Тваринні моделі in vivo для скринінгу потенційних протизапальних та знеболювальних засобів (огляд літератури)
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Дослідження на тваринних моделях є ключовим етапом у розробці нових лікарських препаратів. Незважаючи на різноманітність моделей in vivo, правильний вибір моделі є важливим етапом доклінічного дослідження потенційних сполук. Було розглянуто поширені моделі скринінгу потенційних протизапальних та знеболювальних засобів, надано їх переваги та обмеження, що є важливим визначальним чинником при виборі найбільш придатної стратегії для подальших досліджень.
Introduction. Pain and inflammation are components of many diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, allergic diseases, infections and cancer. To identify existing anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents, a number of in vivo animal models have been developed to simulate various aspects of effect and pain, which may be useful for evaluating the efficacy and safety of new therapeutic agents. Aims. Systematic analysis and generalization of data on the use of in vivo animal models for screening of identified anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. Methods. To prepare this literature review, a systematic search was conducted in the databases of PubMed, Google Scholar and other scientific sources, using the keywords: «animal models», «screening», «anti-inflamatory», «analgesic», taking into account publications published 2013 to 2023 year. The main results. The analysis of the literature showed that the use of in vivo animal models for the screening of anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents is a direction of research. The review presents the most advanced models used to screen anti-inflammatory (carrageenan-induced paw wall, dextran-induced paw wall, formalin-induced paw wall, cotton ball-induced granuloma) and analgesic agents (hot plate method, hot tail immersion, electrostimulation of the tail). Data from such studies help establish the respective anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of various compounds and establish their mechanisms of action. Conclusions. The use of in vivo animal models is a tool for screening negative anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. These models do not allow conducting more objective and representative studies that help in the development of new medicines. These literature reviews serve as an important basis for further research in this direction.
Introduction. Pain and inflammation are components of many diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, allergic diseases, infections and cancer. To identify existing anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents, a number of in vivo animal models have been developed to simulate various aspects of effect and pain, which may be useful for evaluating the efficacy and safety of new therapeutic agents. Aims. Systematic analysis and generalization of data on the use of in vivo animal models for screening of identified anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. Methods. To prepare this literature review, a systematic search was conducted in the databases of PubMed, Google Scholar and other scientific sources, using the keywords: «animal models», «screening», «anti-inflamatory», «analgesic», taking into account publications published 2013 to 2023 year. The main results. The analysis of the literature showed that the use of in vivo animal models for the screening of anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents is a direction of research. The review presents the most advanced models used to screen anti-inflammatory (carrageenan-induced paw wall, dextran-induced paw wall, formalin-induced paw wall, cotton ball-induced granuloma) and analgesic agents (hot plate method, hot tail immersion, electrostimulation of the tail). Data from such studies help establish the respective anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of various compounds and establish their mechanisms of action. Conclusions. The use of in vivo animal models is a tool for screening negative anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. These models do not allow conducting more objective and representative studies that help in the development of new medicines. These literature reviews serve as an important basis for further research in this direction.
Ключові слова
анальгетична дія, протизапальна дія, моделі in vivo, analgesic action, anti-inflammatory action, in vivo models
Бібліографічний опис
Тваринні моделі in vivo для скринінгу потенційних протизапальних та знеболювальних засобів (огляд літератури) / Ю. О. Молодан, В. Б. Ларіонов, І. Ю. Борисюк, О. А. Макаренко // Вісник Одеського національного університету. Біологія. – 2023. – Т. 28, вип. 2(53). – С. 113–127.