Застосування сучасних методів аналіз для визначення забруднень та ідентифікації рослинної сировини
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті проаналізовано доцільність використання методів аналізу для контролю якості лікарської рослинної сировини. Визначено перспективність застосування портативного обладнання для визначення чистоти сировини та домішок важких металів. ДФУ рекомендує використовувати хроматографічні методи аналізу для ідентифікації та попередження фальсифікації лікарської рослинної сировини. У статті запропоновано розглянути перспективи використання методів високоефективної рідинної хроматографії, газової хроматографії, високоефективної тонкошарової хроматографії.
Quality control of herbal preparations is an important component to ensure the effectiveness and safety of their use. Phytochemical medicines are made from medicinal plant materials that may contain unwanted chemical compounds, so careful quality control must be performed to ensure their safety and efficacy. The success of quality control of herbal materials requires an integrated approach, i.e. a combination of various techniques and methods that allow analyzing the main classes of compounds. Various methods of analysis are used to overcome these difficulties. Today, the main chemical methods for determining the quality of medicinal products are chromatographic, in particular gas chromatography (GC), often combined with mass spectrometry (MS), liquid chromatography (HPLC), thin-layer chromatography (TLC), column chromatography (CC). Besides, HILIC is the optimal method for the analysis of polar and ionized compounds that are too strongly retained on polar stationary phases and/or poorly separated by standard chromatographic methods. TLC/HPTLC methods are traditionally used by the SPhU and the European Pharmacopoeia for identification of herbs and detection of impurities by visual assessment, as well as for semi-quantitative determination of compounds when comparing the intensity of the spot in the zone of the tested solution with spots in the zones of reference compounds. The mentioned methods have still remained the most acceptable for the identification of herbs, which is explained by the unique chromatographic profile of each plant or extract based on it. At the same time, the instrumental method of HPLC has advantages due to the possibility of quantitative determination of substances that fluoresce in UV or visible light. Nowadays, the direction of scientific research devoted to the optimization of the previously described analytical methods and the development of new ones for the identification of both herbs and herbal materials, as well as herbal remedies, becomes relevant. In addition, the development of methods for the quantitative determination of herbal compounds is a relevant scientific and practical direction.
Quality control of herbal preparations is an important component to ensure the effectiveness and safety of their use. Phytochemical medicines are made from medicinal plant materials that may contain unwanted chemical compounds, so careful quality control must be performed to ensure their safety and efficacy. The success of quality control of herbal materials requires an integrated approach, i.e. a combination of various techniques and methods that allow analyzing the main classes of compounds. Various methods of analysis are used to overcome these difficulties. Today, the main chemical methods for determining the quality of medicinal products are chromatographic, in particular gas chromatography (GC), often combined with mass spectrometry (MS), liquid chromatography (HPLC), thin-layer chromatography (TLC), column chromatography (CC). Besides, HILIC is the optimal method for the analysis of polar and ionized compounds that are too strongly retained on polar stationary phases and/or poorly separated by standard chromatographic methods. TLC/HPTLC methods are traditionally used by the SPhU and the European Pharmacopoeia for identification of herbs and detection of impurities by visual assessment, as well as for semi-quantitative determination of compounds when comparing the intensity of the spot in the zone of the tested solution with spots in the zones of reference compounds. The mentioned methods have still remained the most acceptable for the identification of herbs, which is explained by the unique chromatographic profile of each plant or extract based on it. At the same time, the instrumental method of HPLC has advantages due to the possibility of quantitative determination of substances that fluoresce in UV or visible light. Nowadays, the direction of scientific research devoted to the optimization of the previously described analytical methods and the development of new ones for the identification of both herbs and herbal materials, as well as herbal remedies, becomes relevant. In addition, the development of methods for the quantitative determination of herbal compounds is a relevant scientific and practical direction.
Ключові слова
лікарська рослинна сировина, хроматографічні методи, ідентифікація, контроль якості, quality control, phytochemical analysis, herbal material
Бібліографічний опис
Прокопенко Ю. С. Застосування сучасних методів аналіз для визначення забруднень та ідентифікації рослинної сировини / Ю. С. Прокопенко, О. О. Нефьодов, Н. Ф. Федько // Вісник Одеського національного університету. Хімія. – 2024. – Т. 29, вип. 1(87). – С. 21–32.