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Документ AMS системи як інструмент управління цифровим маркетингом членських організацій(2022) Литвиненко, Катерина Олександрівна; Lytvynenko, Kateryna O.Модель членських організацій базується на залученні нових членів, а також на утриманні існуючих учасників. Загальне зростання може відбутися лише тоді, коли обидві частини спостерігають позитивний зріст. Отже, з точки зору маркетингу, унікальність моделі членської організації полягає у тому, що члени асоціації є одночасно і клієнтами, тобто споживачами продуктів і послуг, а також і співробітниками компанії, тобто внутрішніми споживачами: працюють в комітетах, висувають свої кандидатури на обрані посади в Раду директорів, формують наглядову раду, що контролює фінансовий перерозподіл внесків та витрат, тощо.Документ Analysis of motivational mechanisms for improving management efficiency(Олді+, 2023) Radchenko, Oleksandr P.; Tao, Tao; Радченко, Олександр ПетровичIn the context of the contemporary challenges posed by globalization, rapid technological changes, and unstable market conditions, the importance of effective management in organizations of varying sizes and fields of operation has become increasingly paramount. Within this framework, motivational mechanisms play a crucial role in boosting productivity and enhancing managerial efficiency.Документ Analysis of the development of the financial system of the People’s Republic of China(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2024) Butenko, Viktoriia V.; Ding, Yufan; Бутенко, Вікторія ВасилівнаFinance is one of the most important economic categories, which reflects the economic relations that arise in the process of creating and using money. In the conditions of market relations, awareness of the essence and economic nature of finance and the financial system, their objective necessity, connection with other types of economy and role in the economic system are of great importance for the state.Документ Assessment of the performance of the financial architecture of Ukrainian economy: budgetary, stock and social aspects(2021) Melnyk, Viktor; Zhytar, Maksym; Shchur, Roman; Kriuchkova, Nataliia M.; Solodzhuk, Tetiana; Крючкова, Наталія МихайлівнаThe article describes the scientific and methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of the financial architecture of Ukraine's economy on the basis of recommended values of the system of indicators, determining their type, allowable intervals of values taking into account micro- and macrofinancial levels of the hierarchy. The comparative analysis of the corresponding indicators on the countries of the EU and Ukraine for 2009-2018 is presented. The future directions of dynamics of indicators of efficiency of functioning of financial architecture of economy of Ukraine are offered.Документ Building an effective system for managing the results of the Chinese enterprise(Бондаренко М.О., 2023) Poberezhets, Olha V.; Xiong Yawen; Побережець, Ольга ВалеріївнаIn modern conditions, correct and timely assessment of the organization’s performance is one of the priority tasks of managers. This is of great importance not only for the organization itself, its founders and shareholders, but also for existing and potential investors. Regular analysis of the organization’s activities helps to timely identify existing problems and take prompt measures to eliminate them. The need for an effective system for managing the various results of the enterprise is a pressing topic of research.Документ Business marketing monitoring: competitive intelligence(2022) Sadchenko, Olena V.; Садченко, Олена ВасилівнаThe concept of competitive intelligence was formulated at the end of the 20th century by the famous American economist Professor of Harvard Business School M. Porter, who defined intelligence as a tool for achieving competitive advantages and substantiated the need for its application in a civilized market environment.Документ Challenges of CRM strategy implementation in the Chinese market(2023) Xіe, Qіanqіan; Chaikovska, Maryna P.; Чайковська, Марина ПетрівнаCustomer relatіonshіp management (CRM) has become an essentіal strategy for busіnesses to manage customer іnteractіons, іmprove customer satіsfactіon, and drіve sales growth [1, p. 189]. The іmplementatіon of CRM strategіes, however, can be challengіng, partіcularly іn the Chіnese market, due to varіous factors such as cultural dіfferences, language barrіers, and regulatory requіrements. Thіs paper aіms to explore the challenges of CRM strategy іmplementatіon іn Chіna, defіne CRM strategy and systems, examіne global trends, and hіghlіght key features of the Chіnese market. The paper wіll also provіde prospects for CRM strategy іmplementatіon іn Chіna and іdentіfy the key challenges that busіnesses face.Документ China’s environmental protection product marketing(Олді плюс, 2023) Sadchenko, Olena V.; Wang, Maomei; Садченко, Олена ВасилівнаSince the 1990s, with the increasing severity of global environmental problems and the increasing awareness of environmental protection, a “green revolution” has appeared in the world. As the product of the “green revolution”, environmental marketing has attracted more and more people’s attention, and has been developed rapidly. Environmental marketing is developed on the basis of traditional marketing. It is a new marketing concept put forward to realize the sustainable development of human beings under the conditions of the rapid development of modern science and technology, the deteriorating ecological environment and the threat of human survival.Документ Comparative Description of Risk-Management Standards COSO and FERMA(2022) Zhmai, Oleksandr V.; Shkurateniuk, N.; Жмай, Олександр ВолодимировичAt present risk-management as a means of improving the effectiveness of a company is one of the most relevant activity for any enterprise. Today’s companies, one way or another, constantly face certain risks – market, credit, operational, fi-nancial, political, etc. Considering this, in managing an organization it’s impossible to avoid strategic and operational risk-management plan-ning which, in turn, is based on risk analysis and integration of risk management into the overall company management system.Документ Convergence of green IT technologies and multidimensional transformations of information and analytical support in the digital maturity management of marketing systems(2023) Чайковська, Марина Петрівна; Chaikovska, Maryna P.The paper substantiates the importance of taking into account the consequences of management decisions for the development of societal ecosystems. The peculiarities and modern requirements for information and analytical support of management depending on the level of technological maturity are analyzed with the aim of convergent reduction of digital gaps. The evolutionary trend of models of technological readiness in the direction of the strategy of sustainable economic development, the holistic concept of marketing and Green IT was revealed. Emphasis is placed on the need for societal expansion of the interpretation of the IT for Green concept and strategic focus on the convergence of multidimensional digital transformations in management.Документ Deep Tech as a solution to global challenges in the concept of Industry 5.0(НУ «Запорізька політехніка», 2023) Filatova, M.; Lomachynska, Iryna A.; Ломачинська, Ірина АнатоліївнаRecent trends include digital transformation, automation, and robotics in manufacturing and management processes, shifts in consumer behavior values (sustainable consumption and environmental awareness), the environmental impact of production, and enhancing system resilience to external risks, among others.Документ Developing marketing strategy by applying the quantitative method of machine learning of artificial neural networks(2023) Shkeda, Oleksandr O.; Шкеда, Олександр Олександрович; Chaikovska, Maryna P.; Чайковська, Марина ПетрівнаDue to the open access to the functіonalіty of the Generatіve Pretraіned Transformer (GPT) 3.5 and the partіally open access to іts algorіthms, a marketіng buzz, that has formed around the neural network, comparable to the іnformatіonal boom of a truly pop cultural phenomenon. The effect of neural network demand has scaled both to later versіons of GPT (іncludіng those that are only at the desіgn stage) and to other neural networks, especіally text ones, whіch have appeared and appear one after another sіnce the creatіon of computer programmіng and machіne learnіng processes.Документ Development of an international marketing strategy for domestic enterprises during a state of war(2023) Kuznyetsova, Anzhela; Garafonova, Olga; Yankovoi, Roman; Zhosan, Hanna; Lomachynska, Iryna A.; Кузнєцова, Анжела; Гарафонова, Ольга; Янковой, Роман; Жосан, Ганна; Ломачинська, Ірина АнатоліївнаThis article aims to address the critical topic of developing an international marketing strategy for domestic enterprises during a state of war. The study examines the implications of such conditions for marketing activities and offers insights into how domestic firms can navigate international markets amidst challenges arising from war and geopolitical tensions. This research combines an extensive review of the literature with a systematic methodology for developing international marketing strategies. The methodology involves identifying key factors influencing financial risk, assigning appropriate weighting coefficients, evaluating individual indicators, and calculating a comprehensive indicator. This comprehensive approach enables enterprises to understand their financial standing and make informed decisions to navigate challenges during times of war. The study highlights the significant challenges that domestic enterprises face during a state of war, disrupting economic stability, altering market dynamics, and introducing unprecedented financial risks. Comprehensive calculations of the indicators reveal the different effects of financial risk on international marketing activities, which vary across indicator categories and years. The methodology provides valuable insights into developing optimal international marketing strategies based on the changing dynamics of financial risk. This research fills a gap in the literature by focusing on developing international marketing strategies specifically tailored to the unique circumstances of domestic enterprises during times of conflict. The systematic methodology for calculating comprehensive indicators and deriving strategies adds a novel dimension to the existing research on international marketing strategies. This study offers practical recommendations for domestic enterprises operating in regions affected by a state of war. The identified strategies, such as price leadership, market diversification, collaboration with local partners, retaining customer bases, and enhancing online sales, provide actionable insights for businesses seeking to maintain competitiveness and thrive in international markets.Документ Digital business strategies and their implications on marketing(Олді+, 2023) Robul, Yuriy V.; Робул, Юрій ВолодимировичIn the era of rapid technological evolution, businesses are compelled to adapt to the dynamic digital landscape. The formulation and implementation of effective digital business strategies have become imperative, revolutionizing the way companies approach marketing. This communication explores the key aspects of digital business strategies and their far-reaching implications on modern marketing practices.Документ Dilts’ pyramid as a tool of influencer marketing(2022) Shkeda, Oleksandr O.; Шкеда, Олександр Олександрович; Chaikovska, Maryna P.; Чайковська, Марина ПетрівнаThe existence of a brand in the digital world and the metaverse has implications. Marketing communications are integrated into the everyday life of consumers due to the abundance of communication channels and sources of information. This is the reason for the transformation of marketing communications, as a result of which they are increasingly acquiring the characteristics of public relations.Документ Effectiveness of the influence of fiscal mechanisms on the economic development in the short term(Олді плюс, 2024) Zhang, Zhi; Чжан, Чжі; Kriuchkova, Nataliia M.; Крючкова, Наталія МихайлівнаFiscal policy is reduced to economic regulation of the cost proportions of distribution and redistribution of gross domestic product through tax mechanisms and the formatio of centralized funds of financial resources of the state on this basis. If the level of tax exemptions from the income of economic entities increases, this reduces their opportunities and weakens incentives to increase investment, expand production, which suppresses aggregate supply and economic activity. If the cost of financing state consumption increases, this leads to an increase in nominal national income and total effective demand in the markets, which activates their conjuncture and to a certain extent contributes to the development of production. However, if government consumption is growing at a high rate and for a long time, then producers do not have time to respond with an increase in product supply, which provokes price increases and inflation. Tax policy measures are based on direct, non-equivalent withdrawals of financial resources from economic entities. Therefore, the stimulating effect of these measures on the behavior of economic entities requires a fairly careful, well-balanced application of them. The means of implementing the regulatory function of taxation should be justified and effective.Документ Ensuring economic stability in Ukraine under COVID-19 pandemy conditions: ongoing issues and improvement perspective(2022) Franchuk, L.; Marushchak, O.; Kriuchkova, Nataliia M.; Artiukh, T.; Chуrva, O.; Франчук, Л.; Крючкова, Наталія Михайлівна; Марущак, О.; Артюх, Т.; Чирва, О.Paper offers a look at the problems of ensuring economic stability in Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A thorough analysis of research papers from developed and developing countries is performed in terms of socio-economic consequences of the coronacrisis and ways to increase economic stability in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The key drivers of the corona-crisis and its impact on the world economy in general and Ukraine in particular are considered. The major socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are highlighted. Examples of measures implemented by governments around the world to restore economic stability in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are presented. Paper’s special focus is on causation in the development of corona-crisis. Emphasis is placed on the atypical course of the corona-crisis in comparison with the «traditional» financial and socio-economic crises. The peculiarities of the governments’ measures around the world under corona-crisis conditions are presented, with a special focus on the levers of social support and digitalization. The best practices for overcoming the negative socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, aimed at strengthening economic stability, are summarized. Examples of measures of social support and digitalization in the context of overcoming the negative consequences of the corona-crisis are given. A review of a set of measures taken by the Government of Ukraine is performed, aimed at strengthening the economic stability of Ukraine. Relevant decisions on overcoming the negative socio-economic consequences of the corona-crisis are highlighted, with a special focus on Ukrainian peculiarities. Potential risk areas of financial and socio-economic nature in the context of the corona-crisis in Ukraine are identified, based on the peculiarities of Ukraine’s national economy. Priority areas for the Government of Ukraine measures in the context of socio-economic consequences due to the COVID-19 pandemic are identified. Authors’ view of measures in terms of social support and digitalization in Ukraine are presented. Authors emphasize on maintaining a balance between measures aimed at containing COVID-19 spread and measures aimed at stimulating economic growth.Документ ERP система как мощное средство трансформации организации(Букаєв В.В., 2010) Яковлев, Александр Иванович; Яковлєв, Олександр Iванович; Yakovliev, Oleksandr I.Как известно, существует множество толкований термина ERP. В данной работе будет использоваться следующее определение этого термина: «ERP - это пакет прикладных программ «Планирование ресурсов предприятия», заранее спроектированных, взаимосвязанных и готовых к внедрению прикладных модулей, которые обслуживают все деловые функции предприятия, при этом компоненты, их функциональность легко могут быть сконфигурированы, перенастроены с учетом требований и нужд конкретного предприятия. Такой пакет ПО обеспечивает интегрированную в масштабе всего предприятия процессно-ориентированную работу с потоками информации в режиме реального времени».Документ The establishment of environmental management at an enterprise(Олді плюс, 2024) Wang, Jing; Sadchenko, Olena V.; Садченко, Олена ВасилівнаEstablishing environmental management at an enterprise is a strategic approach to business management, which is aimed at minimising the negative impact of the enterprise on the environment and increasing its environmental responsibility. This is an important topic in the modern world, where more and more attention is paid to the preservation of natural resources and reduction of environmental pollution. Introduction of environmental management at an enterprise is a strategic approach to business management, oriented towards reducing the negative impact of the enterprise on the environment and increasing its responsibility towards environmental issues.Документ Ethical Aspect of Competitive Investigation(2022) Zhmai, Oleksandr V.; Kostiakova, M.; Жмай, Олександр ВолодимировичOne of the main factors in increasing competitiveness in the modern world is speed. The faster a company brings a product to market or enters new markets itself, the more likely it is that it will continue to exist. To do this, it is often necessary to have not only unique competitive advantages, but also information about competitors. Obtaining these data is usually carried out by competitive intelligence methods.