Historical principles of the term chrematonym genesis and the borders of the chrematonymic field

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
It became necessary to investigate the problem concerning the study of the proper names of unique things — chrematonyms. In this paper we offer several viewpoints of significant Slovak and foreign (Czech, Polish, Russian and German) onomasticians regarding the problem of specifying and defining chrematonyms in the onymic system. At the same time, we offer our own suggestion for the classification of chrematonyms. 1854 chrematonyms resulted in discovery of common ways in the process of their generating and functioning. There is no general notion about the borders of chrematonymy in Ukrainian onomastic science. The attention is paid to the fact that the borders of chrematonymic field are open. The article stresses the importance of chrematonomastic terms establishment, so that this field of onomastics can be an equal partner of other disciplines and at the same time fulfill the denomination needs of other languages. The purpose of the work is the analysis of the existing in linguistics definitions of the term chrematonym, their comparison and systematization, and their distinguishing between chrematonym classes. Also the analysis of different ways of proper names investigation is carried out. The definition of the term chrematonym is suggested and the classification of chrematonyms is created. The subject of the study is English chrematonyms from the view point of their classification and systemization. The object of the study is English onymic system. The research states that one of the most important facts of naming is the influence of the surrounding social and physical environment and the owner’s desire to fix the extraordinarity of a definite type. Choosing and giving the name to the object, a man more often doesn’t create anything new; he just gives it a name, trying to bring it to eternity. One of the most ancient traditions that has been practically used for so long is the owner’s personal name application. The article also determines and enumerates the functions of onyms, especially of chrematonyms. They are as follows: singling out, characterizing, identifying and signifying. Proper names of unique objects exist to perform a background for a man and his life, picking out definite features, reflecting his process of thinking; to show the objective reality; to open up the speaker’s inner world, his creative personality. The method of systematization is used in the work. Summing up, the individual chrematonimic field comprises 7 subfields, 39 subsubfields and 6 microfields (segments). As a result of the investigation, the definition of the term chrematonym was suggested and the classification of chrematonyms was created.
Ключові слова
onym, chrematonyms, chrematonomastics, онім, хрематонім, хрематонімія, оним, хрематоним, хрематономастика
Бібліографічний опис
Записки з ономастики = Opera in onomastica