Структура асоціативного поля космопоетонімів
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті проаналізовано структуру асоціативного поля англомовних
космопоетонімів. Виокремлено наступні типи реакцій на стимули-космопоетоніми:
гіперонімічні, квалітативні, синонімічні, суміжні, меронімічні, каузативні, фонетичні
та індивідуальні або загадкові реакції.
В статье проанализирована структура ассоциативного поля англоязычных космопоэтонимов. Выделены следующие типы реакций на стимулы-космопоэтонимы: гиперонимичные, квалитативные, синонимичные, смежные, меронимичные, каузативные, фонетические и индивидуальные или загадочные реакции.
The article analyzes the structure of the associative field of English-speaking cosmopoetonyms. As the object of study English cosmopoetonyms were chosen, as the subject - the structure of their associative field. The results of a free associative experiment, in which 50 informants- English native speakers took part, served as the material of the investigation. Total quantity of reactions makes up 548 units. The number of rejections is 52. The following types of reactions were distinguished: hyperonymic, qualitative, synonymic, adjacent, meronymic, causative, phonetic and individual or mysterious reactions. Hyperonymic reactions are dominant, qualitative reactions take the second place and the third place is by meronymic associasions occupied, the examples of some of them are: Sculptor – statue, clay, Michaelangelo, Bernini, sculpture, figurines, David. Phonetic associations are the most interesting for the decoding, appeared relatively frequent and were given to the occasional and usual stimulus. It becomes clear that the structure of associative field of cosmopoetonyms is very different from the structure of the other categories of onyms because of their peripherial character in the mental worldview. Only hyperonimic, qualitative and meronymic associations are the most common for the cosmopoetonymical stimulus while the associative experiment. Phonetic, individual, qualitative, adjacent and synonymic reactions are less common because of the low suggestive potential of cosmopoetonyms.
В статье проанализирована структура ассоциативного поля англоязычных космопоэтонимов. Выделены следующие типы реакций на стимулы-космопоэтонимы: гиперонимичные, квалитативные, синонимичные, смежные, меронимичные, каузативные, фонетические и индивидуальные или загадочные реакции.
The article analyzes the structure of the associative field of English-speaking cosmopoetonyms. As the object of study English cosmopoetonyms were chosen, as the subject - the structure of their associative field. The results of a free associative experiment, in which 50 informants- English native speakers took part, served as the material of the investigation. Total quantity of reactions makes up 548 units. The number of rejections is 52. The following types of reactions were distinguished: hyperonymic, qualitative, synonymic, adjacent, meronymic, causative, phonetic and individual or mysterious reactions. Hyperonymic reactions are dominant, qualitative reactions take the second place and the third place is by meronymic associasions occupied, the examples of some of them are: Sculptor – statue, clay, Michaelangelo, Bernini, sculpture, figurines, David. Phonetic associations are the most interesting for the decoding, appeared relatively frequent and were given to the occasional and usual stimulus. It becomes clear that the structure of associative field of cosmopoetonyms is very different from the structure of the other categories of onyms because of their peripherial character in the mental worldview. Only hyperonimic, qualitative and meronymic associations are the most common for the cosmopoetonymical stimulus while the associative experiment. Phonetic, individual, qualitative, adjacent and synonymic reactions are less common because of the low suggestive potential of cosmopoetonyms.
Ключові слова
космопоетонім, асоціативне поле, реакція, стимул, космопоэтоним, ассоциативное поле, реакция, cosmopoetonym, associative field, reaction, stimulus
Бібліографічний опис
Записки з романо-германської філології = Writings in Romance-Germanic Philology