Проєктне фінансування в системі забезпечення національної соціально-економічної і фінансової безпеки
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті досліджено можливості використання проєктного фінансування в системі соціально-економічної і фінансової безпеки. Визначено важливість фінансової складової серед елементів економічної безпеки. Доведено, що фінансова безпека досягається через активізацію інвестиційної сфери. Визначено, що проєктне фінансування діє як інструмент зміцнення фінансової безпеки держави. Застосовані концептуальні підходи до з’ясування проєктного фінансування для забезпечення соціально-економічної та фінансової безпеки держави і представлено структурно-логічну схему.
The article explores the possibilities of project financing tools in ensuring national socio-economic and financial security. The theoretical foundations of the formation of the category "economic security" of the state, which includes social security, as well as its interrelated elements and system superstructure, are determined. The scientific work on clarifying the relevant national interests in the economic sphere is systematized, as well as the position regarding the definition of the financial component as a fundamental element of economic security among those traditionally singled out by modern science is substantiated. The essence of financial security is clarified in the plane of modern scientific thought as a critically important superstructure of the national system of socio-economic security, which allows the state to effectively eliminate any challenges and threats while maintaining the stability of economic development and social stability. It has been proven that the appropriate level of financial security is achieved through the activation of the investment sphere. It was determined that project financing could be used as an effective tool for strengthening the financial security of the state, which should contribute to the achievement of key directions of modern state policy; the main factors contributing to the development of project financing in the world were investigated, and a retrospective analysis of its occurrence was carried out. Specific features and features of the practical implementation of project financing are determined. The expediency of using project financing in the context of the development of the investment environment is substantiated; conceptual approaches are applied to clarify the place of project financing tools within the framework of ensuring the national socio-economic and financial security of the state, and the corresponding structural and logical scheme is presented. The role of sources of international support from international financial and credit organizations, development institutions and donor countries in the context of implementing project financing tools in strategically important sectors to rebuild the national economy and strengthen the state's socio-economic and financial security is defined.
The article explores the possibilities of project financing tools in ensuring national socio-economic and financial security. The theoretical foundations of the formation of the category "economic security" of the state, which includes social security, as well as its interrelated elements and system superstructure, are determined. The scientific work on clarifying the relevant national interests in the economic sphere is systematized, as well as the position regarding the definition of the financial component as a fundamental element of economic security among those traditionally singled out by modern science is substantiated. The essence of financial security is clarified in the plane of modern scientific thought as a critically important superstructure of the national system of socio-economic security, which allows the state to effectively eliminate any challenges and threats while maintaining the stability of economic development and social stability. It has been proven that the appropriate level of financial security is achieved through the activation of the investment sphere. It was determined that project financing could be used as an effective tool for strengthening the financial security of the state, which should contribute to the achievement of key directions of modern state policy; the main factors contributing to the development of project financing in the world were investigated, and a retrospective analysis of its occurrence was carried out. Specific features and features of the practical implementation of project financing are determined. The expediency of using project financing in the context of the development of the investment environment is substantiated; conceptual approaches are applied to clarify the place of project financing tools within the framework of ensuring the national socio-economic and financial security of the state, and the corresponding structural and logical scheme is presented. The role of sources of international support from international financial and credit organizations, development institutions and donor countries in the context of implementing project financing tools in strategically important sectors to rebuild the national economy and strengthen the state's socio-economic and financial security is defined.
Ключові слова
проєктне фінансування, міжнародні фінансово-кредитні організації, фінансова безпека, соціально-економічна безпека, інвестиційний розвиток, project financing, international financial and credit organizations, financial security, socio-economic security, investment development
Бібліографічний опис
Савастєєва О. М. Проєктне фінансування в системі забезпечення національної соціально-економічної і фінансової безпеки / О. М. Савастєєва // Ринкова економіка: сучасна теорія і практика управління : зб. наук. пр. – Одеса : Одес. нац. ун-т ім. І. І. Мечникова, 2024. – Т. 23, вип. 1(56). – С. 129–141.