Деякі аспекти суб’єктивного благополуччя особистості
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Стаття присвячена аналізу проблеми суб’єктивного благополуччя особистості,
яке виступає об’єктом дослідження психології, соціології, філософії та інших
наук, що досліджують різні аспекти життєдіяльності людини. Суб’єктивне
благополуччя розглядається с точки зору її внутрішньої структури — когнітивного, емоційного та мотиваційно-поведінкового компонентів.
Статья посвящена анализу проблемы субъективного благополучия личности, которое выступает объектом исследования психологии, социологии, философии и других наук, исследующих разные аспекты жизнедеятельности человека. Субъективное благополучие рассматривается с точки зрения его внутренней структуры — когнитивного, эмоционального и мотивационно-поведенческого компонентов.
The investigation of the subjective well-being of a personality is necessary for making ways and methods of his/her realization, the revelation of the potential of a modern young man, a constructive attitude towards the reality, the formation of a positive approach to the solving of plans, that students have to deal with, and the solving of appearing problems. Subjective well-being is a notion that expresses personal attitude of a man towards his personality, life and processes that are important from the point of view of acquired normative ideas about external and internal environment that are characterized by the feeling of satisfaction. The well-being is created by satisfying interpersonal attitudes, the possibility to communicate and to get positive emotionsand satisfaction from it. The well-being can be ruined by social isolation (deprivation), tension in important interpersonal relations. Subjective well-being should be interpreted as a generalized and relatively stable experience that is particularly important for a personality. It is the main component part of the dominant psychical state. That’s why, the concept of the subjective wellbeing has been singled out among other concepts with similar meaning and we have chosen it as essential in this article. Subjective well-being is a phenomenon, dependent on factors of different nature and it’s the subject of investigation not only of psychology. But for a psychologist, subjective well-being is, first of all, the experience, an important determinant of humour. During the psychological investigation of subjective well-being in the center there should be all concerned characteristics of emotional sphere of a personality. Both subjective well-being and humour are compound psychical phenomena, that, on one hand, have many manifestations in the psyche, and on the other hand, they can be influenced by many factors.
Статья посвящена анализу проблемы субъективного благополучия личности, которое выступает объектом исследования психологии, социологии, философии и других наук, исследующих разные аспекты жизнедеятельности человека. Субъективное благополучие рассматривается с точки зрения его внутренней структуры — когнитивного, эмоционального и мотивационно-поведенческого компонентов.
The investigation of the subjective well-being of a personality is necessary for making ways and methods of his/her realization, the revelation of the potential of a modern young man, a constructive attitude towards the reality, the formation of a positive approach to the solving of plans, that students have to deal with, and the solving of appearing problems. Subjective well-being is a notion that expresses personal attitude of a man towards his personality, life and processes that are important from the point of view of acquired normative ideas about external and internal environment that are characterized by the feeling of satisfaction. The well-being is created by satisfying interpersonal attitudes, the possibility to communicate and to get positive emotionsand satisfaction from it. The well-being can be ruined by social isolation (deprivation), tension in important interpersonal relations. Subjective well-being should be interpreted as a generalized and relatively stable experience that is particularly important for a personality. It is the main component part of the dominant psychical state. That’s why, the concept of the subjective wellbeing has been singled out among other concepts with similar meaning and we have chosen it as essential in this article. Subjective well-being is a phenomenon, dependent on factors of different nature and it’s the subject of investigation not only of psychology. But for a psychologist, subjective well-being is, first of all, the experience, an important determinant of humour. During the psychological investigation of subjective well-being in the center there should be all concerned characteristics of emotional sphere of a personality. Both subjective well-being and humour are compound psychical phenomena, that, on one hand, have many manifestations in the psyche, and on the other hand, they can be influenced by many factors.
Ключові слова
благополуччя, фізичне благополуччя, матеріальне благополуччя, душевний комфорт, задоволення, благополучие, физическое благополучие, материальное благополучие, душевный комфорт, удовольствие, well-being, physical well-being, material prosperity, mental comfort, pleasure
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald