Дослідження можливості профілактики Мінеролом токсичного ефекту йонів алюмінію на кісткову тканину щурів
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Введення щурам сорбційного препарату Мінерол в дозі 1 г/кг маси тіла на тлі
тривалої (2 місяці) інтоксикації AlCl3∙6H2O (240 мг/кг маси тіла) призвело до
підвищення атрофії альвеолярного відростку щелеп, зменшення щільності
кісток за рахунок зменшення вмісту мінерального компонента та затримки росту маси тіла щурів. Мінерол сприяв зниженню накопичення алюмінію в стегнових кістках.
Background. The use of a variety of aluminium-containing medications, occupational exposure to alumina dust and fumes, and heavily contaminated water sources have been associated with an adverse effect on the organism, in particular, on bone system. The search for a preventive means against the impact of aluminium on the state of bones is topical. Objective. To assess the probable prophylactic effect of sorbent Minerol on the skeletal system of white rats in long-term AlCl3 intoxication. Materials and methods. In the 2-month study, male rats were grouped into: intact animals; AlCl3-induced toxicity model (240 mg/kg of w. b.); and animals administered daily with Minerol 1g/kg of w. b. on the background AlCl3 intoxication. Density and content of mineral and organic components were determined in the femurs and lumbar vertebrae, with atrophy of the alveolar process being determined in the jaws. The aluminium content was determined in the femoral bones. Results. A long-term exposure to AlCl3 resulted in the 2.5-fold increase in aluminium content in femoral bones, 17.1% increase of alveolar bone atrophy, the slight decrease of the density of femoral bones and the slight increase of the density of lumbar vertebrae. The following changes in the content of the mineral-organic complex of bones were indicated: in femurs – the decrease due to both mineral and organic fractions, and in lumbar vertebrae – the increase due to significant increase in the organic fraction. Minerol reduced the aluminium content in femurs by 20.7%, caused a decrease in the density, mineral-organic component and mineral fraction of bone tissue of the femur and lumbar vertebrae, and additionally increased the degree of atrophy of the alveolar bone against the background of AlCl3 intoxication. Conclusions. In addition to the sorption effect, the dose of Minerol used in the study probably bound the nutritional components required for bone remodelling, i. e. protein, calcium, phosphorus etc. The results imply further investigations of the sorption properties of Minerol in prevention of the negative impact of AlCl3 in higher dose of the said sorbent and in combination with calcium, phosphorus and protein preparations.
Background. The use of a variety of aluminium-containing medications, occupational exposure to alumina dust and fumes, and heavily contaminated water sources have been associated with an adverse effect on the organism, in particular, on bone system. The search for a preventive means against the impact of aluminium on the state of bones is topical. Objective. To assess the probable prophylactic effect of sorbent Minerol on the skeletal system of white rats in long-term AlCl3 intoxication. Materials and methods. In the 2-month study, male rats were grouped into: intact animals; AlCl3-induced toxicity model (240 mg/kg of w. b.); and animals administered daily with Minerol 1g/kg of w. b. on the background AlCl3 intoxication. Density and content of mineral and organic components were determined in the femurs and lumbar vertebrae, with atrophy of the alveolar process being determined in the jaws. The aluminium content was determined in the femoral bones. Results. A long-term exposure to AlCl3 resulted in the 2.5-fold increase in aluminium content in femoral bones, 17.1% increase of alveolar bone atrophy, the slight decrease of the density of femoral bones and the slight increase of the density of lumbar vertebrae. The following changes in the content of the mineral-organic complex of bones were indicated: in femurs – the decrease due to both mineral and organic fractions, and in lumbar vertebrae – the increase due to significant increase in the organic fraction. Minerol reduced the aluminium content in femurs by 20.7%, caused a decrease in the density, mineral-organic component and mineral fraction of bone tissue of the femur and lumbar vertebrae, and additionally increased the degree of atrophy of the alveolar bone against the background of AlCl3 intoxication. Conclusions. In addition to the sorption effect, the dose of Minerol used in the study probably bound the nutritional components required for bone remodelling, i. e. protein, calcium, phosphorus etc. The results imply further investigations of the sorption properties of Minerol in prevention of the negative impact of AlCl3 in higher dose of the said sorbent and in combination with calcium, phosphorus and protein preparations.
Ключові слова
інтоксикація алюмінієм, щури, кістки, препарат Мінерол, aluminium chloride intoxication, rats, bones, Minerol
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald