheric asymmetry, hemisphere, anxiety, students, young age, the personality of a student, adaptation
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald