Існуюче функціональне зонування острова Зміїний і прилеглої акваторії та його удосконалення
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статті проаналізовано існуюче функціональне зонування о. Зміїний та виявлено ряд недоліків в його зонуванні. Запропоновано удосконалений варіант функціонального зонування острова та його акваторії. Виділено і схарактеризовано
чотири функціональні зони: заповідна зона суходолу, заповідна зона акваторії
моря, зона регульованої рекреації, господарська зона.Обґрунтовано стратегію
заходів щодо збереження унікального степового ландшафту острова. Пропонується переглянути природоохоронний статус острова шляхом віднесення його
до ландшафтного заказника, природного парку чи навіть заповідника.
В статье проанализировано существующее функциональное зонирование о. Змеиный и выявлен ряд недостатков в его зонировании. Предложен усовершенствованный вариант функционального зонирования острова и его акватории. Выделены и охарактеризованы четыре функциональные зоны: заповедная зона суши, заповедная зона моря, зона регулируемой рекреации, хозяйственная зона. Разработана стратегия мероприятий по сохранению уникального степного ландшафта острова. Предлагается пересмотреть природоохранный статус острова путем отнесения его к ландшафтному заказнику, природному парку или даже заповеднику.
Problem Statement and Purpose. Economic activity, housing development of Zmiiny іsland, increasing recreational load negatively affect the ecological condition of unique local landscapes. In order to preserve the ecosystem of the island there is a need to normalize the anthropogenic load. It will be advisable to adjust the existing functional zoning of Zmiiny іsland with an indisputable priority to the preservation of landscape and biological diversity. The purpose of the study is to analyze the existing functional zoning of Zmiiny іsland and the surrounding area and improve it. Data & Methods. The work is based on the results of our research in 2005-2019 on the natural conditions of Zmiiny іsland, genesis and geography of soils, their bioproductivity, assessment and mapping of the state, as well as economic use of the territory. The zoning of the island uses an ecological and landscape approach, which consists in a comprehensive study and analysis of the diversity of natural landscapes, their changes due to economic activity and the location of protected areas. Results. Zmiiny іsland is the only dome-shaped remnant of the Paleozoic age in the Black Sea, a piece of land for migratory and resident birds. The island is distinguished by its unique geographical location, archaeological and geological value, as a result - natural and geographical conditions and resources, landscape and biological diversity, which has no analogues within Ukraine in the number of rare species and can be a source of reproduction and enrichment of northwest flora and fauna parts of the Black Sea. Today the island has the status of a general zoological reserve of national importance and a geological monument of special nature and scientific value. The existing functional zoning of Zmiiny іsland is analyzed. So four zones are allocated: economic - 13 hectares, perspective development of social infrastructure - 2.8 hectares, land reserve - 4.7 hectares and sea reserve within a radius of 500 meters -227.3 hectares. The land reserve area occupies only 22.9% of the island's area, and there is no transitional buffer zone at all, which does not comply with current legislation. The functional zoning of the island and its waters has been improved by allocating four zones with clarification of the boundaries and areas of these zones: the protected land zone (8.0 ha) and the sea protected area within a radius of 500 meters (227.3 ha), which should serve as protection and restoration of the most valuable natural systems of the island. To protect the preserved land area from anthropogenic impact, it is proposed to allocate a zone of regulated activities and regulated recreation (5.7 hectares). The rest of the territory of 6.8 hectares is an economic zone with clear regulations, which is not prohibited on sites with environmental status. In the strategy of measures to preserve the unique steppe landscape of the island, the priority activities of people should be environmental activities, scientific and monitoring research, recreational and educational activities. In order to preserve the island's biocenoses, soils, vegetation, landscape and biological diversity, we emphasize the possible revision of the island's conservation status by classifying it as a landscape reserve, nature park or even a reserve with appropriate statutory norms of use and protection.
В статье проанализировано существующее функциональное зонирование о. Змеиный и выявлен ряд недостатков в его зонировании. Предложен усовершенствованный вариант функционального зонирования острова и его акватории. Выделены и охарактеризованы четыре функциональные зоны: заповедная зона суши, заповедная зона моря, зона регулируемой рекреации, хозяйственная зона. Разработана стратегия мероприятий по сохранению уникального степного ландшафта острова. Предлагается пересмотреть природоохранный статус острова путем отнесения его к ландшафтному заказнику, природному парку или даже заповеднику.
Problem Statement and Purpose. Economic activity, housing development of Zmiiny іsland, increasing recreational load negatively affect the ecological condition of unique local landscapes. In order to preserve the ecosystem of the island there is a need to normalize the anthropogenic load. It will be advisable to adjust the existing functional zoning of Zmiiny іsland with an indisputable priority to the preservation of landscape and biological diversity. The purpose of the study is to analyze the existing functional zoning of Zmiiny іsland and the surrounding area and improve it. Data & Methods. The work is based on the results of our research in 2005-2019 on the natural conditions of Zmiiny іsland, genesis and geography of soils, their bioproductivity, assessment and mapping of the state, as well as economic use of the territory. The zoning of the island uses an ecological and landscape approach, which consists in a comprehensive study and analysis of the diversity of natural landscapes, their changes due to economic activity and the location of protected areas. Results. Zmiiny іsland is the only dome-shaped remnant of the Paleozoic age in the Black Sea, a piece of land for migratory and resident birds. The island is distinguished by its unique geographical location, archaeological and geological value, as a result - natural and geographical conditions and resources, landscape and biological diversity, which has no analogues within Ukraine in the number of rare species and can be a source of reproduction and enrichment of northwest flora and fauna parts of the Black Sea. Today the island has the status of a general zoological reserve of national importance and a geological monument of special nature and scientific value. The existing functional zoning of Zmiiny іsland is analyzed. So four zones are allocated: economic - 13 hectares, perspective development of social infrastructure - 2.8 hectares, land reserve - 4.7 hectares and sea reserve within a radius of 500 meters -227.3 hectares. The land reserve area occupies only 22.9% of the island's area, and there is no transitional buffer zone at all, which does not comply with current legislation. The functional zoning of the island and its waters has been improved by allocating four zones with clarification of the boundaries and areas of these zones: the protected land zone (8.0 ha) and the sea protected area within a radius of 500 meters (227.3 ha), which should serve as protection and restoration of the most valuable natural systems of the island. To protect the preserved land area from anthropogenic impact, it is proposed to allocate a zone of regulated activities and regulated recreation (5.7 hectares). The rest of the territory of 6.8 hectares is an economic zone with clear regulations, which is not prohibited on sites with environmental status. In the strategy of measures to preserve the unique steppe landscape of the island, the priority activities of people should be environmental activities, scientific and monitoring research, recreational and educational activities. In order to preserve the island's biocenoses, soils, vegetation, landscape and biological diversity, we emphasize the possible revision of the island's conservation status by classifying it as a landscape reserve, nature park or even a reserve with appropriate statutory norms of use and protection.
Ключові слова
острів Зміїний, функціональне зонування, загальнозоологічний заказник, ґрунтово-рослинний покрив, охорона ґрунтів і ландшафту, остров Змеиный, функциональное зонирование, общезоологический заказник, почвенно-растительный покров, охрана почв и ландшафта, Zmiiny іsland, functional zoning, general zoological reserve, soil and vegetation cover, protection of soils and landscape
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald