Topos et utopos: до урбаністичного проектування
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Стаття присвячена дослідженню концепції topos та utopos в контексті урбаністичного проектування. Висвітлено їх історичний контекст, основні принципи та вплив на сучасну практику міського дизайну. Сучасне місто є не лише простором для життя та праці його мешканців, а й полем для реалізації урбаністичних проектів, котрі намагаються втілити у життя ідеї, які ще недавно здавалися утопічними. Досліджено приклади утопічних проектів та їх вплив на розвиток міських просторів, висвітлено можливості та виклики, які вони представляють для урбаністів і архітекторів.
The article is devoted to the studying of the concepts of topos and utopos in the context of urban planning. Their historical context, main principles and influence on the modern practice of urban design are highlighted. The modern city is not only a space for the life and work of its inhabitants, but also a field for the implementation of urban projects that try to implement ideas that until recently seemed utopian. Examples of utopian projects and their impact on the development of urban spaces are studied, the opportunities and challenges they represent for urban planners and architects are highlighted. Urban design is often at the intersection of topos and utopos. On the one hand, designers must take into account the real limitations of the existing place – its geography, infrastructure, socio-economic context. On the other hand, they seek to integrate idealistic visions of the future that can improve the quality of life and the sustainability of the urban environment. With the development of the city in history, its symbolic meaning changes: from a historical connection with nature and spirituality to a transformation into a spatial-architectural image that reflects the ideals of technological civilization and human needs in the rational organization of social life. The integration of utopian ideas into real urban design faces a number of challenges, in particular, the need to ensure economic benefits, take into account environmental constraints and achieve social justice. However, it also offers significant opportunities to create more flexible, adaptive and sustainable urban spaces that can better respond to future challenges.
The article is devoted to the studying of the concepts of topos and utopos in the context of urban planning. Their historical context, main principles and influence on the modern practice of urban design are highlighted. The modern city is not only a space for the life and work of its inhabitants, but also a field for the implementation of urban projects that try to implement ideas that until recently seemed utopian. Examples of utopian projects and their impact on the development of urban spaces are studied, the opportunities and challenges they represent for urban planners and architects are highlighted. Urban design is often at the intersection of topos and utopos. On the one hand, designers must take into account the real limitations of the existing place – its geography, infrastructure, socio-economic context. On the other hand, they seek to integrate idealistic visions of the future that can improve the quality of life and the sustainability of the urban environment. With the development of the city in history, its symbolic meaning changes: from a historical connection with nature and spirituality to a transformation into a spatial-architectural image that reflects the ideals of technological civilization and human needs in the rational organization of social life. The integration of utopian ideas into real urban design faces a number of challenges, in particular, the need to ensure economic benefits, take into account environmental constraints and achieve social justice. However, it also offers significant opportunities to create more flexible, adaptive and sustainable urban spaces that can better respond to future challenges.
Ключові слова
topos, утопія, ідеальне місто, урбаністика, містобудування, культура, utopia, ideal city, urbanism, urban planning, culture
Бібліографічний опис
Готинян-Журавльова В. Topos et utopos: до урбаністичного проектування / В. Готинян-Журавльова, І. Сумченко // Δόξα / Докса : зб. наук. пр. з філософії та філології. – Одеса : Акваторія, 2023. – Вип. 2(40) : Креативні технології та сучасна картина світу. – С. 82–92.