Сутнісний аналіз поняття та змісту нотаріальної таємниці в Україні
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Статтю присвячено нотаріальній таємниці, як одному з основоположних принципів нотаріальної діяльності в Україні. Автори проаналізували поняття, зміст та сутність
нотаріальної таємниці в Україні, розкрили юридичну природу нотаріальної таємниці,
провели комплексний аналіз інституту нотаріальної таємниці, процесуальних аспектів
пов’язаних із нотаріальною таємницею.
Статья посвящена нотариальной тайне, как одному из основополагающих принципов нотариальной деятельности в Украине. Авторы проанализировали понятие, содержание и сущность нотариальной тайны в Украине, раскрыли юридическую природу нотариальной тайны, провели комплексный анализ института нотариальной тайны, процессуальных аспектов связанных с нотариальной тайной.
The article is devoted to notarial secret as one of the fundamental principles of notarial activity in Ukraine. The authors has analyzed the concept, content and essence of notarial secret in Ukraine, revealed the legal nature of notarial secret, procedural aspects related to notarial secret. Nowadays, the legal system of Ukraine is in a condition of comprehensive reform which is determined by the construction of a social, democratic, constitutional state. An important aspect of such state should be the interests of man as a subject of society. The main issue of construction of a constitutional state should be the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and entities, which is the legal regulator of the condition and level of development of civil society and the state. There are constant legal changes in the world that aff ect the national institute of notaries and therefore some of its elements will always require clarifi cation of the legal nature, essence and interrelation with government and civil society. The protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens is entrusted to various state and non-state bodies which also include the notary. Notary is a system of bodies and offi cials entrusted with a certifi cate of deeds, registration of inheritance rights and other actions aimed at legally securing civil rights and preventing their possible violation. Every day, thousands of citizens and representatives of legal entities apply to notaries and offi cials who are responsible for performing certain notarial acts to certify transactions, to certify copies of documents or to perform other notarial acts. According to statistics, every year a third of the population of Ukraine at least once has turned to a notary for help.
Статья посвящена нотариальной тайне, как одному из основополагающих принципов нотариальной деятельности в Украине. Авторы проанализировали понятие, содержание и сущность нотариальной тайны в Украине, раскрыли юридическую природу нотариальной тайны, провели комплексный анализ института нотариальной тайны, процессуальных аспектов связанных с нотариальной тайной.
The article is devoted to notarial secret as one of the fundamental principles of notarial activity in Ukraine. The authors has analyzed the concept, content and essence of notarial secret in Ukraine, revealed the legal nature of notarial secret, procedural aspects related to notarial secret. Nowadays, the legal system of Ukraine is in a condition of comprehensive reform which is determined by the construction of a social, democratic, constitutional state. An important aspect of such state should be the interests of man as a subject of society. The main issue of construction of a constitutional state should be the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and entities, which is the legal regulator of the condition and level of development of civil society and the state. There are constant legal changes in the world that aff ect the national institute of notaries and therefore some of its elements will always require clarifi cation of the legal nature, essence and interrelation with government and civil society. The protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens is entrusted to various state and non-state bodies which also include the notary. Notary is a system of bodies and offi cials entrusted with a certifi cate of deeds, registration of inheritance rights and other actions aimed at legally securing civil rights and preventing their possible violation. Every day, thousands of citizens and representatives of legal entities apply to notaries and offi cials who are responsible for performing certain notarial acts to certify transactions, to certify copies of documents or to perform other notarial acts. According to statistics, every year a third of the population of Ukraine at least once has turned to a notary for help.
Ключові слова
нотаріальна таємниця, інформація, професійна таємниця, нотаріус, нотариальная тайна, информация, профессиональная тайна, нотариус, notarial secret, information, professional secret, notary
Бібліографічний опис
Правова держава = Правовое государство = Сonstitutional State