Формування навчальних округів у межах розбудови централізованої моделі керівництва розвитком освіти в Російській імперії першої половини XIX ст.
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті на основі опублікованих джерел та архівних матеріалів розкрито процес становлення централізованої моделі керівництва розвитком освіти, важливою складовою частиною якої стали навчальні округи, що створювалися в регіонах Російської імперії у першій половині XIX ст. під керівництвом попечителів. Системний метод, комплексний аналіз свідчень історичних джерел дозволяє дослідити етапи формування нової системи, специфіку утворення й особливості розвитку окремих навчальних округів, зміни в адміністративно-територіальному розподілі, трансформацію функцій і напрямків діяльності їх попечителів.
The aim of that article is to research the process of the educational districts foundation in the Russian Empire as an important component of the education system, formed in the first half of the XIX century. Complex analysis of published sources and archival documents make it possible to examine the stages of formation of educational districts, features of their activities, the role of trustees in the development of education in the district. The establishment of educational districts in the Russian Empire was a part of the overall model of the transformation of the administrative apparatus in the state. One of the most significant elements of that difficult and multiform process was the reform of education. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the country’s territory was divided into six educational districts, led by universities. The role of trustees at this stage was weak. Since the late 20s of the 19th century, a new stage in the formation of educational districts had begun. They were established even in those regions which have not yet had a university: Belorussian, Odessa and Kiev educational districts had appeared. In June 25, 1835 a new decree for the educational districts was approved. According to it, the guidance and ruling of all educational institutions located in a district passed to a trustee of that district. His appearance was a manifestation of the desire of Emperor Nicholas I to increase control over the sphere of education. The period from the late 1830s and 1840s was a third important stage in the educational districts distribution throughout the Empire, when the Warsaw and Caucasian educational districts were founded.
The aim of that article is to research the process of the educational districts foundation in the Russian Empire as an important component of the education system, formed in the first half of the XIX century. Complex analysis of published sources and archival documents make it possible to examine the stages of formation of educational districts, features of their activities, the role of trustees in the development of education in the district. The establishment of educational districts in the Russian Empire was a part of the overall model of the transformation of the administrative apparatus in the state. One of the most significant elements of that difficult and multiform process was the reform of education. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the country’s territory was divided into six educational districts, led by universities. The role of trustees at this stage was weak. Since the late 20s of the 19th century, a new stage in the formation of educational districts had begun. They were established even in those regions which have not yet had a university: Belorussian, Odessa and Kiev educational districts had appeared. In June 25, 1835 a new decree for the educational districts was approved. According to it, the guidance and ruling of all educational institutions located in a district passed to a trustee of that district. His appearance was a manifestation of the desire of Emperor Nicholas I to increase control over the sphere of education. The period from the late 1830s and 1840s was a third important stage in the educational districts distribution throughout the Empire, when the Warsaw and Caucasian educational districts were founded.
Ключові слова
навчальний округ, попечитель, початкові училища, гімназії, університети, система, educaional district, elementary school, gymnasium, university, educaional district trustee, system
Бібліографічний опис
Записки історичного факультету = Записки исторического факультета