Віртуалміфоніми та їх функції
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статті окреслено новітню для ономастики сферу ономастику електронних
ігор. Було висвітлено особливості такого підкласу комп'ютеронімів,
як віртуалміфоніми. Було також розглянуто функції, які можуть виконувати
віртуалміфоніми в електронних іграх.
В статье очерчена новая для ономастики сфера ономастика электронных игр. Были описаны особенности такого подкласса компьютеронимов, как виртуалмифонимы. Также были рассмотрены функции, которые виртуалмифонимы могут исполнять в электронных играх.
A brand-new sphere of scientific research for onomastics was outlined in the present article. Personal names found in electronic games are the subject of the research. The subject of the research is to characterize their peculiarities with specific emphasis on their functions. The aim of the research is to describe their nature and analyze main tendencies of their functioning. As a result, thirteen subtypes of Electronic Game Names were singled out and seven of their functions were dwelt on in detail. Two types of possible functions that Electronic Game Names may perform were singled out: those that may be performed both by general names and by proper names, and those that may be performed only by personal names. Among functions that may be performed only by personal names, there are further subtypes. To complete the research, descriptive and taxonomic methods were used extensively. The results of the research are of value to further development and modernization of onomastics.
В статье очерчена новая для ономастики сфера ономастика электронных игр. Были описаны особенности такого подкласса компьютеронимов, как виртуалмифонимы. Также были рассмотрены функции, которые виртуалмифонимы могут исполнять в электронных играх.
A brand-new sphere of scientific research for onomastics was outlined in the present article. Personal names found in electronic games are the subject of the research. The subject of the research is to characterize their peculiarities with specific emphasis on their functions. The aim of the research is to describe their nature and analyze main tendencies of their functioning. As a result, thirteen subtypes of Electronic Game Names were singled out and seven of their functions were dwelt on in detail. Two types of possible functions that Electronic Game Names may perform were singled out: those that may be performed both by general names and by proper names, and those that may be performed only by personal names. Among functions that may be performed only by personal names, there are further subtypes. To complete the research, descriptive and taxonomic methods were used extensively. The results of the research are of value to further development and modernization of onomastics.
Ключові слова
електронна гра, комп'ютеронім, ідеонім, віртуалміфонім, функція, электронная игра, компьютероним, идеоним, виртуалмифоним, electronic game, computeronym, ideonym, electronic game name
Бібліографічний опис
Записки з ономастики = Opera in onomastica