Професор Григорій Гончарук: науковець та організатор досліджень історії Народного Руху України (до 80-річчя з дня народження)
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Cтаття висвітлює життєвий шлях доктора історичних наук, професора Гончарука Григорія Івановича, що пов’язаний з науковими дослідженнями історії та діяльності Народного Руху України. Григорій Гончарук не тільки присвятив цій темі монографії та статті і сформував свою наукову школу, а й заохочував дослідників з усіх наукових центрів України до розробки проблеми, організовуючи наукові конференції «Народний Рух України: місце в історії та політиці». Автори доходять до висновку, що переважна кількість робіт по історії НРУ, опубліковані вченими південного регіону, припадає на роботи Г. І. Гончарука і його наукової школи.
Most of the life journey of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Goncharuk Grigory Ivanovich is connected with the scientific researches of history and the activities of the People’s Movement of Ukraine which became the symbol of the united Ukrainian intelligentsia of the 90s of the last century. After Ukraine reached independence in 1991, the Department of History and Ethnography of the Odesa National Polytechnic University, headed by G. Goncharuk, selects a new research topic, namely. Among the studies of the activities of national-democratic organizations and parties of Ukraine was selected the reseach of the formation and development of the People’s Movement of Ukraine. G. I. Goncharuk became one of the first researchers in the history of the People’s Movement of Ukraine on the national level, and several scientific publications went out that were touching the various aspects of the work of this party, which resulted that the Movement became the object of the scientific researches. Among the publications of the professor the one monograph should especially have been noted entitled «The People’s Movement of Ukraine, History», that was published in 1997. Nowadays, this monograph is used, in fact, by every Ukrainian scientist who, in one or another way, is touching upon the problems of the history and activities of the Movement.
Most of the life journey of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Goncharuk Grigory Ivanovich is connected with the scientific researches of history and the activities of the People’s Movement of Ukraine which became the symbol of the united Ukrainian intelligentsia of the 90s of the last century. After Ukraine reached independence in 1991, the Department of History and Ethnography of the Odesa National Polytechnic University, headed by G. Goncharuk, selects a new research topic, namely. Among the studies of the activities of national-democratic organizations and parties of Ukraine was selected the reseach of the formation and development of the People’s Movement of Ukraine. G. I. Goncharuk became one of the first researchers in the history of the People’s Movement of Ukraine on the national level, and several scientific publications went out that were touching the various aspects of the work of this party, which resulted that the Movement became the object of the scientific researches. Among the publications of the professor the one monograph should especially have been noted entitled «The People’s Movement of Ukraine, History», that was published in 1997. Nowadays, this monograph is used, in fact, by every Ukrainian scientist who, in one or another way, is touching upon the problems of the history and activities of the Movement.
Ключові слова
Гончарук Г. І., Народний Рух України, Одеський національний політехнічний університет, кафедра історії та етнографі України, конференції, наукова школа, Goncharuk G. I., The People’s Movement of Ukraine, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Department of history and Etnography of Ukraine, conferences, scientific school
Бібліографічний опис
Записки історичного факультету = Записки исторического факультета