Медальні роботи на історичну тематику у системі вищої освіти Одеси (кінець ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті досліджено функціонування у системі вищої освіти Одеси кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. форми самостійної роботи студентів, що полягала у написанні студентами наукових досліджень на історичну тематику, за найкращі з яких вони отримували винагороди у вигляді золотих і срібних медалей та почесних відгуків
Цель этой статьи – исследование функционирования в системе высшего образования Одессы конца XIX – начала ХХ вв. формы самостоятельной работы студентов, которая заключалась в написании студентами научных исследований на историческую тематику, за лучшие из которых они получали медали и почетные отзывы. Исследована история Новороссийского университета – единственного классического университета в указанное время не только на территории Южной Украины, но и на огромных просторах южных губерний Российской империи. Нами выявлено 125 тем, которые преподаватели предложили студентам в качестве медальных с 1870-х по 1919 г. Из них 87 тем нашли своих авторов. 38 тем так и не были проработаны, несмотря на то, что ряд из них предлагались преподавателями несколько лет подряд. На протяжении всей истории НУ было зафиксировано 123 случая награждения 118 студентов: 57 – золотыми медалями, 44 – серебряными, 21 – почетными отзывами. Только 5 студентов получали награды дважды за разные работы. М. Попруженко дважды получил золотые медали. М. Г. Попруженко и В. М. Мочульский были как авторами студенческих работ, так и авторами отзывов на студенческие работы, уже в качестве профессоров. М. Е. Слабченко был номинантом золотой и серебряной медалей, Б. В. Вахевич и К. Б. Бархин получили по две серебряные каждый. С. Вилинский получил одну золотую медаль и почетный отзыв. Работы на историческую тематику подготовили 23 студента юрфака. 9 из этих студентов написали 10 работ на темы, предложенные преподавателями историко-филологического факультета. 41 тема была посвящена истории Западной Европы, 34 – истории России. Только труд Д. Блюменфельда о первом этапе развития Ришельевского лицея посвящен краеведению. 7 тем можно трактовать как украиноведческие, т. к. они посвящены событиям, явлениям, учреждениям, которые происходили и находились на территории Украины, или украинским деятелям. Особенно выразительна украиноведческая составляющая в работах деятелей украинского национального движения в Одессе М. Слабченко и П. Клепацкого. Рукописи 15 работ были изданы. Таким образом, в Одесском университете существовала стабильная система вовлечения студентов в научную деятельность, которая никоим образом не уступала аналогичным системам в других университетах
The history of higher education is one of the traditional directions of historical research in Ukraine. Each of the educational institutions has an incentive to learn their own history in the form of a pragmatic reason – in the mass consciousness the longevity of the institution is a kind of high quality certification. The tradition of studying the history of University education started in the days of the existence of classical higher educational institutions on occasion of their anniversaries. A promising task of historiographical researches is the study of the history of historical education, because it was a significant part of the historiographical process and an integral part of historical science. Knowledge of previous pedagogical experience can help to eliminate outdated shortcomings and to improve the modern education system. The purpose of this article is to study the functioning of independent work form of students in the system of higher education in Odesa in the end of 19th – beginning of 20th century, which was writing of scientific researches on historical subjects by students, for the best of which they received medals and honorary testimonials. The history of Novorossiya University, the only classical university in the specified time, both in the territory of southern Ukraine and in the vast expanses of the southern provinces of the Russian Empire, is investigated. We have identified 125 topics that teachers offered to students as medal topics in the period from the 1870s to 1919. 87 of them found their authors. 38 topics have not been worked out, despite the fact that a number of them were offered by teachers for several years in a row. 45 teachers, mainly professors: 35 from historical-philological and 10 from law faculties took part as authors of reviews in the process of formulating topics and nominating students. The greatest activity in attracting students to work independently had I. A. Lynnychenko (proposed 6 topics, 8 students have produced works, for which he received various degrees of difference), V. M. Mochulsky (6 topics, 7 students), F. I. Leontovych (5 topics, 8 students), F. I. Uspensky (4 topics, 7 students), O. O. Kotsubinsky and G. I. Peretyatkovich (4 topics, 5 students everyone), R. Y. Vipper (3 topics, 7 students). A kind of record was set by Professor of law V. V. Sokolsky. He offered a topic only once, but 5 students responded and received different degrees of difference for their 5 works, while the greatest success of other teachers was 3 works from 3 students on the same topic. In general, 25 topics were developed by two or more authors. Basically, teachers did not repeat any previously proposed topics or topics of other teachers, for which students received medals. Only once the same theme was offered two years in a row and twice had success. This is the the topic of I. A. Lynnychenko «the Peasant question in the Legislative Commission of Catherine II», for which M. E. Slabchenko, and A. V. Florovsky received silver and gold medals in 1906–1907. According to the updated and significantly supplemented data, summarized in the Appendix at the end of the article, throughout the history of the NU 123 cases of awarded 118 students were recorded: 57 of them received gold medals, 44 – silver, 21 – honorary reviews. Only 5 students received awards twice for different works. While M. Popruzhenko holds a unique record – he received twice the gold medals. In addition, only M. Popruzhenko and V. Mochulsky were both authors of student works and the authors of reviews on student works when they became professors. M. Slabchenko, was nominated for the golden and silver medals, B. V. Vakhevych and K. B. Barkhin received two silver medals each. S. Vilinsky received one gold medal and an honorary review. Works on historical subjects were prepared by the students of two (historical-philological and law) faculties of Novorossiya University. In general, the work on historical subjects has prepared 23 students of the faculty of law, for which they received medals and honorary reviews. 9 of these students wrote 10 works on the topics proposed by the teachers of the faculty of history and philology. Works about the historical drama in Ancient Rome, Herzen, Richelieu lyceum and Chekhov were obviously not connected with the legal issues and reflected the broad interests of the students. M. E. Slabchenko became the main star-historian of law school, he received two medals in the status of a student of law school for the work on the topics proposed by the Professor of the Department of Russian history I. Lynnychenko. About 90% of the nominees for medals and honorary reviews were at that time senior, 3rd and 4th year students. To the graduate-medalist his work was counted as the candidate’s dissertation. Against this background, expressive achievements of 4 freshmen that have been awarded to: law student M. Slabchenko and historian student M. Golub – silver medals; the student-historian V. Gorodetsky and law student L. Butkis – honorary reviews. They are all wrote their works on the topic given by the Professor of history and philology. According to geographical criteria, 41 topics are devoted to the history of Western Europe, 34 – to the history of Russia. At the same time, the D. Blumenfeld’s works on the first stage of development of the Richelieu Lyceum were an exception. None of the works presented for the medal were devoted to local history, which is perhaps the biggest difference from the modern historiographical and pedagogical situation. Seven topics can be interpreted as Ukrainian studies, because they are dedicated to the events, phenomena and institutions in the territory of Ukraine. The Ukrainian component in the works of figures of the Ukrainian national movement in Odesa M. Slabchenko and P. Klepatsky is the most expressive. These 7 topics include two other works «The Russian historical ornament» and «Azov seat», in which a lot of attention was paid to the Ukrainian theme. 4 were extraterritorial, claiming broad generalizations. Manuscripts of 15 works were published. Thus, there was a stable system of involvement of students in scientific activities in Odesa University, which in no way inferior to similar systems in other universities.
Ключові слова
вища освіта, Одеса, університет, студенти, медальні праці, історична наука, высшее образование, Одесса, университет, студенты, высшее образование, Одесса, университет, студенты, медальные труды, историческая наука, higher education, Odesa, university, students, medal works, historical science
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald