Баєсова статистика в гуманітаристиці XXI століття
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В даній статті розглядається взаємодія точних наук з сучасною гуманітаристикою на прикладі використання баєсової статистики для вирішення складних та об’ємних завдань, що постають перед філософами, культурологами, культурними антропологами та археологами. Окреслено межі, напрямки та тенденції розвитку сучасних досліджень, підкреслена актуальність та відзначені перспективи баєсової статистики в дослідженнях буддистської сакральної пластики.
This article examines the interaction of exact sciences with contemporary humanities by using Bayesian statistics to address complex and extensive tasks faced by philosophers, cultural studies scholars, cultural anthropologists, and archaeologists. The boundaries and directions of this interaction in a historical context are outlined, current research trends are discussed, and the relevance and prospects of Bayesian statistics in the study of Buddhist sacred sculpture are highlighted. By reviewing the use of exact science tools in the humanities of the 21st century (philosophy, cultural studies, cultural anthropology, archaeology, and art history), we can draw several conclusions: exact sciences can elevate the level of humanities, accelerate and expand the scope of research (without losing details and quality); using Bayesian statistics, it becomes clear that in the future, without mathematical (i.e., exact) justifications, any research may be considered provisional (i.e., existing exclusively within the subjective paradigm of the author or authors); archaeology, cultural studies, cultural anthropology, philosophy, and art history not only gain improved and optimized tools but also secure their right to exist in the future (either these prospects become clear now, or in future science, there will be no place for humanities at the forefront). The use of Bayesian statistics in Buddhist sacred sculpture allows for the processing of large data sets to obtain more accurate and correct results in attribution, taxonomy, and systematics. Moreover, such research can help answer complex questions about the genesis, dissemination paths, and transformation of Buddhist sacred sculpture in regions (most studies are hypothetical and have not yet been confirmed by any archaeological excavations or direct evidence).
This article examines the interaction of exact sciences with contemporary humanities by using Bayesian statistics to address complex and extensive tasks faced by philosophers, cultural studies scholars, cultural anthropologists, and archaeologists. The boundaries and directions of this interaction in a historical context are outlined, current research trends are discussed, and the relevance and prospects of Bayesian statistics in the study of Buddhist sacred sculpture are highlighted. By reviewing the use of exact science tools in the humanities of the 21st century (philosophy, cultural studies, cultural anthropology, archaeology, and art history), we can draw several conclusions: exact sciences can elevate the level of humanities, accelerate and expand the scope of research (without losing details and quality); using Bayesian statistics, it becomes clear that in the future, without mathematical (i.e., exact) justifications, any research may be considered provisional (i.e., existing exclusively within the subjective paradigm of the author or authors); archaeology, cultural studies, cultural anthropology, philosophy, and art history not only gain improved and optimized tools but also secure their right to exist in the future (either these prospects become clear now, or in future science, there will be no place for humanities at the forefront). The use of Bayesian statistics in Buddhist sacred sculpture allows for the processing of large data sets to obtain more accurate and correct results in attribution, taxonomy, and systematics. Moreover, such research can help answer complex questions about the genesis, dissemination paths, and transformation of Buddhist sacred sculpture in regions (most studies are hypothetical and have not yet been confirmed by any archaeological excavations or direct evidence).
Ключові слова
Баєсова статистика, гуманітаристика, математика, культурна антропологія, культурологія, філософія, археологія, буддистська сакральна пластика, баєсова філософії науки, Bayesian statistics, humanities, mathematics, cultural anthropology, cultural studies, philosophy, archaeology, Buddhist sacred sculpture, Bayesian philosophy of science
Бібліографічний опис
Золотарьова К. Баєсова статистика в гуманітаристиці XXI століття / К. Золотарьова // Δόξα / Докса : зб. наук. пр. з філософії та філології. – Одеса : Акваторія, 2023. – Вип. 2(40) : Креативні технології та сучасна картина світу. – С. 33–37.