Експериментальне обгрунтування профілактики деструкції кісткової тканини пародонта щурів з оваріоектомією кальційвмісними препаратами
Науковий керівник
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Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Досліджено вплив гіпоестрогенії хірургічного генезу та раціону з низьким
вмістом кальцію та білка, а також біологічно-активних
добавок, які містять
у своєму складі кальцій на кісткову тканину пародонта. Встановлено, що
в наслідок оваріоектомії відбувається підвищення ступеня атрофії альвеолярного відростка та маркерів резорбції; застосування профілактичних засобів, таких, як комплекс на основі цитрату кальцію з раковин чорноморських устриць
та комплекс Мінерол сприяло нормалізації даних показників. Добавка, яка
містила у складі цитрат кальцію, виявилася більш ефективною щодо посилення процесів мінералізації та попередження дистрофічних процесів.
Purpose. Study of periodontoprotective properties of preventive complexes based on calcium, quercetin, vitamins, macro- and microelements in ovariectomized rats with alimentary deficiency of protein and calcium. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 32 female rats in which pathology of periodontal bone tissue was simulated due to hipoestrogenicity; as well as the prevention of the said pathology with biologically active complexes based on calcium citrate from the shells of Black Sea oysters and Minerol. Hypoestrogenicity was caused by bilateral ovariectomy, the negative effect of which on bone tissue was further complicated by a diet with a low content of calcium and protein. After 5 months, the animals were removed from the experiment; the degree of atrophy of the alveolar process was determined on the drugs; the content of acid and alkaline phosphatases, elastase, catalase and MDA was determined in the homogenate of the alveolar process. Results. The combination of ovariectomy and an inferior diet caused characteristic inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the bone tissue of the jaws, which are expressed in an increase in the activity of elastase, catalase, and MDA content in the alveolar bone homogenate. Also, under the condition of pathology, an increase in the degree of atrophy of the alveolar process, an increase in the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatases was observed, which indicates a violation of mineralization processes. Prophylactic administration of a complex based on calcium citrate from the shells of Black Sea oysters and a complex based on the biologically active additive Minerol showed a pronounced osteoprotective effect, which consisted in the decrease of the degree of the alveolar process atrophy, reducing the activity of markers of bone resorption and peroxidation lipids.
Purpose. Study of periodontoprotective properties of preventive complexes based on calcium, quercetin, vitamins, macro- and microelements in ovariectomized rats with alimentary deficiency of protein and calcium. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 32 female rats in which pathology of periodontal bone tissue was simulated due to hipoestrogenicity; as well as the prevention of the said pathology with biologically active complexes based on calcium citrate from the shells of Black Sea oysters and Minerol. Hypoestrogenicity was caused by bilateral ovariectomy, the negative effect of which on bone tissue was further complicated by a diet with a low content of calcium and protein. After 5 months, the animals were removed from the experiment; the degree of atrophy of the alveolar process was determined on the drugs; the content of acid and alkaline phosphatases, elastase, catalase and MDA was determined in the homogenate of the alveolar process. Results. The combination of ovariectomy and an inferior diet caused characteristic inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the bone tissue of the jaws, which are expressed in an increase in the activity of elastase, catalase, and MDA content in the alveolar bone homogenate. Also, under the condition of pathology, an increase in the degree of atrophy of the alveolar process, an increase in the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatases was observed, which indicates a violation of mineralization processes. Prophylactic administration of a complex based on calcium citrate from the shells of Black Sea oysters and a complex based on the biologically active additive Minerol showed a pronounced osteoprotective effect, which consisted in the decrease of the degree of the alveolar process atrophy, reducing the activity of markers of bone resorption and peroxidation lipids.
Ключові слова
гіпоестрогенія, кісткова тканина пародонта, цитрат кальцію, кверцетин, Мінерол, hypoestrogenicity, periodontal bone tissue, calcium citrate, quercetin, Minerol
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald