Проблема жанрово-родової природи словесної творчості в теоретико-естетичному вимірі

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті йдеться про родову класифікацію літератури, порушується питання суб’єкт-об’єктних взаємовідносин у мистецтві слова.
Статья посвящена родовой классификации литературы, в частности специфике субъектно-объектных отношений в словесном творчестве.
The article is devoted to the problem of the genesis of the literary generations, is specified how it is represented in contemporary domestic literary criticism. It is mainly about the aesthetic nature of literature as art of word, and in particular about its genre and generic specificity. A brief excursion into the history of the study of subject-object relations from the times of the ancient theory to modern European aesthetics was made. Without doubt, in the twentieth century literary category gets differences, in particular assistensionally-psychological, formal-structural, and content-structural interpretation. In this work, however, it is noted that despite all their differences, these studies are characterized by a cognitive orientation or on an object or on a subject: «epos — object», «lyrics — a subject» that is at odds with the aesthetic nature of verbal creativity.The article emphasizes that a new subjective-objective generic criterion becomes the subject of scientific approach to genetic-genre nature of literature in the works of B. Croche («Aesthetics as science of expression and General linguistics as»), M. Bakhtin («the Aesthetics of verbal creativity»), A. Losev («Dialectics of artistic form»). It is the methodology of mentioned above scholars and which is in the center of author’s attention. As to the value and complexity of the problem of literary generations, it is exposed by the third international Congress of the history of literature, which took place in France in 1939. At the same time, Alexander Beletsky, considering the problem of synthesis in the study of literature, felt the need of a new methodology of literature studying as art of words, a methodology that primarily took into account the nature of the relationship of the artist to reality, «the presence of his general conception of reality and a specific connotation». From this point of view, Ukrainian scientist suggested to consider the literary gender as a special aesthetic concept of being, that is, to talk not about the epic, as a literary gender with its characteristic formal traits, but about ethical, lyrical, dramatic attitude. In conclusions it is noted that the methodological directions of Mikhail Bakhtin, A. Bielecki, A. Losev give a fundamentally new interpretation of the aesthetic nature of the literary gender and cause the need to revise canonically-university concept of epic and lyric poetry, besides they yet did not become the domain of modern literary science. This is proposed for publication.
Ключові слова
естетична природа літератури, зображення, вираження, художня форма, суб’єкт художньої діяльності, эстетическая природа литературы, изображение, выражение, художественная форма, субъект художественной деятельности, aesthetic nature of literature, representation, expression, artistic form, subject of artistic activity
Бібліографічний опис
Проблеми сучасного літературознавства = The problems of contemporary literary studies