Аналіз перехідних вод українського шельфу Чорного моря за індикаторами зоопланктону (на прикладі дельти Дунаю)
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
За результатами багаторічного моніторингу стану зоопланктону в межах узмор'я
української частини Дунаю, проаналізовано якість водного середовища перехідних вод в районі взаємодії «річка-море». Якість води визначали в різні сезони
року за п'ятибальною шкалою екологічного стану від відмінного до поганого, у
відповідність до критеріїв Водної Рамкової Директиви ЄС. У період з 2004 по
2017 рік екологічний стан перехідних вод в районі дельти Дунаю за інтегральним станом зоопланктону змінювався від середнього до доброго.
Problem. The Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta is a zone of constant interaction between river and sea waters, resulting in changes in their properties and formation of water masses with new qualities. According to the EU Maritime Strategy for the EU Water Framework Directive (MSFD), the new approach for determining the quality of the aquatic environment is based on the superiority of biological indicators over chemical ones. In addition, for a more detailed assessment of the quality of the aquatic environment, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive, a five-point assessment of water quality was introduced: High, Good, Medium, Low and Bad. The aim of work is to determine the ecological quality class of transitional waters by the integral index of zooplankton in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta. Results. To determine the water quality, zooplankton samples were taken from 2004 to 2017 at different times of the year. Water quality was determined by monthly average values, which included the data from 26 stations (spring – 51, summer – 119, autumn – 96 collected samples). The following characteristics (metrics) were selected to determine the quality of transitional waters of the Danube Delta according to indicators of zooplankton: total zooplankton biomass, Noctiluca scintillans biomass (%) of total biomass, Copepoda biomass (%) of total biomass and Shannon index by number. Conclusion. As a result of long-term monitoring (from 2004 to 2017), the obtained data of hydrological and biological indices of zooplankton in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta were analyzed. A long-term analysis of the quality of the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta showed that from 2004 to 2017 the environmental quality class varied from medium to good. According to the calculated value of the integral indicator of the status of zooplankton, it was found that only summer 2007 and autumn 2016 were the most polluted periods.
Problem. The Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta is a zone of constant interaction between river and sea waters, resulting in changes in their properties and formation of water masses with new qualities. According to the EU Maritime Strategy for the EU Water Framework Directive (MSFD), the new approach for determining the quality of the aquatic environment is based on the superiority of biological indicators over chemical ones. In addition, for a more detailed assessment of the quality of the aquatic environment, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive, a five-point assessment of water quality was introduced: High, Good, Medium, Low and Bad. The aim of work is to determine the ecological quality class of transitional waters by the integral index of zooplankton in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta. Results. To determine the water quality, zooplankton samples were taken from 2004 to 2017 at different times of the year. Water quality was determined by monthly average values, which included the data from 26 stations (spring – 51, summer – 119, autumn – 96 collected samples). The following characteristics (metrics) were selected to determine the quality of transitional waters of the Danube Delta according to indicators of zooplankton: total zooplankton biomass, Noctiluca scintillans biomass (%) of total biomass, Copepoda biomass (%) of total biomass and Shannon index by number. Conclusion. As a result of long-term monitoring (from 2004 to 2017), the obtained data of hydrological and biological indices of zooplankton in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta were analyzed. A long-term analysis of the quality of the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta showed that from 2004 to 2017 the environmental quality class varied from medium to good. According to the calculated value of the integral indicator of the status of zooplankton, it was found that only summer 2007 and autumn 2016 were the most polluted periods.
Ключові слова
зоопланктон, якість води, перехідні води, дельта Дунаю, zooplankton, water quality, transitional water, Danube Delta
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald