Історик Володимир Миколайович Ястребов (1855 – 1898 рр.): одеські університетські роки

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Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Метою цієї статті є висвітлення важливого етапу життєвого шляху талановитого південноукраїнського історика, етнографа, археолога другої половини ХІХ ст. В.М. Ястребова. На основі великого комплексу мемуарних, наративних та актових джерел здійснено мікродослідження, що розкрило до того загальну тезу про значення Новоросійського університету у формуванні постаті вченого. Вказано, що головне значення для долі В. М. Ястребова мав П. К. Брун. Р.В. Орбинський, В. І. Григорович, І. С. Некрасов, Ф. І. Успенський. Окрім університетських викладачів, велике значення мав на той момент гімназійний викладач О.І. Маркевич. Спілкування з прихильниками української культури в Одесі зумовило зацікавлення та симпатії росіянина В. М. Ястребова до українського народу та культури.
It is necessary to research the biographies of historians. This makes it possible to establish a connection between the features of the life path of historians and their historical views, to study the social component in the development of science. The main thesis of the article is the fact that the development of a scientist is largely determined by the characteristics of his formation as a person, primarily in a higher educational institution. The purpose of this article is to prove this thesis based on the study of the early stage of the life of the famous historian who worked for many years in the city of Elizavetgrad (today Kropyvnitsky) Volodimir Mykolayovych Yastrebov (1855 - 1898). In 1872 - 1877 he studied and defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Odessa Novorossiysk University. The historiographic base of our article consists of a number of articles and books. The main contribution to the biography of V.M. Yastrebov was made by the Kirovograd (Kropyvnytskyi) historians. They often mentioned the Odesa stage of the scientist's life, but did little to concretize the circumstances of his studies at the university. The sources of our article are narrative and act documents. The most important sources are kept in the State Archives of the Odessa region. We have identified such important sources as the memoirs of V.M. Yastrebova about studying at the Odessa University, his thesis about the sixth crusade. Thus, there is a sufficient base of sources for the reconstruction of the student's years of the historian. The main methods of our research are comparative, genetic, microhistorical, and biographical. So the conclusion to be drawn is Odesa University was of great importance for the formation of the personality of V.M. Yastrebov. The greatest influence on the formation of him as a scientist had such talented teachers as V.I. Grygorovych, Р.В. Orbynsky, P.K Brun, I.S. Nekrasov. In addition to university teachers, of great importance at that time was a high school teacher O.I. Markevych. Communication with supporters of Ukrainian culture V. I. Grygorovych, O. I. Markevych formed a nice image of V.M. Yastrebov is a russian with an interest in the Ukrainian people and culture. Studying in Odesa laid the foundations of cooperation V.M. Yastrebov with the Odesa scientific environment throughout his later life.
Ключові слова
історіографія, Новоросійський університет, Південна Україна, історична освіта, historiography, Novorosiyski University, Southern Ukraine, historical education
Бібліографічний опис
Записки історичного факультету = Записки исторического факультета