Передумови та чинники розвитку морської портової галузі України
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті пропонується групування передумов та чинників розвитку
морської портової галузі. Висвітлено історико-геополітичні, економічні та
законодавчі передумови її формування. Вивчено світовий досвід організації
ефективної роботи портів. Ідентифіковано базис та джерела потенціалу розвитку
морських портів України. Визначено склад інфраструктурних, управлінських,
маркетингових та сервісних факторів розвитку портів.
В статье предлагается группирование предпосылок и факторов развития морской портовой отрасли. Освещены историко-геополитические, экономические и законодательные предпосылки ее формирования. Изучен мировой опыт организации эффективной работы портов. Идентифицированы базис и источники потенциала развития морских портов Украины. Определен состав инфраструктурных, управленческих, маркетинговых и сервисных факторов развития портов.
The search for ways to develop seaports takes place in many aspects of macro politics and micro-economics. Administration in ports is realized through state plans, forecasts, tasks stemming from Ukraine’s obligations as a naval state and the consequences of reforming other sectors of the economy that affect the functioning of ports. In this context, the seaport is seen as an element of transport infrastructure. Its reform requires technological upgrading of port facilities in order to match international innovation competitiveness, and the introduction of attractive tariff policies to match price competitiveness. The article proposes a grouping of prerequisites and factors for the development of the maritime industry. The historical-geopolitical, economic and legislative preconditions of its formation are covered. The world experience in organization of effcient operation of ports is studied. The basis and sources of potential of development of seaports of Ukraine are identifed. The composition of infrastructure, managerial, marketing and service factors of ports development is determined. Proceeding from the above, the following grouping of factors of development of sea ports is offered: Group 1. Infrastructure factors: port infrastructure renewal; coastal infrastructure of marine stations ecological and physical security; convenience of reaching the port of departure of a cruise ship. Group 2. Management factors: the effectiveness of management mechanisms; level of automation and effective communication technologies; coordination of various types of transport; effciency of port services. Group 3. Marketing factors: Tariff policy (size of tariffs, number of port charges, flexibility of price policy); competition in the ports. Group 4. Service factors: attractiveness of logistic conditions; development of international tourism; development of sea leisure; development of merchant shipping, shipbuilding, ship repair, instrument making in the port; Simplifcation of procedures for processing an entry into a port.
В статье предлагается группирование предпосылок и факторов развития морской портовой отрасли. Освещены историко-геополитические, экономические и законодательные предпосылки ее формирования. Изучен мировой опыт организации эффективной работы портов. Идентифицированы базис и источники потенциала развития морских портов Украины. Определен состав инфраструктурных, управленческих, маркетинговых и сервисных факторов развития портов.
The search for ways to develop seaports takes place in many aspects of macro politics and micro-economics. Administration in ports is realized through state plans, forecasts, tasks stemming from Ukraine’s obligations as a naval state and the consequences of reforming other sectors of the economy that affect the functioning of ports. In this context, the seaport is seen as an element of transport infrastructure. Its reform requires technological upgrading of port facilities in order to match international innovation competitiveness, and the introduction of attractive tariff policies to match price competitiveness. The article proposes a grouping of prerequisites and factors for the development of the maritime industry. The historical-geopolitical, economic and legislative preconditions of its formation are covered. The world experience in organization of effcient operation of ports is studied. The basis and sources of potential of development of seaports of Ukraine are identifed. The composition of infrastructure, managerial, marketing and service factors of ports development is determined. Proceeding from the above, the following grouping of factors of development of sea ports is offered: Group 1. Infrastructure factors: port infrastructure renewal; coastal infrastructure of marine stations ecological and physical security; convenience of reaching the port of departure of a cruise ship. Group 2. Management factors: the effectiveness of management mechanisms; level of automation and effective communication technologies; coordination of various types of transport; effciency of port services. Group 3. Marketing factors: Tariff policy (size of tariffs, number of port charges, flexibility of price policy); competition in the ports. Group 4. Service factors: attractiveness of logistic conditions; development of international tourism; development of sea leisure; development of merchant shipping, shipbuilding, ship repair, instrument making in the port; Simplifcation of procedures for processing an entry into a port.
Ключові слова
розвиток, морський порт, інфраструктура, управління, маркетинг, сервіс, развитие, морской порт, инфраструктура, управление, маркетинг, сервис, development, seaport, infrastructure, management, marketing, service
Бібліографічний опис
Ринкова економіка: сучасна теорія і практика управління = Market economy: modern management theory and practice