Містичний художній дискурс: жанрові особливості й мовна специфіка
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Статтю присвячено вивченню містичного художнього дискурсу. Зіставлено поняття «химерна проза» та «містичний художній дискурс». Встановлено жанрові риси та мовна специфіка їхнього відображення містичного художнього дискурсу. Доведено, що містичний художній дискурс має свої жанрово-дискурсивні особливості, які передусім реалізуються на лексичному рівні.
Статья посвящена изучению мистического художественного дискурса. Сопоставлены понятия «химерная проза» и «мистический художественный дискурс». Установлены жанровые черты и языковая специфика их выражения в мистическом художественном дискурсе. Доказано, что мистический художественный дискурс имеет свои жанрово-дискурсивные особенности, которые прежде всего реализуются на лексическом уровне.
The mystic literary discourse is a relatively new and unexplored phenomenon, and therefore it requires careful study. The main purpose of our research is to define the concept of mystical prose as a verbal representative of mystic literary discourse. The material of the research is mystical works of modern Ukrainian literature. The object of our research is the mystic literary discourse, and the subject is the linguistic features of Ukrainian mystical literary discourse. After analyzing the scientific literature, we concluded that the mystic literary discourse will be interpreted as part of the literary discourse, which includes primarily prose works, the central theme of which are bizarre events embodied through elements of mythological poetics. Typically, these mystical works are associated with a shift in time and space and external and/or internal metamorphoses of the characters. Also, based on the typicality and frequency of fragments of the mystical text units, we concluded that the main features of mystic literary discourse are mythologycality, ambivalence and philosophical. Lexical units primarily represent mythologycality as a parameter of the mystical artistic discourse. First of all, it is the nominations of beings associated with demonology and mythology in general called mythonyms. Among them mythotheonyms, mythoponyms, mythochrononyms, mythozoonyms, etc. Ambivalence as a parameter of the mystical literary discourse at the lexical level is primarily realized by the words-markers that indicate the shift in time and space. An example is the lexical-thematic group of words “dream”. Philosophical as a parameter of the mystical literary discourse is actualized through the text-discursive category of intetextuality. At the lexical level, it is manifested in the use of precedent names that refer the recipient to other mystical and horror works or sacred and apocryphal texts. Further prospects for the study are related to the description of the nature of other parameters of the mystic literary discourse and its text-forming units at different language levels.
Статья посвящена изучению мистического художественного дискурса. Сопоставлены понятия «химерная проза» и «мистический художественный дискурс». Установлены жанровые черты и языковая специфика их выражения в мистическом художественном дискурсе. Доказано, что мистический художественный дискурс имеет свои жанрово-дискурсивные особенности, которые прежде всего реализуются на лексическом уровне.
The mystic literary discourse is a relatively new and unexplored phenomenon, and therefore it requires careful study. The main purpose of our research is to define the concept of mystical prose as a verbal representative of mystic literary discourse. The material of the research is mystical works of modern Ukrainian literature. The object of our research is the mystic literary discourse, and the subject is the linguistic features of Ukrainian mystical literary discourse. After analyzing the scientific literature, we concluded that the mystic literary discourse will be interpreted as part of the literary discourse, which includes primarily prose works, the central theme of which are bizarre events embodied through elements of mythological poetics. Typically, these mystical works are associated with a shift in time and space and external and/or internal metamorphoses of the characters. Also, based on the typicality and frequency of fragments of the mystical text units, we concluded that the main features of mystic literary discourse are mythologycality, ambivalence and philosophical. Lexical units primarily represent mythologycality as a parameter of the mystical artistic discourse. First of all, it is the nominations of beings associated with demonology and mythology in general called mythonyms. Among them mythotheonyms, mythoponyms, mythochrononyms, mythozoonyms, etc. Ambivalence as a parameter of the mystical literary discourse at the lexical level is primarily realized by the words-markers that indicate the shift in time and space. An example is the lexical-thematic group of words “dream”. Philosophical as a parameter of the mystical literary discourse is actualized through the text-discursive category of intetextuality. At the lexical level, it is manifested in the use of precedent names that refer the recipient to other mystical and horror works or sacred and apocryphal texts. Further prospects for the study are related to the description of the nature of other parameters of the mystic literary discourse and its text-forming units at different language levels.
Ключові слова
містичний художній дискурс, химерна проза, жанр, міфонім, онімізація, інтертекстуальність, мистический художественный дискурс, химерная проза, мифоним, онимизация, интертекстуальность, mystic literary discourse, whimsical prose, genre, mythonym, onimization, intetextuality
Бібліографічний опис
Записки з українського мовознавства = Opera in linguistica ukrainiana