Эротические коды в цветаевской интерпретации духа музыки

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Одеський національний університет
В статье внимание сосредоточено на осмыслении авторской интерпретации ницшеанской метафоры Духа Музыки в лирическом послании М. Цветаевой «Лютня». Представлен поливалентный анализ авторской символики в тексте. Выявлены эротические коды в смысловой структуре стихотворения.
У статті увага зосереджена на осмисленні авторської інтерпретації ніцшеанської метафори Духу Музыки в ліричному посланні М. Ц вєтаєвої «Лютня». Представлено полівалентний аналіз авторської символіки в тексті. Виявлені еротичні коди в смисловій структурі вірша.
In the article attention is concentrated on the comprehension of authorial interpretation of nietzschean metaphor of Spirit of Music in the lyric message of M. Tsvetaeva «The Lute». The polyvalent analysis of authorial symbolity is presented in text. Erotic codes is educed in the semantic structure of the poem. In the mental world of M. Tsvetaeva in 1920th besides unchanging and strained interest in the theme of Orpheus and different aspects of myth about him, mytheme of David becomes actual. In the poem «Lute» 1923 M. Tsvetaeva directly calls to interpretation of theme of David, beating ideas about a hero as musician and singer able to charm. Interest in the personalia of David potentially plugs in the lyric system of poetess of allusion of pastorality. Originality of the authorial rethinking of myth about David is conditioned by attention to the lute. Substituting an instrument by a lute, M. Tsvetaeva accomplishes the important semantic reorientation. In Tsvetaeva’s interpretation Lute is not only the equivalent of lyre – sign of complicity to work, but also is embodiment of Music and woman essence. No less important for M. Tsvetaeva is also the other side of symbolics of Lute, related to love emblematic. Realization of this symbolic potential allows to examine a pair Lute and David as the lovers. In this plan the implicit calling of the poem to B. Pasternak is important, confirming a presence in poetic text of codes of love message. In mental world of M. Tsvetaeva the mytheme of David finds multidimensionality. A lute incarnates in the nietzschean key a spirit of Music, David, giving embodiment to her, appears an instrument and can not control the Lute – Music – Reckless. A presence of erotic codes in the text of poem assists to design the sense-generation. The spirit of Music, woman beginning and maximum tragic passion, become the dominants of symbolics of Lute. Taking into account the gender status of author and addressing of the poem to B. Pasternak, Lute appears the symbolic alter ego of woman-poet in the context of authorial myth of M. Tsvetaeva.
Ключові слова
дух музыки, эротические коды, пасторальность, символика, Давид, Лютня, дух музики, еротичні коды, символіка, Spirit of Music, erotic codes, pastorality, symbolity, David, Lute
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald