Еволюція принципу пацифізму у зовнішній політиці Японії
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статті розглянуто еволюцію принципу пацифізму у Японії в період 1947 – 2017 років, та зв’язок цього процесу з постійною зміною міжнародної кон’юнктури.
Foreign Policy of Japan Pacifism principle was proclaimed in Japanese constitution; hence it lies in the basis of law, society and politics. It has overcome a great row of changes throughout 50 years of its existence. The main reason of this is development of Japanese international role from a weak dependent country, to one of the most powerful states in the world. Because of constant rising confrontation between the USA and the USSR, post-war Japan couldn’t be left aside. During the Cold war Japanese military power was renewed along with development of Japanese- American cooperation in security. But still, at this period Japan was totally dependent on American forces and actually unable to defend itself.
Foreign Policy of Japan Pacifism principle was proclaimed in Japanese constitution; hence it lies in the basis of law, society and politics. It has overcome a great row of changes throughout 50 years of its existence. The main reason of this is development of Japanese international role from a weak dependent country, to one of the most powerful states in the world. Because of constant rising confrontation between the USA and the USSR, post-war Japan couldn’t be left aside. During the Cold war Japanese military power was renewed along with development of Japanese- American cooperation in security. But still, at this period Japan was totally dependent on American forces and actually unable to defend itself.
Ключові слова
Японія, Сили самооборони, пацифізм, конституція, АТР, pacifism, Japan, constitution, Pacific Rim, Self-Defense Forces
Бібліографічний опис
Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманах.