Феминизм в представлении современной женщины

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В данной статье рассматривается контекст значений, которыми наполняется понятие феминизм и актуальных женских потребностей, реализацию которых должно обеспечить женское движение. Значительное внимание уделяется анализу заявленных феминизмом ценностей и реальных итогов женского движения на различных исторических этапах своего развития. Основное содержание исследования составляет анализ психологического содержания идеи равенства полов как основной миссии феминизма.
У даній статті розглядається контекст значень, якими наповнюється поняття фемінізм і актуальних жіночих потреб, реалізацію яких має забезпечити жіночий рух. значне увага приділяється аналізу заявлених фемінізмом цінностей і реальних підсумків жіночого руху на різних історичних етапах свого розвитку. Основний зміст дослідження становить аналіз психологічного змісту ідеї рівності статей як основної місії фемінізму.
The article is aimed at reviewing semantic meanings of the concept of “feminism”, on which the idea of feminism as a feminist movement defending the rights and interests of women is based. In modem society feminism is considered as an ideology, as a part of humanitarian culture, as socio-political movement, acting as a condition of the development of democracy and civil society. In order to analyze the ideas about the concept of feminism we have used the method of paired comparison of notions, which are the most popular in “feminism discourse"’: patriarchy, matriarchy, domination, partnership, loneliness. The survey involved 57 female students aged from 19 to 24. They were offered to give 3-5 words associated with the above mentioned concepts. As a result of the quantitative analysis of the data with the help of the method of multidimensional scaling two axes have been distinguished. At the first axis a concept of patriarchy is opposed to the concept of loneliness (with a negative value), feminism and matriarchy (with a positive value); at the other axis the concept of partnership is opposed to the concepts of feminism, matriarchy, and domination. The analysis of the semantic structure of the obtained configuration of psychological space has shown that it is based on the comprehension of the principle of interpersonal relations, on the grounds of which a group accepts or rejects a woman-leader or a man-leader. Thus, in patriarchal society a man-leader can build relations with a group on the principle of domination or partnership. But if he loses this leadership he loses the group’s support and is destined to be lonely. When it comes to the patriarchy, as a rule one means man’s leadership out of family environment. On the contrary, matriarchy is considered as feminism. Woman’s leadership is unambiguously associated with a family. When a woman is considered as a head of a family, she builds relations based on domination. In case of dominating position loss she builds partnership relations. Besides, the surveyed female students consider feminism as domination, supremacy, commanding, controlling associated with a family, with a woman’s role of a mother. Feminism represents competing even conflict relations inside a group of women, which transfers to intersex relations. Female communities have to comprehend and realize their urgent needs as a basis for individual and collective identity development.
Ключові слова
феминизм, женское движение, актуальные потребности, матриархат, патриархат, равноправие, самосознание, фемінізм, жіночий рух, актуальні потреби, матріархат, патріархат, рівноправність, самосвідомість, feminism, women's movement, urgent needs, matriarchy, patriarchy, equality, identity
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