Візуальні гендерні стереотипи

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Стаття присвячена аналізу соціологічного бачення візуальних гендерних стереотипів. Проаналізовано поняття соціальний «стереотип», досліджено розвиток наукового аналізу стереотипів та стереотипізації в процесі соціалізації. Простежено існуючі класифікації стереотипів та проаналізовані сучасні візуальні гендерні стереотипи. Modern phycologists and sociologists pay a lot of attention to the psychological and social differences of men and women. Their roles in the social environment are changing. Most stereotypes are not confirmed in the real world. Inasmuch as stereotypes are massive, they are not applicable to individuals. And all attempts to verify a stereotype in life only disprove them. One of the main features of stereotypes - is stability. The stereotype is not so easy to change, especially if it was founded or confirmed by personal experience. For changing the stereotypes it is necessary an event that makes us different look at this situation, some shake. It’s considered that gender stereotype is a type of social stereotypes. Thus, gender stereotypes - are formed in the culture of generalized representations (beliefs) about the behavior of men and women. The aim of my work is to create a sociological vision of gender stereotype. The object of my work is gender stereotypes of men and women that exist in the public sphere. The subject of my work is the nature, origin and types of social functions. Gender stereotypes conventionally divided into several groups: 1) the stereotypes of masculinity / femininity; 2) stereotypes of adopting gender social roles in different segments of life: professional, family, intimate, etc.; 3) patterns, reflecting the differences between women and men in the implementation of certain activities and the distribution of types of labor. The main sources of visual stereotypes in modern society are the advertising and the internet, namely social networks and network encyclopedias.
Ключові слова
стереотип, гендер, гендерні стереотипи, соціалізація, stereotype, gender, gender stereotypes
Бібліографічний опис
Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманах.