Окремі проблемні аспекти захисту учасників кримінального провадження в сучасних умовах
Миколенко, Олена Миколаївна
Mykolenko, Olena M.
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
У статті визначені і охарактеризовані окремі проблемні аспекти захисту учасників
кримінального провадження, які обумовлені введенням воєнного стану в Україні. Встановлено, що із запровадженням в Україні воєнного стану практика з реалізації норм
кримінального процесуального законодавства отримала багато нових проблем та викликів,
які потребують нормативного врегулювання чи розв’язання судовою практикою. Однією
з таких невирішених проблем є обмеження конституційних прав і свобод та законних
інтересів осіб в контексті захисту учасників кримінального провадження під час воєнного
стану. Обґрунтовано думку, що зміни, які стосуються особливостей кримінального провадження в умовах воєнного стану, слід оформлювати окремим спеціальним законом,
який вступатиме в силу виключно в надзвичайних умовах чи в умовах воєнного стану.
Визначені чинники, які впливають на те, що норми кримінального процесуального права, які були ефективними в мирний час, стали малоефективними в умовах воєнного стану: 1) наявність реальної загрози здоров’ю і життю суб’єктів кримінального провадження (слідчим, суддям, прокурорам, дізнавачам); 2) наявність реальної загрози здоров’ю і
життю учасникам кримінального провадження; 3) безладдя у суспільстві, яке виникає
в надзвичайних умовах, окремі учасники кримінального провадження використовують
для затягування кримінального процесу чи для уникнення від правосуддя; 4) відсутність
критеріїв оцінки в умовах воєнного стану порушень учасниками кримінального провадження своїх процесуальних обов’язків; 5) використання традиційних форм судового засідання, які в умовах воєнного стану та умовах науково-технічного прогресу, вже
не відповідають потребам сучасного цивілізованого суспільства; 6) не в повній мірі
використовується на практиці потенціал передбачених кримінальним процесуальним законодавством форм захисту прав особи в кримінальному провадженні.
The article identifies and characterizes certain problematic aspects of the protection of participants in criminal proceedings, which are caused by the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. It was established that with the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the practice of implementing the norms of criminal procedural legislation received many new problems and challenges that require regulatory regulation or solution by judicial practice. One of such unresolved problems is the restriction of constitutional rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals in the context of the protection of participants in criminal proceedings during martial law. Attention is drawn to the fact that the provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine do not provide for any special forms of criminal justice in the languages of martial law, and therefore the subjects of criminal proceedings (investigators, judges and courts) face a difficult task - to ensure the implementation of criminal justice in extraordinary conditions, but according to the rules peace time It has been proven that participants in criminal proceedings can actively move around the territory of the country and beyond its borders in order to minimize threats to their health and life, which complicates both the realization of the procedural rights of the participants in criminal proceedings and their fulfillment of their procedural duties. The opinion is substantiated that changes related to the specifics of criminal proceedings under martial law should be formalized by a separate special law, which will come into force only in emergency conditions or under martial law. The factors that influence the fact that the norms of criminal procedural law, which were effective in peacetime, became ineffective in the conditions of martial law are identified: 1) the presence of a real threat to the health and life of the subjects of criminal proceedings (investigators, judges, prosecutors); 2) the existence of a real threat to the health and life of participants in criminal proceedings; 3) disorder in society, which occurs in extraordinary conditions, is used by individual participants in criminal proceedings to delay criminal proceedings or to avoid criminal justice; 4) lack of evaluation criteria in the conditions of martial law of violations by participants in criminal proceedings of their procedural duties; 5) the use of traditional forms of court proceedings, which in the conditions of martial law and conditions of scientific and technical progress, no longer meet the needs of modern civilized society; 6) the potential of the forms of protection of individual rights in criminal proceedings provided for by criminal procedural legislation is not fully used in practice.
The results of expert research in the field of forensic anthropology and forensic archeology help solve many important tasks: identify bone remains, determine the antiquity of a crime and can help historians and archaeologists find answers about the way of life, habits and level of civilization of a particular era. In some cases, even a historical investigation is possible, in which special knowledge of forensic anthropology and archeology can also come in handy. The study of skeletons and corpses, mummified remains of ancient people, cooperation with criminologists and historians helps not only to recognize certain individuals in the presence of materials for comparative research, but also to verify or refute more global versions of certain facts of the life of the entire historical society. The active development of forensic archeology and anthropology abroad provides a worthy example for domestic science and practice to borrow the positive experience of European and American colleagues. We see the use of the results of forensic archeology and forensic anthropology as part of a complex forensic investigation within the framework of the investigation of many offenses, in particular, illegal search operations at an archaeological heritage site, destruction, destruction or damage to cultural heritage sites. General scientific methods of research are empirical (experiment, observation, description) and theoretical (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification, etc.), as well as systemic, functional, specifically sociological. The purpose of the article is to develop and analyze the theoretical foundations of conducting a complex forensic-medical and forensic-archaeological/forensic-anthropological examination during the investigation of illegal search operations at an archaeological heritage site, destruction, destruction or damage of cultural heritage sites and other offenses. First of all, when investigating the illegal conduct of search works at an archaeological heritage site, it is necessary to use the achievements of many sciences, to come to a systematic perception of the research object, to look for new interdisciplinary approaches. Secondly, when studying skeletonized remains and corpses, it is necessary to combine knowledge from forensic medicine, history, archeology and anthropology. It is necessary to develop a plan for the investigation of crimes taking into account the appointment of such types of examinations, to calculate certain deadlines and the complexity of investigations of this kind. Thirdly, to develop and test the methodology of conducting comprehensive forensic-medical and forensicarchaeological/ forensic-anthropological examinations taking into account the achievements of these fields of knowledge and modern domestic technical and personnel capabilities. Fourth, to study the experience of foreign colleagues, in particular, American research centers and criminal proceedings, to improve the qualifications of certain specialists directly on international practice bases.
The article identifies and characterizes certain problematic aspects of the protection of participants in criminal proceedings, which are caused by the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. It was established that with the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the practice of implementing the norms of criminal procedural legislation received many new problems and challenges that require regulatory regulation or solution by judicial practice. One of such unresolved problems is the restriction of constitutional rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals in the context of the protection of participants in criminal proceedings during martial law. Attention is drawn to the fact that the provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine do not provide for any special forms of criminal justice in the languages of martial law, and therefore the subjects of criminal proceedings (investigators, judges and courts) face a difficult task - to ensure the implementation of criminal justice in extraordinary conditions, but according to the rules peace time It has been proven that participants in criminal proceedings can actively move around the territory of the country and beyond its borders in order to minimize threats to their health and life, which complicates both the realization of the procedural rights of the participants in criminal proceedings and their fulfillment of their procedural duties. The opinion is substantiated that changes related to the specifics of criminal proceedings under martial law should be formalized by a separate special law, which will come into force only in emergency conditions or under martial law. The factors that influence the fact that the norms of criminal procedural law, which were effective in peacetime, became ineffective in the conditions of martial law are identified: 1) the presence of a real threat to the health and life of the subjects of criminal proceedings (investigators, judges, prosecutors); 2) the existence of a real threat to the health and life of participants in criminal proceedings; 3) disorder in society, which occurs in extraordinary conditions, is used by individual participants in criminal proceedings to delay criminal proceedings or to avoid criminal justice; 4) lack of evaluation criteria in the conditions of martial law of violations by participants in criminal proceedings of their procedural duties; 5) the use of traditional forms of court proceedings, which in the conditions of martial law and conditions of scientific and technical progress, no longer meet the needs of modern civilized society; 6) the potential of the forms of protection of individual rights in criminal proceedings provided for by criminal procedural legislation is not fully used in practice.
The results of expert research in the field of forensic anthropology and forensic archeology help solve many important tasks: identify bone remains, determine the antiquity of a crime and can help historians and archaeologists find answers about the way of life, habits and level of civilization of a particular era. In some cases, even a historical investigation is possible, in which special knowledge of forensic anthropology and archeology can also come in handy. The study of skeletons and corpses, mummified remains of ancient people, cooperation with criminologists and historians helps not only to recognize certain individuals in the presence of materials for comparative research, but also to verify or refute more global versions of certain facts of the life of the entire historical society. The active development of forensic archeology and anthropology abroad provides a worthy example for domestic science and practice to borrow the positive experience of European and American colleagues. We see the use of the results of forensic archeology and forensic anthropology as part of a complex forensic investigation within the framework of the investigation of many offenses, in particular, illegal search operations at an archaeological heritage site, destruction, destruction or damage to cultural heritage sites. General scientific methods of research are empirical (experiment, observation, description) and theoretical (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification, etc.), as well as systemic, functional, specifically sociological. The purpose of the article is to develop and analyze the theoretical foundations of conducting a complex forensic-medical and forensic-archaeological/forensic-anthropological examination during the investigation of illegal search operations at an archaeological heritage site, destruction, destruction or damage of cultural heritage sites and other offenses. First of all, when investigating the illegal conduct of search works at an archaeological heritage site, it is necessary to use the achievements of many sciences, to come to a systematic perception of the research object, to look for new interdisciplinary approaches. Secondly, when studying skeletonized remains and corpses, it is necessary to combine knowledge from forensic medicine, history, archeology and anthropology. It is necessary to develop a plan for the investigation of crimes taking into account the appointment of such types of examinations, to calculate certain deadlines and the complexity of investigations of this kind. Thirdly, to develop and test the methodology of conducting comprehensive forensic-medical and forensicarchaeological/ forensic-anthropological examinations taking into account the achievements of these fields of knowledge and modern domestic technical and personnel capabilities. Fourth, to study the experience of foreign colleagues, in particular, American research centers and criminal proceedings, to improve the qualifications of certain specialists directly on international practice bases.
Ключові слова
захист учасників кримінального провадження, кримінальне провадження в умовах воєнного стану, ефективність кримінальних процесуальних норм, форми захисту прав особи в кримінальному провадженні, електронний суд, використання засобів електронних інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій в кримінальному судочинстві, protection of participants in criminal proceedings, criminal proceedings under martial law, effectiveness of criminal procedural norms, forms of protection of individual rights in criminal proceedings, electronic court, use of electronic information and communication technologies in criminal proceedings
Бібліографічний опис
Правова держава = Сonstitutional State