Курс на знищення: іноземні дипломатичні представництва Одеси у вирі політичних репресій 1930-х років

dc.contributor.authorКовальчук, Лидия Всеволодовна
dc.contributor.authorПетровський, Едуард Петрович
dc.contributor.authorKovalchuk, Lidiia V.
dc.contributor.authorPetrovskyi, Еduard P.
dc.contributor.authorПетровский, Эдуард Петрович
dc.description.abstractУ статті, на основі архівно-слідчих справ, інших архівних та друкованих матеріалів, досліджено процес розгортання репресій серед працівників іноземних консульств в Одесі. Вивчені механізми, масштаби й наслідки дій радянської влади, які призвели до їх ліквідації, фізичного винищення пов’язаних з їх діяльністю осіб та фабрикації каральними органами неіснуючих контрреволюційних організацій. Окреслені шляхи й перспективи подальших досліджень зазначеної теми.uk
dc.description.abstractArticle is based on archival investigations and other materials research the process of repression among the members of foreign embassies in Odessa during 1930s. Soviet government didn’t like the activity of ambassadors in the modernization period. The government aspired to drive out all the peasants in kolkhozes. There was organized systemic food withdrawal, restriction of free movement. All of this brought to mass famine 1932–1933. Foreign diplomatic missions were informing the leadership of their countries about the rising of crisis in agriculture and rebels because of lack of food that were happened in big cities of Ukraine. They were collecting funds for people who were starving; also they were creating organizations and comities which were helping to the victims. When the international situation has changed and the threat of war appears Soviet government started the process of activity limitation of foreign embassies in the republics of USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republics) and later their closing. Organs of the NKVD tried to direct the effort on creation of full isolation of all diplomatic centers; they totally controlled all the workers, intimidated their visitors and were making fake lists of people who had unauthorized communication. The investigators of NKVD were creating their spy centers around the consulates, attracted to these centers hundreds of casual citizens who were directly or indirectly connected with ambassadors. All the mechanisms, scales and the aftermath of Soviet government actions brought the liquidation, even physical destruction of people who were connected with embassies acts; many people were repressed because of fabrication of the cases (about counterrevolutionary organizations ) by punitive bodies of the USSR. Also we can see in the article ways and perspectives of later investigations of this theme.
dc.identifierУДК 323.281(477)«1930»
dc.identifier.citationЗаписки історичного факультету = Записки исторического факультетаuk
dc.publisherОдеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечниковаuk
dc.relation.ispartofseries;Вип. 28.
dc.subjectархівно-слідчі справиuk
dc.subjectоргани НКВСuk
dc.subjectUSSR (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic)uk
dc.subjectarchival and investigated casesuk
dc.subjectorgans of the NKVSuk
dc.titleКурс на знищення: іноземні дипломатичні представництва Одеси у вирі політичних репресій 1930-х роківuk
dc.title.alternativeCourse to the destruction: foreign diplomatic missons in Odesa through the political repression during 1930suk
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