Особливості та проблеми взаємного сприйняття В Південній Кореї та Японії (1998-2015 рр.)
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Стаття присвячена аналізу проблеми сприйняття у двосторонніх південнокорейсько-
японських відносинах в період з 1998 по 2015 рік. У статті
наводиться характеристика динаміки коливань протягом цих років, з урахуванням
доцентрових та відцентрових сил, які впливали на обидва фактори
системи. В якості підсумку автор пропонує можливі шляхи вирішення
питання взаємної перцепції для урядів обох держав.
Статья посвящена анализу проблемы восприятия в двусторонних южнокорейско- японских отношениях в период с 1998 по 2015 год. В статье приводится характеристика динамики колебаний в течение этих лет, с учетом центростремительных и центробежных сил, которые влияли на оба фактора системы. В качестве итога автор предлагает возможные пути решения вопроса взаимной перцепции для правительств обоих государств.
This article analyzes problems of perception in the bilateral South Korean-Japanese relations within the period from 1998 to 2015 which author divided into four subperiods for analysis convenience. In that article the characteristics of the dynamics of fluctuations over these years is carried out, taking into account the centripetal and centrifugal forces that influenced both the actors of the system. The postwar relations of the Republic of Korea and Japan unfortunately fall into category of those relations marked by war heritage of past grievances. To research and analyze foreign and domestic trends of today that are characteristic of these countries, important and topical issue is the mutual perceptions in South Korea and Japan.The fluctuations in the South Korean-Japanese relations in the aftermath of 1998 in general is quite interesting fact to study; in 1998, both sides began to make innovative conciliation measures in order to move bilateral RK-Japan relations in more favorable area. As a result, the authors suggest possible ways of mutual perception problem solution for governments of both the states.Although the process is long-term and quite complicated process butstill is very important both for the Republic of Korea and Japan within a successful rapprochement and regional relations systems, as they can play key roles in building of a system of peace and stability in the East Asia region. If the two former enemy actors who currently share a liberal democracy and a free market system can overcome their deep historical antagonism and move towards mutually beneficial relationship, it can serve as a catalyst for the transformations inwhole the region, which now threatens the high level of competition and instability.
Статья посвящена анализу проблемы восприятия в двусторонних южнокорейско- японских отношениях в период с 1998 по 2015 год. В статье приводится характеристика динамики колебаний в течение этих лет, с учетом центростремительных и центробежных сил, которые влияли на оба фактора системы. В качестве итога автор предлагает возможные пути решения вопроса взаимной перцепции для правительств обоих государств.
This article analyzes problems of perception in the bilateral South Korean-Japanese relations within the period from 1998 to 2015 which author divided into four subperiods for analysis convenience. In that article the characteristics of the dynamics of fluctuations over these years is carried out, taking into account the centripetal and centrifugal forces that influenced both the actors of the system. The postwar relations of the Republic of Korea and Japan unfortunately fall into category of those relations marked by war heritage of past grievances. To research and analyze foreign and domestic trends of today that are characteristic of these countries, important and topical issue is the mutual perceptions in South Korea and Japan.The fluctuations in the South Korean-Japanese relations in the aftermath of 1998 in general is quite interesting fact to study; in 1998, both sides began to make innovative conciliation measures in order to move bilateral RK-Japan relations in more favorable area. As a result, the authors suggest possible ways of mutual perception problem solution for governments of both the states.Although the process is long-term and quite complicated process butstill is very important both for the Republic of Korea and Japan within a successful rapprochement and regional relations systems, as they can play key roles in building of a system of peace and stability in the East Asia region. If the two former enemy actors who currently share a liberal democracy and a free market system can overcome their deep historical antagonism and move towards mutually beneficial relationship, it can serve as a catalyst for the transformations inwhole the region, which now threatens the high level of competition and instability.
Ключові слова
Південна Корея, Японія, взаємне сприйняття, загрози безпеки, політичні еліти, Южная Корея, Япония, взаимное восприятие, угрозы безопасности, политические элиты, South Korea, Japan, mutual perception, security threats, political elite
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald