Серебряный век как социально- историческая эпоха и культурно-исторический тип
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Статья посвящена осмыслению Серебряного века в качестве особого
культурно-исторического типа с присущими ему принципами творческой
жизни, специфическим образом мышления и способом бытия личности.
Стаття присвячена осмисленню Срібного віку як особливого культурно- історичного типу з притаманними йому принципами творчого життя, специфічним образом мисленням і способом буттям особистості.
The article focuses on the spatio-temporal boundaries of Silver Age and the status of the culture formed in its space. The author considers Silver Age Culture shouldn’t be associated only with defined spatio-temporal coordinates and the socio-historical epoch of the last decade of 19th century and first two or three decades of the 20th century. The natural course of development of this culture, its historical life as a peculiar cultural unity was violently interrupted, but wasn’t stopped completely. Silver Age Culture breaks the socio-historical barriers, and the limits of the single, empirically given spatio-temporal continuum. Life of Silver Age Culture didn’t stop with the end of the sociohistorical epoch. The author concludes that Silver Age is a special culturalhistorical type, with its peculiar principles of creative life, specific way of thinking and being of personality. Being expressed in this typological modus, Silver Age Culture isn’t a local culture, strictly limited time frame of a certain historical epoch. We may find a distinct manifestation of this cultural-historical type much later and outside Russia and even outside European continent.
Стаття присвячена осмисленню Срібного віку як особливого культурно- історичного типу з притаманними йому принципами творчого життя, специфічним образом мисленням і способом буттям особистості.
The article focuses on the spatio-temporal boundaries of Silver Age and the status of the culture formed in its space. The author considers Silver Age Culture shouldn’t be associated only with defined spatio-temporal coordinates and the socio-historical epoch of the last decade of 19th century and first two or three decades of the 20th century. The natural course of development of this culture, its historical life as a peculiar cultural unity was violently interrupted, but wasn’t stopped completely. Silver Age Culture breaks the socio-historical barriers, and the limits of the single, empirically given spatio-temporal continuum. Life of Silver Age Culture didn’t stop with the end of the sociohistorical epoch. The author concludes that Silver Age is a special culturalhistorical type, with its peculiar principles of creative life, specific way of thinking and being of personality. Being expressed in this typological modus, Silver Age Culture isn’t a local culture, strictly limited time frame of a certain historical epoch. We may find a distinct manifestation of this cultural-historical type much later and outside Russia and even outside European continent.
Ключові слова
Серебряный век, границы культуры, культурно- исторический тип, жизнетворчество, единство вины и ответственности, Срібний вік, межі культури, культурно-історичний тип, життєтворчість, єдність провини і відповідальності, Silver Age, boundaries of the culture, cultural-historical type, lifecreation, the unity of guilt and responsibility
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