Особливості адаптації тексту художнього твору в кіносценарний комунікативний трансформ
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей адаптації тексту літературного
твору (вихідного тексту) в текст кіносценарію його екранізації (кіносценарний
комунікативний трансформ). У роботі аналізуються різні типи трансформацій,
визначається їх функціональна значущість.
Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей адаптации текста литературного произведения (исходного текста) в текст киносценария его экранизации (киносценарный коммуникативный трансформ). В работе анализируются различные типы трансформаций, определяется их функциональная значимость.
The article is devoted to the study of the features of the adaptation of the text of a literary work (source text) into the text of the screen version of its adaptation (script communicative transform). Various types of transformations are analyzed in the article, their functional significance is determined. A peculiar feature of the adaptation of the text of the novel – the source text into the screenplay of its movie version, i.e. сommunicative transform – is the use of various types of transformations on different levels of the text. They manifest themselves both on the level of the characters’ speech, and on the level of the plot-forming microtexts. There can be distinguished several types of such transformations: omission, addition, transposition, substitution, zerotransformation. The results of the analysis have shown that all methods of text transfmation are interconnected and interdependent. Omission is used to reduce the size of the source text; the main function of the addition is seen in preserving the coherence and semantic completeness of various episodes of the film script; transposition of replicas or plot actions makes it possible to preserve/restore the chronological sequence of events that facilitates the process of perception of the movie for the viewer; the main function of substitution is the transfer of emotional coloring of an utterance that is reflected in the dialogues of the characters; zero-transformation allows to convey the point of view of the author of the novel and preserves his style in the text of the script.
Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей адаптации текста литературного произведения (исходного текста) в текст киносценария его экранизации (киносценарный коммуникативный трансформ). В работе анализируются различные типы трансформаций, определяется их функциональная значимость.
The article is devoted to the study of the features of the adaptation of the text of a literary work (source text) into the text of the screen version of its adaptation (script communicative transform). Various types of transformations are analyzed in the article, their functional significance is determined. A peculiar feature of the adaptation of the text of the novel – the source text into the screenplay of its movie version, i.e. сommunicative transform – is the use of various types of transformations on different levels of the text. They manifest themselves both on the level of the characters’ speech, and on the level of the plot-forming microtexts. There can be distinguished several types of such transformations: omission, addition, transposition, substitution, zerotransformation. The results of the analysis have shown that all methods of text transfmation are interconnected and interdependent. Omission is used to reduce the size of the source text; the main function of the addition is seen in preserving the coherence and semantic completeness of various episodes of the film script; transposition of replicas or plot actions makes it possible to preserve/restore the chronological sequence of events that facilitates the process of perception of the movie for the viewer; the main function of substitution is the transfer of emotional coloring of an utterance that is reflected in the dialogues of the characters; zero-transformation allows to convey the point of view of the author of the novel and preserves his style in the text of the script.
Ключові слова
кіносценарій, комунікативна парадигма, комунікативний трансформ, вторинний текст, трасформація, киносценарий, коммуникативная парадигма, коммуникативный трансформ, вторичный текст, трансформация, script, communicative paradigm, communicative transform, secondary text, transformation
Бібліографічний опис
Записки з романо-германської філології = Writings in Romance-Germanic Philology