Особливості антропонімів у текстах українських народних загадок
Науковий керівник
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті описано характерні риси специфічного тексту загадки, що є
об’єктом вивчення пареміології; схарактеризовано особливості вживання
антропонімів у текстах українських народних загадок та встановлено зв’язок між етимологічним значенням антропонімів і предметами, які закодовані
у текстах загадок; зроблено припущення, що вибір антропоніма для позначення того чи іншого денотата залежить від певного ряду лінгвістичних та
екстралінгвальних чинників.
В статье описаны характерные особенности специфического текста загадки, который является объектом изучения паремиологии; охарактеризована специфика использования антропонимов в текстах украинских народных загадок и установлена связь между этимологическим значением антропонимов и предметами, которые зашифрованы в текстах загадок; высказано предположение, что выбор антропонима зависит от ряда лингвистических и экстралингвальных факторов.
The object of this article is anthroponyms in the texts of Ukrainian folk riddles. The subject of our research is the connection between anthroponyms and the objects, which are encoded in the texts of riddles. The aim is to analyze the specificity of using anthroponyms in the texts of Ukrainian folk riddles and to draw a parallel between the etymological meaning of anthroponyms and the objects encoded in the texts of the riddles. To reach the purpose of our research we have used such methods as: observation, description, a quantitative method of calculation and inductive generalization. The analysis of the selected material (40 riddles) gave us the possibility to draw the following conclusion: the choice of the anthroponym for encoding the object in the riddle depends on different linguistic and extra-linguistic factors, among which are the gender of the subject, rhyme and sonority. Among extra linguistic factors, which could influence the choice of anthroponyms, there are: the desire to actualize stereotypes of a person who solves a riddle about a particular object, the functioning of a name in the language and culture and its frequency. All the given examples allow us to assume that there is a special connection between the etymological meaning of the name and the specific characteristic of the object, which is encoded in the riddle, and thus to presume that the language of a riddle is a special code in which the structure of the universe in the mindset of our ancestors is encrypted. Thus, the study of the specific use of anthroponyms in the Ukrainian folk riddles is extremely important for the further investigation of these texts in the linguacultural aspect of research.
В статье описаны характерные особенности специфического текста загадки, который является объектом изучения паремиологии; охарактеризована специфика использования антропонимов в текстах украинских народных загадок и установлена связь между этимологическим значением антропонимов и предметами, которые зашифрованы в текстах загадок; высказано предположение, что выбор антропонима зависит от ряда лингвистических и экстралингвальных факторов.
The object of this article is anthroponyms in the texts of Ukrainian folk riddles. The subject of our research is the connection between anthroponyms and the objects, which are encoded in the texts of riddles. The aim is to analyze the specificity of using anthroponyms in the texts of Ukrainian folk riddles and to draw a parallel between the etymological meaning of anthroponyms and the objects encoded in the texts of the riddles. To reach the purpose of our research we have used such methods as: observation, description, a quantitative method of calculation and inductive generalization. The analysis of the selected material (40 riddles) gave us the possibility to draw the following conclusion: the choice of the anthroponym for encoding the object in the riddle depends on different linguistic and extra-linguistic factors, among which are the gender of the subject, rhyme and sonority. Among extra linguistic factors, which could influence the choice of anthroponyms, there are: the desire to actualize stereotypes of a person who solves a riddle about a particular object, the functioning of a name in the language and culture and its frequency. All the given examples allow us to assume that there is a special connection between the etymological meaning of the name and the specific characteristic of the object, which is encoded in the riddle, and thus to presume that the language of a riddle is a special code in which the structure of the universe in the mindset of our ancestors is encrypted. Thus, the study of the specific use of anthroponyms in the Ukrainian folk riddles is extremely important for the further investigation of these texts in the linguacultural aspect of research.
Ключові слова
загадка, антропонім, етимологічне значення, денотат, антропоним, этимологическое значение, riddle, anthroponym, etymological meaning, denotation
Бібліографічний опис
Слов’янський збірник