Оцінка впливу господарської діяльності населення села Розівка на екологічний стан ґрунтів
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті аналізується вплив господарської діяльності сільського населення на
деякі фізико-хімічні властивості ґрунтів та їх екологічний стан. Розглянуто
основні джерела забруднення ґрунтів села. Визначено вміст гумусу та сольовий склад досліджуваних ґрунтів. Для оцінки екологічного стану ґрунтового
покриву села використано метод біотестування за допомогою рослинних тестсистем. В якості тесткультури використано горох сорту Green Peas Maxigolt.
Результати визначення морфометричних показників Green Peas Maxigolt та
фітотоксичного ефекту засвідчують, що основними чинниками, які впливають
на проростання і розвиток рослин в умовах господарської діяльності сільського
населення є не показники родючості ґрунтів, а забруднення їх різними токсичними речовинами.
В статье анализируется влияние хозяйственной деятельности сельського населения на некоторые физико-химические свойства почв и их экологическое состояние. Рассмотрены основные источники загрязнения почв села. Определено содержание гумуса и солевого состава исследуемых почв. Для оценки экологического состояния почв села использован метод биотестирования с помощью ростительных тест-систем. В качестве тест-культуры использован горох сорта Green Peas Maxigolt. Результаты определения морфометрических показателей и фитотоксичного эффекта Green Peas Maxigolt свидетельствуют, что основными факторами, влияющими на проростание и развитие растений в условиях хозяйственной деятельности сельського населения являються не показатели плодородия почв, а загрязнение их разными токсическими веществами.
Problem Statement and Purpose. Soils occupy a special place in the biosphere, ensuring its biological productivity. At the same time, they experience the greatest anthropogenic impact, as one of the important chains of the circulation of pollutants. Within the village settlements, the main pollutants of the soil are chemical protection products of plants and fertilizers used in agriculture, emissions of motor vehicles and individual enterprises, landfills. These contaminations can negatively affect the quality of agricultural produce grown on agricultural lands and farmland plots of the rural population. The purpose of the work is to find out the impact of the economic activity of the village of Rozivka on the ecological status of soils. Data & Methods. These materials are derived from our own field and analytical studies. The selection of soil samples was conducted taking into account the location of the main pollutants in the village (roadside lawns, industrial sites, landfills and agricultural land) and within the natural, conventionally clean zones (private plots, park area). Analytical studies of physical and chemical properties of soils were carried out according to generally accepted standardized methods. Estimation of the ecological condition of the soil cover of the village Rozivka was determined by the method of biotesting with the help of plant test systems by the method of A.I. Gorova. Green Peas Maxigolt was used as a test culture. Results. Studies conducted show that the economic activity of the population of the village Rozivka greatly affects the change of physical and chemical properties of soils, worsening their ecological status. One of the universal methods that makes it possible to obtain a comprehensive toxicological characteristic of integrated soil contamination is biotesting, which allowed to establish that, despite the high content of humus and nutrients in selected soil samples of the territory of the village within the limits of the influence of road transport, industrial enterprises and landfills, seed germination rates, the length of the ground and underground part of the germs is lower compared to the soil samples, selected on conditionally clean territories and control place (croft). The worst morphometric indicators of germination of peas are characterized by soil samples taken in the zone of dual impact of vehicles and industrial enterprises “Odessavinprom” – 47%, which indicates their high pollution. The phytotoxic effect is highest for soils selected near unauthorized landfills and corresponds to a high level of contamination. Consequently, the main factors influencing the decrease of seed germination and inhibition of the growth of Green Peas Maxigolt germs in the conditions of rural economy are the accumulation of toxicants in the soil, which are caused by emissions of road transport and industrial enterprises, the introduction of low-quality mineral fertilizers and meliorants, high alkalinity of soils. Particularly environmentally dangerous are soils near landfills.
В статье анализируется влияние хозяйственной деятельности сельського населения на некоторые физико-химические свойства почв и их экологическое состояние. Рассмотрены основные источники загрязнения почв села. Определено содержание гумуса и солевого состава исследуемых почв. Для оценки экологического состояния почв села использован метод биотестирования с помощью ростительных тест-систем. В качестве тест-культуры использован горох сорта Green Peas Maxigolt. Результаты определения морфометрических показателей и фитотоксичного эффекта Green Peas Maxigolt свидетельствуют, что основными факторами, влияющими на проростание и развитие растений в условиях хозяйственной деятельности сельського населения являються не показатели плодородия почв, а загрязнение их разными токсическими веществами.
Problem Statement and Purpose. Soils occupy a special place in the biosphere, ensuring its biological productivity. At the same time, they experience the greatest anthropogenic impact, as one of the important chains of the circulation of pollutants. Within the village settlements, the main pollutants of the soil are chemical protection products of plants and fertilizers used in agriculture, emissions of motor vehicles and individual enterprises, landfills. These contaminations can negatively affect the quality of agricultural produce grown on agricultural lands and farmland plots of the rural population. The purpose of the work is to find out the impact of the economic activity of the village of Rozivka on the ecological status of soils. Data & Methods. These materials are derived from our own field and analytical studies. The selection of soil samples was conducted taking into account the location of the main pollutants in the village (roadside lawns, industrial sites, landfills and agricultural land) and within the natural, conventionally clean zones (private plots, park area). Analytical studies of physical and chemical properties of soils were carried out according to generally accepted standardized methods. Estimation of the ecological condition of the soil cover of the village Rozivka was determined by the method of biotesting with the help of plant test systems by the method of A.I. Gorova. Green Peas Maxigolt was used as a test culture. Results. Studies conducted show that the economic activity of the population of the village Rozivka greatly affects the change of physical and chemical properties of soils, worsening their ecological status. One of the universal methods that makes it possible to obtain a comprehensive toxicological characteristic of integrated soil contamination is biotesting, which allowed to establish that, despite the high content of humus and nutrients in selected soil samples of the territory of the village within the limits of the influence of road transport, industrial enterprises and landfills, seed germination rates, the length of the ground and underground part of the germs is lower compared to the soil samples, selected on conditionally clean territories and control place (croft). The worst morphometric indicators of germination of peas are characterized by soil samples taken in the zone of dual impact of vehicles and industrial enterprises “Odessavinprom” – 47%, which indicates their high pollution. The phytotoxic effect is highest for soils selected near unauthorized landfills and corresponds to a high level of contamination. Consequently, the main factors influencing the decrease of seed germination and inhibition of the growth of Green Peas Maxigolt germs in the conditions of rural economy are the accumulation of toxicants in the soil, which are caused by emissions of road transport and industrial enterprises, the introduction of low-quality mineral fertilizers and meliorants, high alkalinity of soils. Particularly environmentally dangerous are soils near landfills.
Ключові слова
ґрунти села, господарська діяльність, біотестування, фітотоксичність, почвы села, хозяйственная деятельность, биотестирование, фитотоксичность, village soils, economic activity, biotesting, phytotoxicity
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald