Effect of Porosity on Ion Transport Through Polymers and Polymer-Based Composites Containing Inorganic Nanoparticles (Review)
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The development of nanotechnologies gives a new impulse to chemistry of polymer
ion exchange resins and membranes, which are related to nanomaterials. When
they are in contact with water or other polar solvent, the system of nanopores
is formed. First, this feature has been found for homogeneous perfluorinated
membranes (PFMs) of Nafion type [1, 2]. Then, it was proved for other polymer ion
exchange materials (heterogeneous membranes and resins) [3, 4]. The nanopores
are hydrophilic; they provide ion transport and ion exchange ability of swollen
polymers. Their porous structure involves also hydrophobic pores; their size is
from several tens of nanometers to several tens of microns. Both hydrophilic
and hydrophobic pores are available for any inorganic modifier: the filler affects
functional properties of the composite. The most intensive work in the field of
practical application of organic-inorganic ion exchange materials has been started
since the 2000s [5]. The necessity of investigations was caused by requirements of
technologies for alternative energy and separation.
Ключові слова
effect of porosity, ion transport, through polymers, polymer-based composites, inorganic, nanoparticles
Бібліографічний опис
Springer Proceedings in Physics