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Документ A review of soil NO transformation: Associated processes and possible physiological significance on organisms(2015) Medinets, Volodymyr I.; Skiba, Ute; Rennenberg, Heinz; Klaus, Butterbach-BahlNO emissions from soils and ecosystems are of outstanding importance for atmospheric chemistry. Here we review the current knowledge on processes involved in the formation and consumption of NO in soils, the importance of NO for the physiological functioning of different organisms, and for inter- and intra-species signaling and competition, e.g. in the rooting zone between microbes and plants. We also show that prokaryotes and eukaryotes are able to produce NO by multiple pathways and that unspecific enzymo-oxidative mechanisms of NO production are likely to occur in soils. Nitric oxide production in soils is not only linked to NO production by nitrifying and denitrifying microorganisms, but also linked to extracellular enzymes from a wide range of microorganisms. Further investigations are needed to clarify molecular mechanisms of NO production and consumption, its controlling factors, and the significance of NO as a regulator for microbial, animal and plant processes. Such process understanding is required to elucidate the importance of soils as sources (and sinks) for atmospheric NO.Документ Ambiemt NOx concentration above bare soil in southern Ukraine.(2013-05) Medinets, Sergiy V.; Medinets, Volodymyr I.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Gashe, R.; Pitsyk, Vasyl Z.; Skiba, U. M.; Пицык, Василий Зиновьевич; Піцик, Василь ЗіновійовичDetermination of NOx level at surface atmosphere is timely and urgent task for agricultural regions worldwide and was our main target during this study.Документ Analysis of biodiversity of phytoplankton on the Ukrainian Black Sea shelf (the end of XX – beginning of XXI century(Black Sea Scene, 2008-10) Dereziuk, Nataliia V.; Medinets, Volodymyr I.It is known, that global climatic changes influenced on all biological processes especially in marine environment. The main goal of our investigations was to find quantitative and correlation connections between climatic and phytoplankton community changes in the Black Sea during the last 30 years. As primary data, we used the results of processing of phytoplankton's samples collected in 1985-2007 in the framework of research and monitoring projects in the Ukrainian part of the Black Sea which carried out by the Ukrainian Scientific Centre of the Ecology of Sea and Odessa National Mechnikov University.Документ Bacterioplankton of Water-Bodies in the Lower Dnister Basin(Odessa: Pechatnyi Dom, 2011, 2011-06) Medinets, Sergiy V.; Kovalova, Nataliia V.Bacterioplankton is among to the most important components of aquatic ecosystems as organic matter microbiological transformation is one of the main self-purification and natural water’s quality formation processes. Regional Centre for Integrated Monitoring and Ecological Studies, Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University, is carrying out field surveys in the Lower Dnister basin since 2003. One of activities during surveys is observation of bacterioplankton spatial distribution and seasonal dynamics its of number and biomass in all main water-bodies in the area: Kuchurganskiy Liman (estuary), Rivers Dnister and Turunchuk, lakes Beloye, Svinoye and Tudorovo, as well as the Dnistrovskiy Liman (estuary). Besides, there are three monitoring points in the Dnister and Turunchuk Rivers where observations of bacterioplankton quantitative characteristics are done all year round.Документ Biodiversity of Ichthyofauna in the Coastal Waters of the Zmiinyi Island(Black Sea SCENE, 2011-11) Snigirov, Sergii M.; Снігірьов, Сергій Михайлович; Снигирев, Сергей МихайловичZmiinyi Island is the unique natural complex in the North-Western Black Sea. Its coastal waters are notable for their significant biodiversity, which had formed the basis for General Zoological Protected Area of national significance establishing in the area in 1998. The objective of this work is the studies of ichthyofauna biodiversity dynamics in the coastal waters of the Zmiinyi Island in 2003-2010 and revealing of the factors influencing the biodiversity. Ichthyological studies had been carried out in accordance with the national methodology using stake nets in 2003-2010. Altogether 500 stake-net catches had been studies. Visual underwater observations with the help of lightweight diving outfit had also been used. Studying the biodiversity of ichthyofauna we used three indices of communities' species composition: Margalef's species richness, Shannon's total diversity index and Pielou's evenness index. Results of ichthyological observations had been discussed.Документ Biodiversity of Ichthyofauna in the Coastal Waters of the Zmiinyi Island in 2004-2010(2011-06) Snigirov, Sergii M.; Снигирев, Сергей Михайлович; Снігірьов, Сергій МихайловичStudies of biodiversity dynamics under anthropogenic pressure are of unquestioned timeliness. Their analyses enable us to assess interaction of natural and anthropogenic processes in a water-body, determine level of environmental pollution, elaborate and test modern methods of to assess the state of ecosystem, forecast probable changes in natural communities. The objective of this work is to study ichthyofauna biodiversity around the Zmiinyi Island using different indices. The material used had been collected processing ichthyological samples from the coastal waters of the Zmiinyi Island during the period from 2004 to 2010. Studying the diversity of ichthyofauna we used three indices of communities’ species composition, calculated according to generally accepted formulas: Margalef’s species richness, Shannon’s total diversity index and Pielou’s evenness index. The indices were calculated coming out of number.Документ Biodiversity of Ichthyofauna in the Dniеster Delta(Institute of Geography, Romania, 2014) Snigirov, Sergii M.The List of current Lower Dniеster fishes comprising 65 fish species belonging to 12 orders, 17 families and 52 genera is presented in the paper in a comparative approach. Analysis of the Lower Dniеster and the Dniеster Liman ichthyofauna structural characteristics has been carried out under conditions of regulated discharge, increasing pollution and spawning grounds degradation. Decrease in fish species composition has been shown, as well as the disappearance of some native reophilic and lithophilous fish species as the result of the Dniеster River discharge regulation. Data about rare species found in the Dniеster River and the Dniеster Liman are presented, including Benthophiloides brauneri Beling et Iljin, 1927, which has not been recorded in the Lower Dniеster before. The dwindling of catches of the main commercial fish species is also shown.Документ Biodiversity of ichthyofauna in the Lower Dniester river(Danube Delta Tehnological Information Center Publishing House, Tulcea, Romania, 2014) Snigirov, Sergii M.Results of anthropogenic pressure on the Dniester River, as well as in its water-bodies have been described: decrease of fish species composition 1.2 time, 2.3 times decrease of rare indigenous fish species, decrease of number of reophilic, lithophilous and psammophilous fish species. In connection with species composition negative transformation and 2.0-3.0 times decrease of commercial catches in the Lower Dniester the urgent measures are required for strengthening of fish resources protection, restoration of stock and improvement of the Lower Dniester ecosystem’s environmental health in general.Документ Black Sea Dinoflagellata (History of the Research and Current Biodiversity)(2012) Krakhmalny, A.; Bryantseva, Yu.; Velikova, V.; Sergeeva, O.; Skuratova, K.; Dereziuk, Nataliia V.For centuries scientists in many disciplines have engaged in extensive exploration of the Black Sea biodiversity. For instance, investigations on Black Sea algae date back to 1866. Traditionally, the Black Sea was considered relatively poor in species richness compared to many other seas. However, recent investigations had shown that there was a need to seriously revise our perception of Black Sea species variety, especially of phytoplankton diversity. Many exciting advances in the studying of microalgae have taken place in the last decade, as new theoretical frameworks have been identified, new technologies to observe organisms in the field and the laboratory have been developed. Hence, new data were analysed leading to discovering numerous unknown previously phytoplankton species for the Black Sea or correcting the taxonomic descriptions of the familiar species in line with the changes in modern taxonomy. Consequently, a major revision of the check list of Black Sea phytoplankton species was undertaken. This paper presents the history of Black Sea dinoflagellates research and the most comprehensive inventory so far prepared for them. So far, the dinoflagellates check-list compiled consists of 456 species, 467 varieties and forms, including well-known, and more than 200 new species which have been reported during the last two decades. To date, representatives of 10 orders, 37 families and 79 genera of dinoflagellates have been found in the Black Sea. The most diverse order is Gymnodiniales, followed by Peridiniales, Gonyaulacales, Dinophysiales, Prorocentrales, Noctilucales, Ptychodiscales, Phytodiniales, Suessiales, and a few specimen still remain unidentified, as they most probably belong to currently unspecified genera. As the phytoplankton taxonomy develops fast nowadays and new species are being constantly found, the Black Sea check-list of dinoflagellates (http://phyto.bss.ibss.org.ua/wiki/Main_Page) is under regular update and will be annually updated.Документ BLACK SOILS DEGRADATION IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN BLACK SEA REGION AT IRRIGATION AND IN THE POST-IRRIGATION PERIOD(Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2012-03) Bilanchyn, Yaroslav M.; Rezvaya, Svetlana; Біланчин, Ярослав Михайлович; Биланчин, Ярослав МихайловичThe objective of the paper is to reveal the essence and ecological & soil consequences of the processes of degradation of the black soils in the south-western Black Sea region at irrigation and in the current post-irrigation period of their evolution, development of measures to prevent soil degradation processes in the irrigated massifs and to increase their fertility.Документ BLACK SOILS DEGRADATION IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN BLACK SEA REGION AT IRRIGATION AND IN THE POST-IRRIGATION PERIOD(Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2012-03) Bilanchyn, Yaroslav M.; Rezvaya, Svetlana; Medinets, Volodymyr I.; Біланчин, Ярослав Михайлович; Биланчин, Ярослав МихайловичMany years studies of process of changes in composition, properties and fertility of the black soils of the Norh-Western Black Sea area in Ukraine with irrigation have revealed mobility of carbonates and humus in them, decrease of capacity of cationic consumption and content of consumed calcium, increase of share of consumed magnesium and sodium. Indicators of agro-physical state of sails under irrigation conditions are worsening significantly. In the last 15-20 years, due to sharp decrease in area of irrigated fields an extensification of agriculture the display of agrophysical solonetzicity of previously irrigated lands is strengthening, as well as processes of their dehumification: indicators of ecological&agrochemical state are degrading. Substantiated is the system or ago-amelioration measures aimed to prevent from degradation processes of irrigated black soil missives and increase their fertility.Документ Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (L., 1766) horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus Aleev, 1956 diet in the Zmiinyi Island coastal waters(Black Sea Scene, 2013-10) Snigirov, Sergii M.The aim of this work was to study the peculiarities of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix and horse mackerel Trachurus mediteraneus ponticus diet in the Zmiinyi Island coastal waters. Material was collected in 2003 and 2012.Документ Cold season soil NO fluxes from a temperate forest: drivers and contribution to annual budgets(2016) Medinets, Sergiy V.; Gasche, R.; Skiba, U. M.; Schindlbacher, A.; Kiese, R.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Медінець, Сергій Володимирович; Мединец, Сергей ВладимировичSoils, and here specifically acidic forest soils exposed to high rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition, are a significant source for the secondary greenhouse gas nitric oxide (NO). However, as flux estimates are mainly based on measurements during the vegetation period, annualNOemissions budgets may hold uncertainty as cold season soilNOfluxes have rarely been quantified. Here we analyzed cold season soilNOfluxes and potential environmental drivers on the basis of the most extensive database on forest soilNOfluxes obtained at the Höglwald Forest, Germany, spanning the years 1994 to 2010. Onaverage, the cold season (daily average air temperature<3 °C) contributed to 22% of the annual soilNObudget, varying from 13% to 41% between individual cold seasons. Temperature was the main controlling factor of the cold seasonNOfluxes, whereas during freeze-thaw cycles soil moisture availability determinedNOemission rates. The importance of cold season soilNOfluxes for annual NOfluxes depended positively on the length of the cold season, but responded negatively to frost events. Snow cover did not significantly affect cold season soilNOfluxes. Cold seasonNOfluxes significantly correlated with cold season soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. During freeze-thaw periods strong positive correlations betweenNOandN2Ofluxes were observed, though stimulation ofNOfluxes by freeze-thaw was by far less pronounced as compared toN2O. Except for freeze-thaw periodsNOfluxes significantly exceeded those forN2Oduring the cold season period.Weconclude that in temperate forest ecosystems cold seasonNOemissions can contribute substantially to the annualNObudget and this contribution is significantly higher in years with long lasting but mild (less frost events) cold seasons.Документ Comprehensive Assessment of Long-Term Changes of the Black Sea Surface Waters Quality in the Zmiinyi Island Area(2012) Kovalova, Nataliia V.; Medinets, Volodymyr I.On the basis of chlorophyll “a”, dissolved oxygen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations measurements values of the Trophic index TRIX for 2004-2010 in the Zmiinyi Island area in the Black Sea were calculated. Inter-annual dynamics of the Trophic index TRIX is analysed. It has been shown that TRIX index in the Zmiinyi Island area varied in wide range between 3.1 and 6.9 that corresponded to the trophicity categories from low to very high. Results of TRIX seasonal dynamics analysis showed that minimal monthly average values were most often found during winter and summer period and maximal in spring and autumn and were connected with intensity of river discharge. Modelling of TRIX for 1988-2003 is presented. Comparison with the results of other Black Sea researchers has shown that sea water quality near the Zmiinyi Island is much higher than in the other coastal areas of the Black Sea. It has been proposed to use the marine research station “Zmiinyi Island” as a background one for estimation of quality of marine waters in the western part of the Black Sea.Документ Comprehensive Assessment of Long-Term Changes of the Black Sea Water Quality in the Zmiinyi Island Area(Black Sea SCENE, 2011-11) Kovalova, Nataliia V.; Medinets, Volodymyr I.Results of recent studies of the Black Sea ecosystem have shown that the main factor influencing the North-Western Black Sea (NWBS) water quality is eutrophication caused by nutrients input from coastal sources, with river flow and atmospheric transport. The objective of our work is to study the trends of marine waters quality and trophic state changes in the Zmiinyi Island area, which according to the results of our studies practically refer to high seas, though from time to time are influenced by the Danube River discharge. The optimal way of marine water quality assessment is using the TRIX trophic index, which integrally considers four parameters (Chlorophyll “a”, Total Phosphorous and Nitrogen, Dissolved Oxygen) determining sea water quality for living organisms. Material for analysis included authors’ data (last 22 years) from NWBS (coastal areas) and from the Zmiinyi Island coastal waters (last 7 years). The Trophic State Index (TRIX) is defined by the linear combination of four fundamental parameters of surface water quality (Chlorophyll “a”, Total Phosphorous and Nitrogen, Dissolved Oxygen). Measurements of chlorophyll “a” oncentration were carried out using standard spectrometric method. The samples of nutrients and oxygen were analysed by routine methods.Документ Diet of Pelagic Fish in Zmiinyi Island Coastal Waters (Black Sea)(2015) Snigirov, Sergii M.; Снігірьов, Сергій Михайлович; Снигирев, Сергей МихайловичDiets of the following main pelagic species in the Zmiinyi Island coastal waters have been described and analysed: anchovy, sand smelt, bluefish and horse mackerel. The Relative Importance Index, Food Similarity Index and Species Similarity Index of anchovy and sand, bluefish and horse mackerel have been presented.Документ Dynamic of coasts line changes in the Black Sea North-Western part for past 30 years(Athens, 2014., 2014-01) Cherkez, Yevhen A.; Pavlik, Tetiana V.; Medinets, Volodymyr I.; Gazyetov, Yevgen I.; Shatalin, Serhii; Shmuratko, Valerii I.; Шмуратко, Валерий Иванович; Шмуратко, Валерій Іванович; Шаталин, С. Н.; Шаталін, С. М.; Черкез, Євген Анатолійович; Черкез, Евгений Анатольевич; Павлик, Татьяна Владимировна; Павлік, Тетяна Володимирівна; Мединец, Владимир Иванович; Медінець, Володимир Іванович; Газєтов, Євген Іванович; Газетов, Евгений ИвановичIn line with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive coastal abrasion has been chosen one of indicators of impact on coastal ecosystems including the Black Sea. Aim of the work has been study of dynamics of changes of coast lines under abrasion and accumulation processes in the North-Western Black Sea (NWBS) under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors for the past 30 years. Materials of investigations were LANDSAT space images from 1983 till 2013 and own experimental data of authors. Maps of the NWBS coasts destruction intensity and dynamics of coastline between Danube and Dnieper areas have been presented. Analysis of the maps has shown that processes intensity is different in different NWBS areas. Discussed the reasons of moving of coastline especially depending on geological structure and lithological composition of the material exposing on coastal cliffs; sea level, direction and intensity of waves; composition, direction and rate of sediments flow; and human economic activities. Very detailed are analysed the main areas with maximal changes of location coastline such as river deltas (Danube,Dnister, Dnipro), as well as bay-bars of practically all the Black Sea | limans. It has been shown that velocity of coastline retreat as the result of abrasion is not uniform. Coastline segments of high speed of changes have been revealed in the NWBS. Discussed are peculiarities of coastline changes in the deltaic areas of the Dnipro, the Dnister and the Danube and in the area of the city of Odessa, where natural and anthropogenic displacement of coast towards the sea - formation of new land areas.Документ Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosystems. Project final report(NERC, ECLAIRE project, 2015) Sutton, Mark A.; Howard, Clare M.; Nemitz, Eiko; Arneth, Almut; Simpson, Dave; Mills, Gina; Wim de Vries; Winiwarter, Wilfried; Amann, Markus; Medinets, Sergiy V.The central goal of ECLAIRE is to assess how climate change will alter the extent to which air pollutants threaten terrestrial ecosystems. Particular attention has been given to nitrogen compounds, especially nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3), as well as Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) in relation to tropospheric ozone (O3) formation, including their interactions with aerosol components. ECLAIRE has combined a broad program of field and laboratory experimentation and modelling of pollution fluxes and ecosystem impacts, advancing both mechanistic understanding and providing support to European policy makers. The central finding of ECLAIRE is that future climate change is expected to worsen the threat of air pollutants on Europe’s ecosystems. Firstly, climate warming is expected to increase the emissions of many trace gases, such as agricultural NH3, the soil component of NOx emissions and key BVOCs. Experimental data and numerical models show how these effects will tend to increase atmospheric N deposition in future. By contrast, the net effect on tropospheric O3 is less clear. This is because parallel increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations will offset the temperature-driven increase for some BVOCs, such as isoprene. By contrast, there is currently insufficient evidence to be confident that CO2 will offset anticipated climate increases in monoterpene emissions. Secondly, climate warming is found to be likely to increase the vulnerability of ecosystems towards air pollutant exposure or atmospheric deposition. Such effects may occur as a consequence of combined perturbation, as well as through specific interactions, such as between drought, O3, N and aerosol exposure. These combined effects of climate change are expected to offset part of the benefit of current emissions control policies. Unless decisive mitigation actions are taken, it is anticipated that ongoing climate warming will increase agricultural and other biogenic emissions, posing a challenge for national emissions ceilings and air quality objectives related to nitrogen and ozone pollution. The O3 effects will be further worsened if progress is not made to curb increases in methane (CH4) emissions in the northern hemisphere. Other key findings of ECLAIRE are that: 1) N deposition and O3 have adverse synergistic effects. Exposure to ambient O3 concentrations was shown to reduce the Nitrogen Use Efficiency of plants, both decreasing agricultural production and posing an increased risk of other forms of nitrogen pollution, such as nitrate leaching (NO3-) and the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O); 2) within-canopy dynamics for volatile aerosol can increase dry deposition and shorten atmospheric lifetimes; 3) ambient aerosol levels reduce the ability of plants to conserve water under drought conditions; 4) low-resolution mapping studies tend to underestimate the extent of local critical loads exceedance; 5) new dose-response functions can be used to improve the assessment of costs, including estimation of the value of damage due to air pollution effects on ecosystems, 6) scenarios can be constructed that combine technical mitigation measures with dietary change options (reducing livestock products in food down to recommended levels for health criteria), with the balance between the two strategies being a matter for future societal discussion. ECLAIRE has supported the revision process for the National Emissions Ceilings Directive and will continue to deliver scientific underpinning into the future for the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution.Документ Engineering and Geodynamics Conditions of Economic Development and Construction on Landslide Slopes in Odesa Coast(2020) Cherkez, Yevhen A.; Kozlova, Tetiana V.; Medinets, Volodymyr I.; Soltys, Inna Ye.; Medinets, Sergiy V.; Черкез, Євген Анатолійович; Черкез, Евгений Анатольевич; Козлова, Тетяна Віталіївна; Козлова, Татьяна Витальевна; Медінець, Сергій Володимирович; Мединец, Сергей Владимирович; Медінець, Володимир Іванович; Мединец, Владимир Иванович; Солтис, Ірина Євгенівна; Солтыс, Ирина ЕвгеньевнаPurpose of the work has been to reveal spatial and temporal regularities of micro-block geodynamics to bring down engineering and construction risks on landslide slopes of Odesa coast. Methodology. The results of the slope landslide mapping (1953), geodetic monitoring (1966 – 1992) and instrumental measurements of deformations (2018) of constructive elements of an offtake drift in Odesa coast landslide protection works have been used as the source data. Data processing comprised determination of benchmarks’ movement and horizontal displacement, incline parameters of the offtake drift water-sink and deviation of the drift cross sectional diameters from the standard one. Results. It has been established that the drift could be divided into separate segments (blocks of rock massif), which experience rises, inclinations and differentiated movements. The deformations of the drift water-sink and constructive elements that have accumulated during service life are well pronounced. They have the form of zones of local creepage formed as the result of micro-blocks differentiated movements. Conclusions. The structural and geological basis of landslide processes is permanently active as the result of micro-blocks constant movements creating conditions for the slopes stability decrease. Optimal construction solutions should be tailored for current engineering geodynamics of landslide slopes.Документ Estimation of atmospheric input role for the Black Sea waters from Nitrogen balance perspective(2014-01) Medinets, Sergiy V.; Medinets, Volodymyr I.; Kovalova, Nataliia V.; Kotohura, Svitlana S.; Gruzova, Iryna L.; Mileva, Alla P.; Soltys, Inna Ye.; Милева, Алла Петровна; Мілева, Алла ПетрівнаThree main nutrient pollution sources, such as coastal, riverine and atmospheric, are known for the Black Sea ecosystem. Nitrogen (N) contamination plays most important role for ecosystem, since N is crucial element for any organism metabolism. It is known N excess could effect on water quality, ecosystem and biodiversity, leading to acidification, eutrophication and even hypoxia. It was shown that coastal zones of the Black Sea consider as a sink of N for open sea waters, where growth of phytoplankton is limited by N availability. Periodically eutrophication events occur on huge area of Black Sea, which associated with N load, but source and detailed scheme has not identified yet. The aim of this work is to develop balance scheme of N in the Black Sea ecosystem, determine and quantitatively assess the role of main N pollution sources with the description of contributor chemical forms, estimate main threats, propose the mitigation procedures. The peculiarities of Black Sea ecosystem has been considered to find special aspects of nutrients distribution and consumption. Assessments of atmospheric, riverine and coastal inputs have been performed. A dominant contribution of atmospheric input for open sea areas has been challenged and the main constituents have been characterized. Aerosol removing by dry deposition from atmosphere has been shown as a prevailing way for the Black sea open waters. Significant meaning of atmospheric organic pollutants, which are usually neglected, has been demonstrated and discussed. Relationships of eutrophication associated events with excessive atmospheric N loads episodes have been considered. Basic directions for mitigation of N harmful effect on the Black Sea ecosystem have been proposed.