Асиметричність і проектування системи економічної безпеки держави
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Стаття присвячена обґрунтуванню необхідності врахування впливу явища асиметричності при розробці теорії та методології проектування системи економічної безпеки держави на підставі теорії систем, трансдисціплінарного підходу, закону структурної гармонії систем, закону золотого перетину. Зроблено спробу обґрунтувати гіпотезу про те що, явище асиметричності забезпечує основні ризики щодо стійкості системи економічної безпеки.
Статья посвящена обоснованию необходимости учета влияния явления асимметричности при разработке теории и методологии проектирования систе-мы экономической безопасности государства на основании теории систем, трансдисципли-нарного подхода, закона структурной гармонии систем, закона золотого сечения. Сделана попытка обосновать гипотезу о том что, явление асимметричности обеспечивает основные риски относительно стойкости системы экономической безопасности.
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the necessity of impacting the effects of phenomenon of asymmetry in the development of theory and methodology of projecting the system of economic security of the state on the basis of the theory of systems, trans-disciplinary approach, of the law of Structural harmony of systems, the law of the Golden section. Attempt to prove the hypothesis that the phenomenon of asymmetry provides the main risks concerning durability of the system of economic security. It’s necessary to change the paradigm of forming the contour of system of economic security as main condition of base of economy growing.. Imperfection of legislative surroundings, critical terms created by absence of reaction of system of government control under processes of providing of economic security in Ukraine created the loss of the state system, economic and political independence. Height level of shadow economies, as to the complex of different types of the economic activity carried out of scopes of legislative surroundings stipulates asymmetries in economic. Our hypothesis requires further development and using of principles and models of Nature or biogenetic management for development of proof economic systems and system of economic security of state with optimal surplus and asymmetries, for example on the basis of model of phillotacsis. Phenomenon of phillotacsis as natural self-organized systems is mathematically described by the Law of Measure or law of golden section and its derivatives. Modern researches of transdisciplinary character deepened to the level of general acts of form-organization or self-organization of cycle, that present the main interest for the theory of management of complex systems.
Статья посвящена обоснованию необходимости учета влияния явления асимметричности при разработке теории и методологии проектирования систе-мы экономической безопасности государства на основании теории систем, трансдисципли-нарного подхода, закона структурной гармонии систем, закона золотого сечения. Сделана попытка обосновать гипотезу о том что, явление асимметричности обеспечивает основные риски относительно стойкости системы экономической безопасности.
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the necessity of impacting the effects of phenomenon of asymmetry in the development of theory and methodology of projecting the system of economic security of the state on the basis of the theory of systems, trans-disciplinary approach, of the law of Structural harmony of systems, the law of the Golden section. Attempt to prove the hypothesis that the phenomenon of asymmetry provides the main risks concerning durability of the system of economic security. It’s necessary to change the paradigm of forming the contour of system of economic security as main condition of base of economy growing.. Imperfection of legislative surroundings, critical terms created by absence of reaction of system of government control under processes of providing of economic security in Ukraine created the loss of the state system, economic and political independence. Height level of shadow economies, as to the complex of different types of the economic activity carried out of scopes of legislative surroundings stipulates asymmetries in economic. Our hypothesis requires further development and using of principles and models of Nature or biogenetic management for development of proof economic systems and system of economic security of state with optimal surplus and asymmetries, for example on the basis of model of phillotacsis. Phenomenon of phillotacsis as natural self-organized systems is mathematically described by the Law of Measure or law of golden section and its derivatives. Modern researches of transdisciplinary character deepened to the level of general acts of form-organization or self-organization of cycle, that present the main interest for the theory of management of complex systems.
Ключові слова
асиметрія, система, економічна безпека, структурна гармонія систем, трансдисціплінарність, біфуркація, хаос, асимметрия, экономическая безопасность, структурная гармония систем, трансдисциплинарность, бифуркация, asymmetry, system, economic security, structural harmony of the systems, interdisciplinary, bifurcation, chaos
Бібліографічний опис
Ринкова економіка: сучасна теорія і практика управління = Market economy: modern management theory and practice