Впровадження досягнень судової археології та судової антропології при розслідуванні незаконного проведення пошукових робіт на об’єкті археологічної спадщини
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
У статті розглянуті питання, що виникають при розслідуванні незаконного проведення пошукових робіт на об’єкті археологічної спадщини, знищення, руйнування або
пошкодження об’єктів культурної спадщини. Проведення окремих видів експертиз необхідно для всебічного та повного розуміння механізму події та ідентифікації знайдених
останків скелетів та трупів. Висвітлено можливості впровадження спеціальних знань з
галузі судової археології та судової антропології. Визначено основні питання для експерта з вказаних напрямів досліджень. Наголошено, що найбільш перспективним та
доцільним порядком проведення комплексної експертизи є поєднання судово-медичної
експертизи разом з судово-археологічними та судово-антропологічними дослідженнями.
The article analyzes scientific and the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes’ practical approaches to the interpretation of the notion of «investment» enshrined in the 1965 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States. The necessity of the research is due to, on the one hand, the absence of a unified, generally accepted definition of the notion of «investment», and, on the other hand, its role in resolving the issue of the jurisdiction of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes over the resolution of international investment disputes. This issue is becoming increasingly relevant, given the steady economic and rapid technological development, which contributes to the emergence of new types of assets, in particular crypto assets. These latter may become the subject matter of an international investment dispute. Considerable attention has already been paid to this issue in a foreign legal opinion, whereas domestic science lacks research in this realm, which also indicates the relevance of this study. The article focuses on two main approaches, which are used by the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes while interpreting the notion of «investment». It is stated that the first approach, known in the English-language literature as the «doublebarrelled test», lies in conducting a double study of the notion of «investment» by an arbitration panel – in accordance with a definition proposed by an international investment agreement, and in accordance with the 1965 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States. The second approach implies the direct appeal of arbitration panels to a term «investment», agreed by the States Parties to a relevant bilateral investment treaty. It is established that each of these approaches has certain advantages and disadvantages, the analysis of which allowed the author to offer recommendations on the merging of specified approaches in the process of defining the notion of «investment».
The article analyzes scientific and the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes’ practical approaches to the interpretation of the notion of «investment» enshrined in the 1965 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States. The necessity of the research is due to, on the one hand, the absence of a unified, generally accepted definition of the notion of «investment», and, on the other hand, its role in resolving the issue of the jurisdiction of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes over the resolution of international investment disputes. This issue is becoming increasingly relevant, given the steady economic and rapid technological development, which contributes to the emergence of new types of assets, in particular crypto assets. These latter may become the subject matter of an international investment dispute. Considerable attention has already been paid to this issue in a foreign legal opinion, whereas domestic science lacks research in this realm, which also indicates the relevance of this study. The article focuses on two main approaches, which are used by the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes while interpreting the notion of «investment». It is stated that the first approach, known in the English-language literature as the «doublebarrelled test», lies in conducting a double study of the notion of «investment» by an arbitration panel – in accordance with a definition proposed by an international investment agreement, and in accordance with the 1965 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States. The second approach implies the direct appeal of arbitration panels to a term «investment», agreed by the States Parties to a relevant bilateral investment treaty. It is established that each of these approaches has certain advantages and disadvantages, the analysis of which allowed the author to offer recommendations on the merging of specified approaches in the process of defining the notion of «investment».
Ключові слова
розслідування, ідентифікація, судова археологія, судова антропологія, судова медицина, тафономія, ДНК, investigation, identification, forensic archeology, forensic anthropology, forensic medicine, taphonomy, DNA
Бібліографічний опис
Правова держава = Сonstitutional State