Принципи текстотворення політичної програми як мовленнєвого жанру політичного дискурсу
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Статтю присвячено аналізу політичної програми як одного із мовленнєвих жанрів українського політичного дискурсу. Окреслено поняття мовленнєвого жанру, представлено класифікації мовленнєвих жанрів політичної комунікації, запропоновано авторський підхід до визначення типів політичних мовленнєвих жанрів. Доведено перформативний характер політичної програми та виокремлено в ній риси інформативних та іміджевих мовленнєвих жанрів. Представлено основні принципи побудови тексту політичних програм.
Статья посвящена анализу политической программы как одного из речевых жанров украинского политического дискурса. Определены понятия речевого жанра, представлены классификации речевых жанров политической коммуникации, предложен авторский подход к определению типов политических речевых жанров. Доказан перформативный характер политической программы и выделены черты информативных и имиджевых речевых жанров в жанре программы. Представлены основные принципы построения текста политических программ.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the political program as one of the language genres of Ukrainian political discourse. The purpose of the paper is to study the specifics of a political program as a speech genre at creating and maintaining a political image. The goal has determined the solution of the following tasks: to characterize the political program as speech genre; to discover the structural and compositional features of political programs; determine the verbal specificity of political programs; analyze the implementation of the image function in political programs. The object of research is Ukrainian political discourse in the linguistic and pragmatic aspect, and the subject is the speech genre of the political program. The material was the texts of official and promotional political programs of well-known Ukrainian politicians and political parties (2004-2016). The concept of the speech genre is outlined, classifications of speech genres of political communication are presented, author’s approach to definition of types of political speech genres is proposed. The performative nature of the political program is proved and the features of informative and image speech genres are singled out in it. The basic principles of constructing the text of political programs are presented. The political program has signs of two types of speech genres of political discourse – informative and imaginative, but due to the dominance of the facts in software texts, we assign them to the image. They are aimed at presenting ideological landmarks and proposals of a political subject, based on political performances and subject to the three text-based principles – the thesaurus, the constrastic and the dialogic. Prospects for the study are the further development of the typology of speech genres of political discourse.
Статья посвящена анализу политической программы как одного из речевых жанров украинского политического дискурса. Определены понятия речевого жанра, представлены классификации речевых жанров политической коммуникации, предложен авторский подход к определению типов политических речевых жанров. Доказан перформативный характер политической программы и выделены черты информативных и имиджевых речевых жанров в жанре программы. Представлены основные принципы построения текста политических программ.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the political program as one of the language genres of Ukrainian political discourse. The purpose of the paper is to study the specifics of a political program as a speech genre at creating and maintaining a political image. The goal has determined the solution of the following tasks: to characterize the political program as speech genre; to discover the structural and compositional features of political programs; determine the verbal specificity of political programs; analyze the implementation of the image function in political programs. The object of research is Ukrainian political discourse in the linguistic and pragmatic aspect, and the subject is the speech genre of the political program. The material was the texts of official and promotional political programs of well-known Ukrainian politicians and political parties (2004-2016). The concept of the speech genre is outlined, classifications of speech genres of political communication are presented, author’s approach to definition of types of political speech genres is proposed. The performative nature of the political program is proved and the features of informative and image speech genres are singled out in it. The basic principles of constructing the text of political programs are presented. The political program has signs of two types of speech genres of political discourse – informative and imaginative, but due to the dominance of the facts in software texts, we assign them to the image. They are aimed at presenting ideological landmarks and proposals of a political subject, based on political performances and subject to the three text-based principles – the thesaurus, the constrastic and the dialogic. Prospects for the study are the further development of the typology of speech genres of political discourse.
Ключові слова
політичний дискурс, мовленнєвий жанр, політична програма, інформативність, фатичність, політичний перформатив, политический дискурс, речевой жанр, политическая программа, информативность, фатичнисть, политический перформатив, political discourse, speech genre, political program, informative, factual, political performer
Бібліографічний опис
Записки з українського мовознавства = Opera in linguistica ukrainiana