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Документ 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine through the Prism of International Law: a Critical Overview(2022) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаThe research focuses on a legal analysis of some facts and events taking place during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine through the prism of international law. The article analyzes different facets of the current conflict that trigger such major topics of international law as the threat and use of force, cyberattacks, recognition, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and many others. Special attention is paid to legal reasoning articulated by the Russian Federation in order to justify its aggression against Ukraine, in particular, to the claim of self-defense and the accusations of genocide, dispelling them. Furthermore, the relevance of international humanitarian law for the current conflict and the prospects of bringing to responsibility for the crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine both through the prism of national and international criminal law are explored. Finally, special emphasis is given to the challenges that the Russian aggression against Ukraine poses to international law and the international community as a whole.Документ Enforcement of obligations erga omnes in international law: to the issue of measures(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2019) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Нигреева, Алена АлександровнаThe article is dedicated to obligations erga omnes enforcement in international law that nowadays draws more and more attention of representatives of international law science in the world while it is not studied enough in Ukraine yet. The topic is relevant due to the necessity of protection of common interests and values of humankind, in particular those that can be objects of obligations erga omnes. At the present stage it has become obvious that the effective protection of such values and interests can be guaranteed only with common efforts of all states and the international community as a whole. The concept of obligations erga omnes gives us exactly this kind of possibility since states owe those obligations to the international community in any given case and a breach of those obligations enables all states to take action. Another important question is the admissibility of different measures to enforce obligations erga omnes proposed by scholars recently. Some of them, for example, forcible countermeasures, are highly debatable. In addition the appearance of a large number of enforcement measures in the scholars’ publications requires their systematization. So, in the article the author studies the enforcement measures considering different scientific approaches to the issue, identifies and systematizes different measures of enforcement, analyzes the possibility of using non-forcible and forcible countermeasures in the process.Документ «Failed states»: на шляху до вирішення проблеми(2020) Махненко, О. Ю.; Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Нигреева, Алена Александровна; Nihreieva, Olena O.В міжнародних відносинах досить багато питань, які є невирішеними, і навіть не знаходяться на цьому шляху. Одне з них − питання міжнародно-правового статусу так званих «неспроможних» держав. Актуальність даної теми полягає в тому, що у міжнародному праві немає чіткого регулювання цього питання. Йому приділяється досить мало уваги також у науці.Документ Global commons through the prism of collective rights(2021) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаIn the paper the collective rights theory is used as a theoretical framework to analyze and systemize the concept of global commons in the context of the international community rights and interests. Special attention is paid to the essential characteristics of collective rights. The issues of the international community notion and its interests perceived through the prism of collective rights are addressed as well. The paper describes further the variety of approaches to global commons enumeration presenting the analysis of their distinctive characteristics and legal regimes in international law and differentiating between them and the relative concepts.Документ International courts in the international lawmaking process(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Нигреева, Алена АлександровнаThe article is dedicated to the issue of role of international courts in international lawmaking process. The author studies the problem of recognizing international judicial bodies as international lawmaking subjects. She considers different scientific approaches to meaning of judicial decisions for lawmaking process in international law: from the classic understanding of them as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law to a new vision of international courts’ judgments as international law sources. Moreover, in the paper some international tribunals’ activity is considered and the international lawmaking capacity of their majority is stressed. The courts’ classification in the context of international lawmaking is also done.Документ International lawmaking subjects in a changing world(2014) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Нигреева, Алена АлександровнаThe article is dedicated to the issue of international law subjects in general and international lawmaking subjects in particular. The author describes the problem of recognizing different entities as international law subjects in the context of the international lawmaking. In the paper some historical aspects of international law personality development are considered. The international law making capacity of the «classical» lawmaking subjects (states, international governmental organizations) is stressed. The question of international lawmaking characteristic of national liberation movements, individuals, quasi-states and the Holy See is touched as well.Документ Law of International Security and Armed Conflicts(2023) Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Nihreieva, Olena O.У методичних рекомендаціях наведено основні положення до вивчення дисципліни «Law of International Security and Armed Conflicts» для здобувачів першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти спеціальності 081 «Право». Основна мета рекомендацій – надати методичну допомогу здобувачам вищої освіти у підготовці та вивченні дисципліни на аудиторних заняттях та у процесі самостійної роботи. Матеріал представлено у розрізі змістових модулів та тем.Документ O предмете и объекте международного права(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2012) Нигреева, Алена Александровна; Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Nihreieva, Olena O.В статье рассмотрен вопрос употребления терминов «предмет» и «объект» в контексте международного права. Автором представлены основные концепции использования данных понятий в теории международного права, а также проанализированы практические и лингвистические аспекты их употребления в отечественной и зарубежной юридической науке.Документ Protection of the environment under occupation: scope and content of legal obligations of the occupier(Фенікс, 2024) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаThe article is dedicated to the problem of the protection of the environment on occupied territories. Due to the fact that the law of occupation doesn’t contain legal rules establishing environmental obligations of the occupying power, the environment on the territories under its authority often becomes a victim of the overexploitation and destruction. At the same time, it is suggested that the current international law, in particular, international human rights law and international environmental law, can be used to fill gaps in the rules of international humanitarian law. Certainly, the scope and the content of occupier’s obligations will be different depending on the instruments applied for the protection of the environment. The author concludes that the occupying state may be bound by its own multilateral environmental agreements, multilateral environmental agreements of the state which territory is occupied or both groups of treaties. A case-by-case approach to environmental human rights protection can serve as a useful tool for the concretization of occupier’s environmental obligations.Документ Right to development and natural resources under occupation(Олді плюс, 2024) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаRecently armed conflicts have been spreading all over the world. Natural resources remain one of their main reasons both internationally and internally. Occupation of the territory entitles the occupier to exploit its natural resources (Art. 55 of the Hague Regulations of 1907), but at the same time obliges it to maintain and ensure legal order and civil life of local population (Art. 43 of the Hague Regulations of 1907). Moreover, provided with a certain discretion in this regard the occupying power is limited by the law of occupation. Unfortunately, many of its provisions are vague and outdated. It can be suggested that the law of occupation regarding the exploitation of natural resources of the occupied territories serves more to protect the interests of the occupier and the ousted government, but doesn’t take into consideration the interests and rights of local population.Документ Sanctions as a tool to achieve compliance with international law: some issues of national implementation and enforcement(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2023) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаThe article is dedicated to sanctions as a tool for enforcing international legal obligations. In particular, some issues of their implementation at the national level are considered. The author analyzes the recent practice and legislation of the US, the EU, Canada and Ukraine. The choice of these actors is explained by their active participation in sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation in relation to its invasion of Ukraine. The main purpose of the study is to make a comparative analysis of national regulations in order to make recommendations for the improvement of the Law of Ukraine «On Sanctions» under which the sanctions on the Russian Federation and their residents are imposed. The publication considers such questions as the definition of sanctions or restrictive measures as they are often named, the grounds of their adoption, their types and enforcement. The last aspect is of great importance due to the fact that private companies often try to evade sanctions because for them sanctions mean restriction of their economic activities and, consequently, financial loss. In this regard the enforcement practice of the US is very useful and can be considered to be an example to follow for Ukraine and even for the EU. At the same time a very broad basis for US sanction imposition poses the question of their lawfulness both through the prism of international economic law and international human rights law. In this connection it is suggested that Ukraine should have a reasonable and more logical approach to the formulation of grounds for sanctions adoption that would be more consistent with the legal positions of other states applying sanctions in order to enforce international law.Документ Secondary sanctions as an effective means to enforce primary sanctions programs: the case of the US(Олді плюс, 2023) Karliuha, Yelyzaveta K.; Карлюга, Єлизавета Кирилівна; Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаRussia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 undoubtedly brought about a change in global sanctions regimes. It marked the beginning of a “sanctions revolution” with the adoption of a set of measures unprecedented in their scale and scope. These developments have posed new challenges, especially when it comes to the enforcement of sanctions imposed. However, it should be noted that little attention has been paid to this matter in the academic debate. This holds true for secondary sanctions, which are widely recognized as enforcement tools for primary sanctions programs. As a classic example of this approach serves the United States of America (US), a State with one of the most developed sanctions enforcement systems in the world. Against this backdrop, the present study has two objectives: (1) to provide insight into the concept of secondary sanctions in contemporary international practice, (2) to analyze the US application practice of secondary sanctions by examining the factors contributing to their effectiveness as a means of enforcing primary sanctions.Документ State responsibility for environmental harm in armed conflicts: to the issue of attribution(Олді+, 2023) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаAs of November 2023, damage caused to the environment in Ukraine by the armed conflict since 2022 has increased to almost 60 billion dollars, among which air pollution amounts to almost 30 billion, land resources degradation estimates at around 28 billion and more than 2 billion is the calculation of harm to water resources [1]. The war has affected more than 20 % of conservation areas of Ukraine [2]. Obviously, the above harm should be compensated by the aggressor state after the end of the conflict. At the same time, being a relatively new task for the purposes of international legal regulation compensation for environmental harm caused in relation to armed conflicts poses many theoretical and practical questions. One of them is the issue of responsibility attribution, which becomes more complicated in the situations of armed conflicts where harm to the environment is produced by a complex set of involved actors, among which are states, their armed forces, other military and paramilitary groups and non-state actors, such as rebel groups, transnational corporations, individuals, etc. This aspect is important because, as is well-known, state responsibility will not emerge, if actors’ behavior cannot be attributed to a state.Документ The common heritage of humankind and global commons: interrelation between concepts(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Нигреева, Алена Александровна; Nihreieva, Olena O.The article is dedicated to the notions and interrelation of the common heritage of humankind and global commons concepts in the science of international law. The topic is relevant due to a growing interest of states to the possibility of exploitation of areas and resources falling under the regulation and protection of the common heritage of humankind principle. There are only few spaces that can be exactly recognized as having the common heritage status. But recently we have seen bold attempts to broaden their list with objects that don’t correspondent to the legal notion of the common heritage of humankind principle. The global commons concept is often used in this regard.Документ The Interpretation of Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 in the Context of “Ukraine − Wood Products”: Learning from Errors(2022) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна1. Introductory Remarks. − 2. Factual Aspects. − 3. Interpretation of Article XX (g) of the GATT 1994: General Issues. − 4. Article XX (g) of the GATT 1994 in the Context of Ukraine-Wood Products. − 5. Concluding Remarks.Документ The Issue of the Ukrainian Maritime Law Transformation in the Context of the European Integration(2009) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Нигреева, Алена АлександровнаSince the beginning of the 1990s Ukraine has gone through many changes of economical and political character. New challenges that Ukraine met on the way to the democratic transformation demanded creating a new system of law. Although it was made on the basis of the old law system in the Soviet Union, a considerable part of it was created during the years of independence. In this situation our main purpose is to build such a system of law that will be in harmony with the law systems of our neighbours, and mainly with the law system of the European Council. It will give us the best possibilities to develop a partnership relationship between the dilferent state subjects belonging both to private and public levels. The achievement of this purpose requires an adoption of such laws that will be in harmony with analogical laws of the European countries. The unification of the approaches of law to the relationship regulation is also extremely necessary in the context of the European integration of Ukraine, since the legislation of a candidate to the entry must be close to the legislations of the member states of the European Union.Документ The Law of Ukraine «On Virtual Assets» in the context of the FATF standards national implementation(2023) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаThe article is dedicated to crypto-assets regulation both at the international level and at the national level in Ukraine. It presents a comparative analysis of the Law of Ukraine on Virtual Assets adopted in 2022 and the FATF Recommendations relating to Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers. Even though a general congruence of these acts is shown, the publication concludes that the Law of Ukraine, pending its entry into force, is already partly outdated due to a fast development of the crypto-assets market and technologies. In this regard the 2021 FATF Updated Guidance for a Risk-Based Approach to Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers and the 2023 EU Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation should be taken into account.Документ Бодмерея як історична форма розвитку іпотечних відносин у торговельному мореплавстві(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2007) Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нигреева, Алена АлександровнаВ умовах обмеженості грошових ресурсів у сфері вітчизняного торговельного мореплавства, що заважає розвитку цієї галузі у цілому та формуванню нового торговельного морського флоту під прапором України зокрема, застосування такого інструменту забезпечення кредитних зобов’язань як іпотека є актуальним. Попри всі дослідження, що проводяться вітчизняними вченими у зазначеній сфері, багато аспектів правового регулювання іпотечних відносин в Україні лишаються майже поза науковою увагою. До них відноситься, зокрема, правове регулювання іпотеки морського судна.Документ Боротьба із піратством на сучасному етапі: міжнародно-правовий аспект(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2011) Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Нигреева, Алена Александровна; Nihreieva, Olena O.Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти міжнародно-правового регулювання боротьби із піратством на сучасному етапі. Досліджено принципові положення основних чинних конвенцій, що регулюють цей вид міжнародних відносин. Виявлено недоліки у механізмі протидії скоєнню злочинів піратства біля узбережжя Сомалі та окреслено шляхи розв'язання зазначеної проблеми.Документ Боротьба із піратством у контексті міжнародного права(2012) Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Нигреева, Алена Александровна; Nihreieva, Olena O.Досліджено проблему правового регулювання боротьби із піратством у міжнародному праві. Проаналізовано комплекс заходів, до яких вдалася Рада Безпеки ООН із тим, щоб придушити скоєння злочинів піратства біля узбережжя Сомалі, та зробила висновки щодо його відповідності нормам міжнародного права.