Феномен пам’яті в романі Тан Тван Енг The garden of Evening Mists: особливості авторської інтерпретації лінгво-когнітивного концепту MEMORY
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Стаття присвячена виявленню особливостей індивідуально-авторської інтерпретації
лінгво-когнітивного концепту MEMORY в романі The garden of Evening Mists. Систематизовано авторські образні та аксіологічні уявлення про концепт MEMORY, що знайшли своє відображення в метафорах, порівняннях та конотативно забарвлених
Статья посвящена выявлению особенностей индивидуально-авторской интерпретации лингво-когнитивного концепта MEMORY в романе The garden of Evening Mists. Систематизированы авторские образные и аксиологические представления о концепте MEMORY, которые нашли свое отражение в метафорах, сравнениях и конотативно окрашенных контекстах.
The article is dedicated to finding out the individual author’s interpretation of the linguistic cognitive concept MEMORY in the novel The garden of Evening Mists. The author’s image and axiological notions about the concept MEMORY are reflected in conceptual metaphors, similes and contexts with connotative coloring. As a result of our research some conclusions can be made regarding the author’s interpretation of the concept MEMORY. We’ve outlined a number of characteristics, which are attributed to this concept in the analyzed literary work. Firstly, it is the ability of memory to clear up and explain the world by remembering and re-considering past events. This notion is illustrated by the metaphors MEMORY IS LIGHT, MEMORY IS ORIENTATION. An additional segment of the semantic structure of the verbalized concept MEMORY is demonstrated by another conceptual metaphor MEMORY IS CONTAINER, which reflects the perception of memory as a container of recollections and even real events of the past. Our study has also revealed that the author regards the concepts MEMORY and FORGETTING as a dichotomy. The perspective of this research is a comparative analysis of the concept MEMORY in other English-language literary works.
Статья посвящена выявлению особенностей индивидуально-авторской интерпретации лингво-когнитивного концепта MEMORY в романе The garden of Evening Mists. Систематизированы авторские образные и аксиологические представления о концепте MEMORY, которые нашли свое отражение в метафорах, сравнениях и конотативно окрашенных контекстах.
The article is dedicated to finding out the individual author’s interpretation of the linguistic cognitive concept MEMORY in the novel The garden of Evening Mists. The author’s image and axiological notions about the concept MEMORY are reflected in conceptual metaphors, similes and contexts with connotative coloring. As a result of our research some conclusions can be made regarding the author’s interpretation of the concept MEMORY. We’ve outlined a number of characteristics, which are attributed to this concept in the analyzed literary work. Firstly, it is the ability of memory to clear up and explain the world by remembering and re-considering past events. This notion is illustrated by the metaphors MEMORY IS LIGHT, MEMORY IS ORIENTATION. An additional segment of the semantic structure of the verbalized concept MEMORY is demonstrated by another conceptual metaphor MEMORY IS CONTAINER, which reflects the perception of memory as a container of recollections and even real events of the past. Our study has also revealed that the author regards the concepts MEMORY and FORGETTING as a dichotomy. The perspective of this research is a comparative analysis of the concept MEMORY in other English-language literary works.
Ключові слова
концепт, когнітивна метафора, аксіологія, когнитивная метафора, аксиология, concept, cognitive metaphor, axiology
Бібліографічний опис
Записки з романо-германської філології = Writings in Romance-Germanic Philology