Цитогенетичні ефекти УФ- опромінення в кореневій меристемі ячменю
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Метою представленої роботи було дослідженнягенотоксичного ефекту ультрафіолетового випромінювання на кореневу меристему ячменю. Внаслідок ультрафіолетового випромінювання мітотичний індекс в кореневій меристемі ячменю достовірно зменшувався прямопропорційно поглиненій дозі...
The study the genotoxic effect of ultraviolet irradiation was the aim of the presented work. The mitotic index in barley root meristem was significantly lowered at ultraviolet radiation. It was directly proportional to absorbed dose. Instead, changes in the phase indices were within the limits of random fluctuations. The proportion of aberrant cells increased directly proportional to the dose of irradiation, however, significant differences in the spectrum of mitotic disorders with an increase in the radiation dose not detected. Among the disorders of mitosis in the anaphase and telophase stages under ultraviolet irradiation, there was a tendency to increase the number of cells with fragments, bridges and combined disturbances with increasing radiation dose, as well as the manifestation of two more classes of disorders that were not observed in control: multipolar mitosis and asymmetric mitosis. The main type of cytogenetic aberrations due to ultraviolet radiation is damage to the kinetochore and chromosomal ruptures, cell cytoskeleton in the conditions of this experiment on the effects of ultraviolet radiation was damaged much less.
The study the genotoxic effect of ultraviolet irradiation was the aim of the presented work. The mitotic index in barley root meristem was significantly lowered at ultraviolet radiation. It was directly proportional to absorbed dose. Instead, changes in the phase indices were within the limits of random fluctuations. The proportion of aberrant cells increased directly proportional to the dose of irradiation, however, significant differences in the spectrum of mitotic disorders with an increase in the radiation dose not detected. Among the disorders of mitosis in the anaphase and telophase stages under ultraviolet irradiation, there was a tendency to increase the number of cells with fragments, bridges and combined disturbances with increasing radiation dose, as well as the manifestation of two more classes of disorders that were not observed in control: multipolar mitosis and asymmetric mitosis. The main type of cytogenetic aberrations due to ultraviolet radiation is damage to the kinetochore and chromosomal ruptures, cell cytoskeleton in the conditions of this experiment on the effects of ultraviolet radiation was damaged much less.
Ключові слова
6.040102 біологія, ультрафіолетове опромінення, мітотичний індекс, анафазний тест, ultraviolet irradiation, barley, mitotic index
Бібліографічний опис
Бермас, О. О. Цитогенетичні ефекти УФ- опромінення в кореневій меристемі ячменю = Cytogenetic effects of UV radiation in the root meristem of barley : Дипломна робота бакалавра / О. О. Бермас; наук. кер. О. Л. Січняк; ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова, Біол. ф-т, Каф. генетики та молекулярної біології. – Одеса, 2018. – 43 с.