Мультфільм як ретранслятор ґендерних стереотипів
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті проаналізовані гендерні
стереотипи, зображені в мультфільмах.
Особлива увага приділяється аналізу
характеристик маскулінності-фемінності
героїв і їх соціальних ролей. Socialization is the lifelong process of
inheriting and disseminating cultural norms,
customs, values and social roles. One of the
agents of socialization is media, including
animation cartoons, which influence the way
children think by reflecting social norms.
Cartoons demonstrate cultural values and
skills as well as broadcast cultural stereotypes.
So the subject of the article are the gender
patterns of behavior and social roles of the
characters of children's popular cartoons. In
this paper, we analyze which of gender
stereotypes are presented in animated cartoons.
In our research we examined ten of the
most popular cartoons by rating of the website
kinopoisk.ru. For the analysis of the
components of the plot we use morphogenetic
analysis of Vladimir Propp, which is based on
the finding of functions and attributes of the
characters. Special attention is paid to the
analysis of the characteristics of masculinityfemininity
of characters and their social roles.
It was found that gender representation
in cartoons had considerable imbalance. Also,
distribution of social roles is unevenly,
because most of the female characters are
involved in the family and domestic sphere,
while most of men are involved in the
professional sphere. But we come to the conclusion that majority of characters have
signs of androgyny, because men and women
are endowed with traits of both types of
gender. So we certain that the differences
between men and women are constructed in
cartoons and are not related to their biological
and essential characteristics, and they
reproduce the stereotype of the dominant role
of men and of passive role of women.
Ключові слова
гендерна соціалізація, гендерний стереотип, мультиплікаційний фільм, маскулінність, фемінність, gender socialization, gender stereotype, animated cartoon, masculinity, femininity
Бібліографічний опис
Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманах.