Креативный потенциал антропонимов в политическом дискурсе (изменчивость vs устойчивость)
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статье рассматривается креативный потенциал антропонимов в политическом дискурсе. Определяются факторы устойчивости (создания по законам узуса) и изменчивость (трансформации под влиянием конкретной ситуации).
Анализируются способы создания неолексем (аффиксальные и неаффиксальные), продуктивные словообразовательные типы.
У статті розглянуто креативний потенціал антропонімів у політичному дискурсі. Визначено фактори стійкості (створення за законами узусу) та мінливості (трансформації під впливом конкретної ситуацїї). Аналізуються способи ство- рення неолексем (афіксні та безафіксні), продуктивні дериваційні типи.
Movement as a dialectical category is a way of existence of any matter, including the language. Lingua-philosophical essence of the category of „new” was recognized by representatives of different scientific schools: „By its real essence language is something permanent and at the same time it is passing in every moment <...>” (Humboldt). The category of „movement” includes the concepts of „variability” and „sustainability”, which do not exist in their pure form in the real world, but they interact and are closely intertwined. The same is observed in the language. Neonominations are a clear example of the development process. The emergence of new words leads to a change in language derivation. This process occurs on the basis of sustainable derivational types and models. There can also be observed the reverse process: derivational models and types are subject to change. According to the universal dialectical regularities – transition from quantitative to qualitative changes – new stable relationships in the production of words arise. The dynamical processes occurring in the language should be taken into account along with these aspects, which is the purpose of our work. The new relationships in the production of the words is an interesting matter for consideration in the formative pair „onym – appellative” in political discourse. Our analysis showed that the concepts of „variability” and „stability” included in the category of „movement” interact and intertwine, creating neo-lexemes that can be called „familiar strangers”. Anthroponym creative potential is realized in accordance with the Usus laws that can be transformed depending on each particular situation of advertising discourse. For the formation of neo-lexemes affixal and non-affixal ways of word formation are used, and in the latter – productivity is observed among the various types of addition. These derivatives reflect changes in the communicative paradigm of modern society in which there are trends of democratization and intellectualization.
У статті розглянуто креативний потенціал антропонімів у політичному дискурсі. Визначено фактори стійкості (створення за законами узусу) та мінливості (трансформації під впливом конкретної ситуацїї). Аналізуються способи ство- рення неолексем (афіксні та безафіксні), продуктивні дериваційні типи.
Movement as a dialectical category is a way of existence of any matter, including the language. Lingua-philosophical essence of the category of „new” was recognized by representatives of different scientific schools: „By its real essence language is something permanent and at the same time it is passing in every moment <...>” (Humboldt). The category of „movement” includes the concepts of „variability” and „sustainability”, which do not exist in their pure form in the real world, but they interact and are closely intertwined. The same is observed in the language. Neonominations are a clear example of the development process. The emergence of new words leads to a change in language derivation. This process occurs on the basis of sustainable derivational types and models. There can also be observed the reverse process: derivational models and types are subject to change. According to the universal dialectical regularities – transition from quantitative to qualitative changes – new stable relationships in the production of words arise. The dynamical processes occurring in the language should be taken into account along with these aspects, which is the purpose of our work. The new relationships in the production of the words is an interesting matter for consideration in the formative pair „onym – appellative” in political discourse. Our analysis showed that the concepts of „variability” and „stability” included in the category of „movement” interact and intertwine, creating neo-lexemes that can be called „familiar strangers”. Anthroponym creative potential is realized in accordance with the Usus laws that can be transformed depending on each particular situation of advertising discourse. For the formation of neo-lexemes affixal and non-affixal ways of word formation are used, and in the latter – productivity is observed among the various types of addition. These derivatives reflect changes in the communicative paradigm of modern society in which there are trends of democratization and intellectualization.
Ключові слова
неолексемы, антропонимы, политический дискурс, креативность, устойчивость, изменчивость, неолексеми, антропоніми, політичний дискурс, креативність, стійкість, мінливість, neo-lexemes, anthroponyms, political discourse, creativity, stability, variability
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