Імідж журналіста як спосіб невербального впливу на аудиторію
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Розглядається імідж сучасного
журналіста, класифікації іміджів,
особливості впливу на аудиторією за
допомогою іміджу. Основні методи
дослідження – спостереження та аналіз
This article is devoted to the analysis of the image of a fellow journalist and the study of non – verbal influence of the journalist on the audience through the image. The psychological features of the process of creating the image of a journalist, which includes the development of professional qualities of the individual, the development of the main components of the image of the journalist. The main psychological techniques of creating an image for successful career and professional advancement in the field of journalism, mastering the psychological methods of developing the process of image formation as a media project. The role of image in the formation of civic opinion in the international arena. Features of mental characteristics of image. The aim of the study is to analyze the basic concepts of image psychology, emphasizing the concept of "image classification" and "non – verbal language of communication". Develop the main components of the journalist's image, based on ideas about the image as a media product. Know the techniques and methods of self – improvement for successful professional activity. Because it is the image that is an integral part of a journalist's work. The image creates a non – verbal contact between the viewer and the journalist or the interviewer and the interviewee, so you should always remember what impression you want to make on the audience, how you want to present your material and what result you are trying to get. Both the style of your clothes, and the manner of presentation, and gestures play a huge role in how you will be perceived by the audience. Therefore, the image is an important part of professional strategy.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the image of a fellow journalist and the study of non – verbal influence of the journalist on the audience through the image. The psychological features of the process of creating the image of a journalist, which includes the development of professional qualities of the individual, the development of the main components of the image of the journalist. The main psychological techniques of creating an image for successful career and professional advancement in the field of journalism, mastering the psychological methods of developing the process of image formation as a media project. The role of image in the formation of civic opinion in the international arena. Features of mental characteristics of image. The aim of the study is to analyze the basic concepts of image psychology, emphasizing the concept of "image classification" and "non – verbal language of communication". Develop the main components of the journalist's image, based on ideas about the image as a media product. Know the techniques and methods of self – improvement for successful professional activity. Because it is the image that is an integral part of a journalist's work. The image creates a non – verbal contact between the viewer and the journalist or the interviewer and the interviewee, so you should always remember what impression you want to make on the audience, how you want to present your material and what result you are trying to get. Both the style of your clothes, and the manner of presentation, and gestures play a huge role in how you will be perceived by the audience. Therefore, the image is an important part of professional strategy.
Ключові слова
імідж, невербальна взаємодія, аудиторія, психологія сприйняття, створення образу, іmage, non – verbal influence, journalist, image creation, audience
Бібліографічний опис
Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманах