Психологический и нейропсихологический факторы индивидуализации образования дошкольников в программе «Коучинг Детства»
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В русле здоровьесберегающего подхода к образованию отмечен травмирующий эффект
обучающих технологий. Проблема сохранения здоровья (физического и психического),
поставленная перед нейропсихологией детского возраста, дополняется задачей коррекции уже сформированных искажений или особенностей развития.
Реализация интегрального процесса обучение-развитие наталкивается на нейропсихологические и личностные особенности детей, препятствующие образовательному процессу или искажающие его. Поэтому на практике все чаще возникает потребность в третьей составляющей – коррекции развития в процессе обучения, делающй образовательный процесс здоровьесберегающим и максимально эффективным. Образовательная триада развитие-коррекция-обучение была реализована нами в программе «Коучинг детства» в рамках подготовки детей к школе. Коррекция обучения совершалась путем усиления его доступности (экологический аспект) через индивидуализацию процесса с опорой на нейропсихологический профиль ребенка.
Коррекция развития была реализована в создании образовательного круга общения
дошкольника и фасилитирующей обратной связи психолога.
In the context of health-preservation approach to education a traumatic effect of educational technologies has been noted. The problem of preservation of health (both physical and mental) that was placed in front of the childhood neuropsychology is accompanied by an objective to correct the already formed deformations or peculiarities of development. The implementation of an integral learning-development process encounters the neuropsychological and personality characteristics of children that complicate the educational process. Therefore, in practice, a need in the third component emerges increasingly. That is the need in development correction during the learning process that makes the educational process health-preservative and at most efficient. Educational triad: development-correction-learning was implemented by us in the program “Childhood Coaching” as part of preparation for school program. Correction of learning was accomplished by increasing its accessibility (ecological dimension) through the individualization process based on neuropsychological profile of the child. Correction of development was realized by forming the educational communication network of preschooler and a facilitating psychologist’s feedback.
In the context of health-preservation approach to education a traumatic effect of educational technologies has been noted. The problem of preservation of health (both physical and mental) that was placed in front of the childhood neuropsychology is accompanied by an objective to correct the already formed deformations or peculiarities of development. The implementation of an integral learning-development process encounters the neuropsychological and personality characteristics of children that complicate the educational process. Therefore, in practice, a need in the third component emerges increasingly. That is the need in development correction during the learning process that makes the educational process health-preservative and at most efficient. Educational triad: development-correction-learning was implemented by us in the program “Childhood Coaching” as part of preparation for school program. Correction of learning was accomplished by increasing its accessibility (ecological dimension) through the individualization process based on neuropsychological profile of the child. Correction of development was realized by forming the educational communication network of preschooler and a facilitating psychologist’s feedback.
Ключові слова
коррекция развития, здоровьесберегающее обучение, нейропсихологический подход, комплексное психологическое сопровождение дошкольного детства, образовательная триада развитие-коррекция-обучение, correction of development, health-preservation learning, neuropsychological approach, complex psychological support of the preschoolers, educational triad developmentcorrection- learning
Бібліографічний опис
Электронный журнал «Психологическая наука и образование»