Теорія змови як пропагандистська модель комунікації (як вишки 5G пов’язані з коронавірусом та «вакцинами Білла Гейтса»)

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
The article explores one of the most popular conspiracy theories of 2020 — “Coronavirus and quarantine were introduced in order to install 5G towers and force humanity to be vaccinated”. Conspiracy theory — a model of manipulative communication, designed to deny the prevailing view of a particular phenomenon, process or figure. The nature of the emergence and spread of conspiracy concepts in modern mass communication discourse is shown. In particular, the connection between conspiracy theory and cognitive dissonance, information invasion and propaganda has been established. One of the most active and determined adherents of this conspiracy is the American blogger, media consultant, former journalist Olena Nikitska. On the example of hers conspiracy videos on her YouTube channel, the key arguments of the aforementioned conspiracy theory are shown, as well as manipulative techniques for its announcement. In this video, the position of the conspiracy theorist is based on three statements: 1) There are not so many patients with Covid-19, and the statistics are greatly overestimated. 2) 5G towers are harmful, and this is proven by experts. 3) Those who will not be vaccinated will be severely restricted. Among such techniques, the author analyzed: cutting a multimedia message in the right place, shifting emphasis in discourse, categorically stating assumptions, whipping up irrational (religious) fear. In the conclusions was shown leveling of the status of the expert and fast trust of masses to any, even the most bizarre, interpretations are the main communicative trends of today.
В статье исследовано одну из наиболее популярных теорий заговора 2020 р. — «коронавирус и карантин ввели для того, чтобы установить вышки 5G и вынудить человечество вакцинироваться». Показана природа возникновения и распространения конспирологических концепций в современном массовокоммуникативном дискурсе. В частности, установлена связь теории заговора с когнитивным диссонансом, информационным вторжением и пропагандой. На примере конспирологических роликов Е. Никитской на ее YouTube-канале показаны ключевые аргументы упомянутой теории заговора, а также манипулятивные приемы при ее оглашении. Среди таких приемов проанализировано: обрезание мультимедийного сообщения в нужном месте, смещение акцентов в дискурсе, безапеляционная констатация предположений, нагнетание иррационального (религиозного) страха.
The article explores one of the most popular conspiracy theories of 2020 — “Coronavirus and quarantine were introduced in order to install 5G towers and force humanity to be vaccinated”. Conspiracy theory — a model of manipulative communication, designed to deny the prevailing view of a particular phenomenon, process or figure. The nature of the emergence and spread of conspiracy concepts in modern mass communication discourse is shown. In particular, the connection between conspiracy theory and cognitive dissonance, information invasion and propaganda has been established. One of the most active and determined adherents of this conspiracy is the American blogger, media consultant, former journalist Olena Nikitska. On the example of hers conspiracy videos on her YouTube channel, the key arguments of the aforementioned conspiracy theory are shown, as well as manipulative techniques for its announcement. In this video, the position of the conspiracy theorist is based on three statements: 1) There are not so many patients with Covid-19, and the statistics are greatly overestimated. 2) 5G towers are harmful, and this is proven by experts. 3) Those who will not be vaccinated will be severely restricted. Among such techniques, the author analyzed: cutting a multimedia message in the right place, shifting emphasis in discourse, categorically stating assumptions, whipping up irrational (religious) fear. In the conclusions was shown leveling of the status of the expert and fast trust of masses to any, even the most bizarre, interpretations are the main communicative trends of today.
Ключові слова
теорія змови, конспірологія, пропаганда, когнітивні війни, інформаційна зброя, вишки 5G, коронавірус, вакцини Б. Гейтса, теория заговора, конспирология, когнитивные войны, информационное оружие, вышки 5G, коронавирус, вакцины Б. Гейтса, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, propaganda, cognitive wars, information weapons, 5G towers, coronavirus, B. Gates vaccines
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Діалог: медіа-студії : зб. наук. праць