Неоромантичні тенденції та інтелектуальний конфлікт у прозі Лесі Українки

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті проаналізовано жанрову специфіку прози Лесі Українки та виявлено, що в основі її оповідань лежить інтелектуальний конфлікт. Простежено рецепцію прози Лесі Українки її першими критиками, досліджено неоромантичні тенденції в оповіданнях письменниці. Відзначається, що в сучасному методологічному прочитанні творчість Лесі Українки набуває неоприявлених досі смислових аспектів та інтерпретацій.
В статье проанализирована жанровая специфика прозы Леси Украинки и выявлено, что в основе ее рассказов лежит интеллектуальный конфликт. Прослежена рецепция прозы Леси Украинки ее первыми критиками, исследованы неоромантические тенденции в рассказах писательницы. Установлено, что в современном методологическом прочтении творчеству Леси Украинки присущи неявные доныне смысловые аспекты и интерпретации.
In the given article is analysed genre specific of prose by Lesya Ukrayinka and it was discovered that the base of her short stories is formed by an intellectual conflict. There iss traced reception of prose by Lesya Ukrayinka by her first literary critics and also investigated neoromantic tendencies in the short stories by the authoress. In the given article is probed the appearance of the new method of reality perception, which is directed on fixing alienation in the spiritual situation of contemporaneity. There ias traced embodiment of neoromantic tendencies in short stories by Lesya Ukrayinka. It is noted that scornful attitude toward Lesya Ukrayinka as a prose writer dominates in criticism, which is explained by the fact that literary criticism is not always ready to accept new tendencies: writers avoid simplification of the artistic world of own works, deepen the expressive side of artistic value in behalf of approaching to indescribable. There is traced transformation of small prose structural types by the authoress, in which realistic and modernistic short story coexist. It is noticed that in the short stories by Lesya Ukrayinka is developed an intellectual conflict. There is analysed accent transference from external events to internal heartfelt changes and changes experienced by the heroine of the short story «Friendliness». There is traced an intuitional denial of the traditional for realism genres of prose by Lesya Ukrayinka. There is investigatied the phenomenon of artistic value of authoress, which consists in both presenting the author’s individuality, and at the same time being unidentical for the author. It was proved that the basic feature of the short stories in the end of 19th — beginning of the 20th century is a multidimensional approach to a character, aimed at immersion in the existentional depths of a human being. It is considered important the attention to womanish psychology and attempt of the deep emotional states analysis in the prose literary works by Lesya Ukrayinka. According to research, in modern methodological reading of the works of Lesya Ukrainka inherent in the hitherto implicit aspects of meaning and interpretation.
Ключові слова
оповідання, неоромантизм, тенденції, рецепція, критика, рассказ, неоромантизм, тенденции, рецепция, критика, story, neoromanticism, tendencies, reception, criticism
Бібліографічний опис
Проблеми сучасного літературознавства = The problems of contemporary literary studies